I'm a consumer, DAMNIT!!!


Well-Known Member
and i can't find anything to buy. i feel i need to make un-needed purchases to bring joy to myself. i have some money but i can't find anything to buy. i have all i really need or want. it's not a lot but i'm happy. i should feel good about this. most of the time i do. but there is this itch/urge to spend money. i know it feels good to "be able" to spend money, but maybe that's all it is. so i sit here shopping. shooting down all my own wants. do i really even want that? no not really. there has got to be something. but then why? why does there have to always be something wanted or needed. like i said i don't really have a lot. i could probably travel but i'm more a home-body. i enjoy the security and safety of my house. i have been in way to many "kidnapped" scenarios to ever again get more than 50 miles from home and feel safe. i could buy a bad-ass car. i'm looking but how much do i REALLY need to spend. do i really need a "show car"? no. i could get one but then i would feel like i had something to prove. i just can't see myself "pimping around in my ride". maybe a drive thru the mountains. or a dash across town.

oh, the all-mighty dollar. what shall i do? :confused:



Well-Known Member
You could buy something for me :mrgreen:

I don't have any money, you could buy something for me and say it was for you *nods*

and i can't find anything to buy. i feel i need to make un-needed purchases to bring joy to myself. i have some money but i can't find anything to buy. i have all i really need or want. it's not a lot but i'm happy. i should feel good about this. most of the time i do. but there is this itch/urge to spend money. i know it feels good to "be able" to spend money, but maybe that's all it is. so i sit here shopping. shooting down all my own wants. do i really even want that? no not really. there has got to be something. but then why? why does there have to always be something wanted or needed. like i said i don't really have a lot. i could probably travel but i'm more a home-body. i enjoy the security and safety of my house. i have been in way to many "kidnapped" scenarios to ever again get more than 50 miles from home and feel safe. i could buy a bad-ass car. i'm looking but how much do i REALLY need to spend. do i really need a "show car"? no. i could get one but then i would feel like i had something to prove. i just can't see myself "pimping around in my ride". maybe a drive thru the mountains. or a dash across town.

oh, the all-mighty dollar. what shall i do? :confused:



Well-Known Member
Who actually buys Land on the Moon?
The short answer is: EVERYONE. While the list of clients is confidential, we can reveal that approximately 250 very well known celebrities as well as two former US presidents are now extraterrestrial property owners. This includes approximately 15 main actors from the original Star Trek series, as well as the Next Generation and Voyager series.

Haha crazy startekiaens, buying land on the moon... the must have been high...


Well-Known Member
New things bring light to life. But atleast get something you will use sometimes not like something you buy and it just sits there. I don't believe anyone can have enough cars, you should buy one. Show cars are for pussys but, they never even drive them on the road ever. I would stick to soil if i were you:)


Well-Known Member
money means nothing. my bills are paid. so what. now what? no need to get up in the morning. no job to rush to. no rat race. all my friends are in the grind. they seem miserable. mortgages, car payments, boob jobs,.......why? none of them really NEED what the owe on. they think they do though.

i went and bought a new cd player today. i just need something to play my learning cd's on for guitar practice. there was a time when i would have bought a big badass one just because i thought it was the best, the nicest, the "coolest". i spent $29 today.

i think we are caught in this consumer frenzy. we are led to believe if we have all these things we will be happy. so people kill their spirits to work 50 weeks out of the year so they can have 2 weeks of actual living a year.

it's all garbage. the new model comes out next week.


Well-Known Member
We're brain-washed from the time we are born into becoming consumers. In our society money=happiness. Or more correctly spending money=happiness. We're always thinking about what we need next, what we're going to buy next, when in reality we don't need 90% of the shit we buy. We're all brain-washed, we can't be happy w/o these objects that we think we need.


Well-Known Member
I know what you're saying, but... we do in a sence need what we have, even though people athousand years ago had almost none of the things we have... do we really need running water? and lighbulbs? no... but we fuckin need it man!
you should be happy that you're financialy secure, alot of people would like to even own there own house, millions of people dont, and you got a family, and a killer garden, why say somthingh. and ... I fogot ehere I was going with this.. so I'll stop.

Micheal Kelso

Well-Known Member
Invest - invest in something that will bring you more money for the future. If anything it could be something to pass onto your children if you never sell.

If you really want to be a consumer then things you could waste money on -
Could be:
A small business
Stocks - bonds - CDs
Entertainment management

or just save it all up... being consumer isn't the answer, you will just be making other people rich.... you are really looking for personal enlightenment.

Find something that makes you happy and occupied - money is the root of all evil, not a means of happiness. Really search yourself to find out what makes you happy and fulfilled. Make your money work for you so you don't have to work for it later in life and/or pass on debt to your offspring.

Put it to work into something you won't have to worry about...

You really should reconsider travel too - take a trip to Amsterdam, I bet you wouldn't feel that trapped feeling there :P


Well-Known Member
Invest - invest in something that will bring you more money for the future. If anything it could be something to pass onto your children if you never sell.

If you really want to be a consumer then things you could waste money on -
Could be:
A small business
Stocks - bonds - CDs
Entertainment management

or just save it all up... being consumer isn't the answer, you will just be making other people rich.... you are really looking for personal enlightenment.

Find something that makes you happy and occupied - money is the root of all evil, not a means of happiness. Really search yourself to find out what makes you happy and fulfilled. Make your money work for you so you don't have to work for it later in life and/or pass on debt to your offspring.

Put it to work into something you won't have to worry about...

You really should reconsider travel too - take a trip to Amsterdam, I bet you wouldn't feel that trapped feeling there :P

i AM amsterdam.:mrgreen:

i have recently come to realize that happiness is within myself. regardless of what i own. i've always known this, i think it just got lost for awhile. it was fun while it lasted. there is some really cool shit out there. but it all just turns to trash in the end. dig another landfill.

what will happen to ALL of the lead tainted products recalled? no ones mentioned that. in fact it's old news now yet everyday more and more products are put on the list. did Jr. really need that lead coated toy cell phone? he is only 2.:-|


Well-Known Member
consumers. all of you. i think you missed the point.:-|

Spending money is too much fun not to dream about, especially when you are high. I mean, if you haven't watched Brewster's Millions in a while, check it out...freaking hilarious.

I think a person who comes into some money or finally works hard enough to catch up with their debt is the good side of Capitalism. The bad side is Power and status. Money is great, fucking asshole rich people suck. You can't be Rich without money, but you can have money without being "Rich".
Oh, and I charge for my little quips, so make the check out to Uncle Sunny...