Im Back!


Well-Known Member
Well I been gone awhile and the site has changed so much idk whats going on here but none the less im back and im apparently "well known" Im rene some know me as grizz and im about to go smoke with some hemp wick i just made with my homemade beeswax from some honeycomb i harvested yesterday. Whats new anyone from back in the day still around or anyone new down to chat
welcome back! yes we have changed our format old one was breaking lots! youll figure it out quickly though pretty user friendly
Whats this business with trophies? Some of the stuff seems odd and unnecessary but haven't browsed enough i guess. Since you are here do you have any experience with b-line i found a good link yo here from google but now i cant find the thread through the site :(
Well hello amber i was pleased to see you here :) well where to start last few years have been a hell of a ride my son is about to turn 2 and just had a lil girl in may and oh man let me tell you thats been a fun experience! Im the small amount of time ive had ive started making herbal hygiene products targeted for their medicinal uses. They are popular among barter fairs. Ive learned alot and this fall with be going to school for greenhouse nursery if its open if not im going for an associate in biology for biological sciences. How about you hows life?
Is there a section besides toke and talk to talk about other herbs and the medicinal properties? Forgive me for not browsing myself im still using a phone and never know when my lil girl will wake so any helps appreciated
Yeah life got crazy but it seems to be back to my kinda crazy how are you? Got anything going on here i can take a peek at?
Im doing good. Same thing as you things get crazy just trying to manage it. I got a thread going on but I havent updated it in a couple weeks. Start of summer got the heat in my room high so im planning on flowering everything and starting over.
Is there a section besides toke and talk to talk about other herbs and the medicinal properties? Forgive me for not browsing myself im still using a phone and never know when my lil girl will wake so any helps appreciated
Of course, we have a gardening forum and others that those categories fit right under
Im doing good. Same thing as you things get crazy just trying to manage it. I got a thread going on but I havent updated it in a couple weeks. Start of summer got the heat in my room high so im planning on flowering everything and starting over.
Its always hard keepinf the heat down and i still might pop over and take a look when i get a chance :) also thank you i did see the gardening but im gonna look around i know there are people here that can help me discover new remedies shall we say
Thats a very nice post to Rene, Foothills, but fyI< Rene is a very beautiful WOMAN, not a bro. Please don't be assuming in thinking everyone that goes on Marijuana sites is a freaking man. Its ignorant.
Thats a very nice post to Rene, Foothills, but fyI< Rene is a very beautiful WOMAN, not a bro. Please don't be assuming in thinking everyone that goes on Marijuana sites is a freaking man. Its ignorant.
OOPPS my bad. :oops: My apologies, Rene. It might have been the former grizz thing that had me assuming that everyone that goes on a Marijuana site is a freaking man. You are absolutely right, Doc. ;-) It's Ignorant !! :peace:
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lol well i dont even see the other post from you foothills and no worries rene is also a guys name after all :) amber thank you for your kind words today i made a new soap its made with my homemade beeswax its a tarragon, sage, cucumber melon.
Good to have you here again, rene. Sounds like you're into some very interesting things and have a good future planned for yourself. Good for you, sis !! J / K :o Enjoy yourself and I hope to see you around the board some more. :leaf:
Good to have you here again, rene. Sounds like you're into some very interesting things and have a good future planned for yourself. Good for you, sis !! J / K :o Enjoy yourself and I hope to see you around the board some more. :leaf:

Thank you, I just stared a thread on the benefits of herbs and oils other than the cannabis variety. Its in the toke n talk if ya fell like trying to spot it if not I will attempt to drop a link to it for anyone who would like to stop by. Also my boyfriend and I are interested in distillation of oils and wondering how beneficial it would be to extract a marijuana essential oil and if the process is difficult or not, any thoughts here?

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Hi Rene, I was living in AZ for the past 2 years. Im moving back to WA , on the road right now. lol
Im hoping to get a very high CBD strain in a couple months . Not sure if your familiar with the strain, Charlottess wEbb... its the popular med taken for children with siezures. It needs to be extracted into an oil. Once I grow this out I will need someone to extract it for me. lets keep in touch ,maybe we could do this project together. If everything goes accordingly I prob wont have it harvested until next spring? Hopefully by then you will have mastered your oil process. Good luck.
I have tried Blue Bird Botanicals Hemp Oil..sopposed to be high in CBD. small 8 oz bottle cost me 80 bucks and didn't do shit. It was completely hemp oil.. There needs to be the terepens that only a mj plant has for the CBD to be activated properly to work as an anti-seizure medication in oil form. Take CAre, I will catch up with you later. x Ambz
Hi Rene, I was living in AZ for the past 2 years. Im moving back to WA , on the road right now. lol
Im hoping to get a very high CBD strain in a couple months . Not sure if your familiar with the strain, Charlottess wEbb... its the popular med taken for children with siezures. It needs to be extracted into an oil. Once I grow this out I will need someone to extract it for me. lets keep in touch ,maybe we could do this project together. If everything goes accordingly I prob wont have it harvested until next spring? Hopefully by then you will have mastered your oil process. Good luck.
I have tried Blue Bird Botanicals Hemp Oil..sopposed to be high in CBD. small 8 oz bottle cost me 80 bucks and didn't do shit. It was completely hemp oil.. There needs to be the terepens that only a mj plant has for the CBD to be activated properly to work as an anti-seizure medication in oil form. Take CAre, I will catch up with you later. x Ambz
Wow sounds rather exciting! As far as oils go im just starting to get into them but my bf is a year in to being a chemist :) where at in wa will you be staying id love to keep this project in mind id rather enjoy it actually as my goal is herbal medicine have a safe trip
I imagine your talking about just making really good oil out of a high cbd strain. To the best of my knowledge a butane blast into water is the best way, and it is highly dependent on the quality of trim you start with. I am currently trying to find time to study this and other processes more, I wonder if other oils similar in solubility build up more in worse trim, and how much "purging" matters. Experimentation would help.

If by chance you were wanting to separate the cbd from the thc and other "turpines" (admittedly, this another word I need to get around to defining) i wouldn't know much on the subject yet. Browsing around this forum I ran into a thread where the subject was mentioned. Someone who seemed to know what they were talking about responded:
To get pure CBD or THC you would need to do an extraction and then use chromatography to separate the extracts.
I have also not encountered much about this "chromatography" process.

I knew rene was using this forum for a while, but i had no idea there was so much knowledge here, if I find he time I would love to do some more reading on these and may other subjects