i love when you modify shit and then misspell in it i love you!!
WHAT would cause somebody to call dalia an attention whore?
what gives... seriously.... what ABOUT YOU... what aspect.. what quailty.... what part of you feels the need to react to s DANK in such a manner...
I am very curious.. WHAT is the source of your reaction?
If you said, "damn, that bitch is fine", i could totally relate..... I see clearly inside of ME... what part of me THINKS she is fine... and I see why it reacts that way...
and I can see why other people want to see her titties.... or take her on a date.... or tell her she has beautiful skin...
BUT what inside of you cause you to react to her with words like "whore" and "attention whore" - what part of you is being activated and reacting to her this way...?
and how did you get that reaction?
i am very curious
You can see her as you want, im not gonna argue, but if she keeps making threads where the main focus is all the guys hitting on her and she just posts more pics of herself... then i just keep shaking my head.
This site is about the mary jane, this thread is in toke n talk so you can post what you want, but over the past weeks (when she was here) all it seemed like she was trying to do here is get attention. Im no hater but its a little annoying when people show themselves off in thar way, its like being a chearleader wearing a short skirt and then waiting for the guys reaction to start drooling all over her.
No need to flame me, thats just my thoughts and if you think differently then thats fine to.
there are a lot of horny bastards out there...I'm one...but if it bothers you don't read any dankdalia post...simple as that...You can see her as you want, im not gonna argue, but if she keeps making threads where the main focus is all the guys hitting on her and she just posts more pics of herself... then i just keep shaking my head.
This site is about the mary jane, this thread is in toke n talk so you can post what you want, but over the past weeks (when she was here) all it seemed like she was trying to do here is get attention. Im no hater but its a little annoying when people show themselves off in thar way, its like being a chearleader wearing a short skirt and then waiting for the guys reaction to start drooling all over her.
No need to flame me, thats just my thoughts and if you think differently then thats fine to.
well i think if a gurl is showing her assets, it is natural to want to see more. when all she does is flaunt herself but never gives you what you really want, it makes a man frustrated, specially if they are not having a great sex life.
take me for example, im married for 4 years, im desperatly in need of some strange but every opportunity that arrises I have to weigh what it could do to my family and kids.
so then I can understand the frustration that could arrise from seeing dalia flaunt herself but then deny us her creamy tan skin & her sultry young breasts, this is a tough thing for those who have been caught in a monogomous trap or are just not good with the ladies to begin with
for a man like GK who seems to have his fill it is understandable that when he sees a frozen steak he likes it cuz hes eating prime rib all the time, and he can just appriciate all steak even if it is still frozen, but for others when they see a frozen steak they wanna eat it so bad cuz they never get steak or they have been eating the same type steak for too long,
so then dalia comes here nice gurl as she is and shows us her beautiful steak, and we know we cant eat it, and there no steak in the fridge either
but couldnt she atleast cut into it a little so we can see a little of the juice run out and maybe pour some sauce all over it?
i mean u show me a frozen steak, theres no pleasure in that I wanna see it sizzleand additionaly I would like to spread some sauce on it
in closing, im gonna go home and f the shit outa me wife.......again
whom i would like to add is a beautiful woman who is outa my league anyway but Im not sure who invented this monagamy shit but that guy was a real asshole.
its like paris hilton, you see her in tv every now and then craving some attention and most of the time you let her get away with it, but eventually her fans saying, who cares shes hot, doesnt seem reason enough anymore to keep shut up about her and a little remark slips out.
The world then continues to turn and paris continues to make new tv shows about herself