I'm backkkkuhhhh

i guess it's whatevs...i think i'm in love with gk....just a little. and mastakoosh...hahahaha <3!! also panda bear...you're just plain fucking great.
johnny bravo...i frikkin love that guy, and that cartoon.
buzzkill...much love.
poseidonsnet..you're awesome!!! hahaha and really funny like whoa.

but other than that....i'm not being an attention whore and i know that, but i'm guessing that some people are just taking my photos in the wrong way.

ok listen i love riu and the people on it, and i do agree with me posting pics of me alot, but these new pics were from a photo shoot and i just wanted to share them, but i guess that makes me an attention whore for some reason. i would post up pics of my extremely scorching hot boyfriend, but i just don't. or of my fine ladies....but i just don't.
i would rather for you guys to know exactly who you are talking to here, even though i have the same interests as a really nerdy boy.

oh and i hate my nose!!! for reals. it's horrible.
no the reason why i started the thread was because i haven't been on riu for a min.

didn't you read the subject????!?!
um well i have gotten some private messages asking me where i've been....so uhhhhhh....maybe this thread wasn't even for you!!!! actually it really wasn't...

i'm sorry who are you again???
ok listen i love riu and the people on it, and i do agree with me posting pics of me alot, but these new pics were from a photo shoot and i just wanted to share them, but i guess that makes me an attention whore for some reason.

no the reason why i started the thread was because i haven't been on riu for a min.
So which one was it, because you've been away or because you wanted to share pics?
wow....are you high?!?!?!

because i am.
and also me including the photoshoot pics in my thread doesn't make my thread all about the pics. it just so happened i went on a photoshoot and then i got on riu like 5 yrs later.

ok anyways i don't have to explain myself to you...drama queen.
sorry guys!! i've been gone for a bit. and i love RIU!!! don't think any other way!!:)
well i'll put up some pics why notttt.

I don't see any hellos to anyone in specific, or to the website in general. You simply remind us that you've been gone, and then go right into LOOK AT ME. That pretty much sums up an attention whore.
easy guys easy, i mean just go in the corner and rub one out and come back you will feel better

i mean in all reality there are about 6 billion people on earth so I would hazard to says theres about atleast 2.5 Billion other chicks. go fuck one of them.

the way I see it the only one whos gonna end up hittin this one is me so back back.

wow people get way to stressed over something thats none of their concern
if something bothers that doesnt effect anything in any negative sort of way then you are an angry person

it seems like EVERY thread you go into you have to start an argument ernie
wow people get way to stressed over something thats none of their concern
if something bothers that doesnt effect anything in any negative sort of way then you are an angry person

it seems like EVERY thread you go into you have to start an argument ernie
I'm not starting an argument. I'm saying what nobody else will. You can take it or leave it, no need to argue. I'm not stressed out either, it seems the other way around. People getting stressed over what I have to say. Usually other people are the one's arguing with me. But it's cool, I've said my piece, I'm done now. :mrgreen:

You can all go back to giving dalia what she wants.:peace:
do you mean katamari damasi that game is the shit god has a massive package in that game though massive i guess god would have a massive package

o hells yeah, massive meat. accentuated by his tight purple spandex (?) bottoms. he's much more conservative in the 2nd version of the game-crosses his legs n everything. he's not God, though, he's the king of the universe. what's the biggest takamari you've ever rolled?

I'm not starting an argument. I'm saying what nobody else will. You can take it or leave it, no need to argue. I'm not stressed out either, it seems the other way around. People getting stressed over what I have to say. Usually other people are the one's arguing with me. But it's cool, I've said my piece, I'm done now. :mrgreen:

You can all go back to giving dalia what she wants.:peace:

WORD. It's sad when I see females acting like they have nothing to give besides their bodies. Dalia, do you see any other females here posting pics of themselves (besides me and my right gun)? no. I don't know how it is in Liberia or wherever you're from, but in America, women usually like to brag about their intelligence, open-mindedness, carefree personality, or free-spiritedness rather than putting themselves out there like you seem to enjoy doing. And I can understand why this is rewarding for you, nothing like a bunch of horny high assholes sitting around on the internet with nothing better to, all adulating you...actually, I don't personally see how that's rewarding in any way. I'm a little confused to be honest. Why not try to focus on other aspects of who you are, besides your physical appearance? You sound like a very intelligent person, why not run with that?
Theres nothing wrong with a pretty girl being proud of being a pretty girl,no matter what any man tells you about enjoying your personality or that your "open mind" or being "free spirited" is what attracted him to you he is one lying mofo if he says anything other than they way you look.

We(men) could not give 2 shits less how smart you are,how free spirited you are or how liberated you are,all we want to REALLY know is how you look naked,after that nothing matters.

Dictonary for defining women's description's of them selves.

Ø 40-ish..................................49.
Ø Adventurous..........................Slept with everyone.
Ø Athletic................................No breasts.
Ø Average looking.....................Moooo.
Ø Beautiful..............................Pathological liar.
Ø Emotionally Secure..................On medication.
Ø Feminist...............................Fat.
Ø Free Spirit.................................Junkie.
Ø Friendship first.......................Former Slut.
Ø New-Age.........................Body hair in the wrong places.
Ø Old-fashioned........................No B.J.'s
Ø Open-minded.........................Desperate.
Ø Outgoing..............................Loud and embarrassing.
Ø Professional................. ..........Bitch.
Ø Voluptuous...........................Very fat.
Ø Large frame...........................Hugely fat.
Ø Wants soul mate.....................Stalker.
Theres nothing wrong with a pretty girl being proud of being a pretty girl,no matter what any man tells you about enjoying your personality or that your "open mind" or being "free spirited" is what attracted him to you he is one lying mofo if he says anything other than they way you look.

We(men) could not give 2 shits less how smart you are,how free spirited you are or how liberated you are,all we want to REALLY know is how you look naked,after that nothing matters.

I rest my case. Dalia, are these the type of guys you want drooling over you? Hope not.