Well-Known Member
Theres nothing wrong with a pretty girl being proud of being a pretty girl,no matter what any man tells you about enjoying your personality or that your "open mind" or being "free spirited" is what attracted him to you he is one lying mofo if he says anything other than they way you look.
We(men) could not give 2 shits less how smart you are,how free spirited you are or how liberated you are,all we want to REALLY know is how you look naked,after that nothing matters.
Dictonary for defining women's description's of them selves.
Ø 40-ish..................................49.
Ø Adventurous..........................Slept with everyone.
Ø Athletic................................No breasts.
Ø Average looking.....................Moooo.
Ø Beautiful..............................Pathological liar.
Ø Emotionally Secure..................On medication.
Ø Feminist...............................Fat.
Ø Free Spirit.................................Junkie.
Ø Friendship first.......................Former Slut.
Ø New-Age.........................Body hair in the wrong places.
Ø Old-fashioned........................No B.J.'s
Ø Open-minded.........................Desperate.
Ø Outgoing..............................Loud and embarrassing.
Ø Professional................. ..........Bitch.
Ø Voluptuous...........................Very fat.
Ø Large frame...........................Hugely fat.
Ø Wants soul mate.....................Stalker.
wow. that gives me a better understanding of you. no respect for this guy. man i bet you have a smokin dumb wife.