I'm backkkkuhhhh

Theres nothing wrong with a pretty girl being proud of being a pretty girl,no matter what any man tells you about enjoying your personality or that your "open mind" or being "free spirited" is what attracted him to you he is one lying mofo if he says anything other than they way you look.

We(men) could not give 2 shits less how smart you are,how free spirited you are or how liberated you are,all we want to REALLY know is how you look naked,after that nothing matters.

Dictonary for defining women's description's of them selves.

Ø 40-ish..................................49.
Ø Adventurous..........................Slept with everyone.
Ø Athletic................................No breasts.
Ø Average looking.....................Moooo.
Ø Beautiful..............................Pathological liar.
Ø Emotionally Secure..................On medication.
Ø Feminist...............................Fat.
Ø Free Spirit.................................Junkie.
Ø Friendship first.......................Former Slut.
Ø New-Age.........................Body hair in the wrong places.
Ø Old-fashioned........................No B.J.'s
Ø Open-minded.........................Desperate.
Ø Outgoing..............................Loud and embarrassing.
Ø Professional................. ..........Bitch.
Ø Voluptuous...........................Very fat.
Ø Large frame...........................Hugely fat.
Ø Wants soul mate.....................Stalker.

wow. that gives me a better understanding of you. no respect for this guy. man i bet you have a smokin dumb wife. :blsmoke:love you
oh and i hate my nose!!! for reals. it's horrible.

FYI i think your nose is perfect,it fits the ethnic look you have about you to a tee,it also matches your skin tone,dont butcher it with cosmo surgery trying to get the ideal american nose,it wouldnt fit you.

And for the attention whore people who are gonna make jokes about me thinking im swooning a young hottie or wanting some E Poon,get real,theres nothing wrong with a pretty girl wanting attention just for being pretty,the other girls who attack pretty women for showing off their looks instead of their minds only wish they were that hot,they'll say they are that hot or talk about how many guys think their that hot but they ARE NEVER HOT.

And the guys who cant take a pretty girl wanting attention, they are always the guys who never get the pretty girls,again they will say their beatin the hotties off with sticks or talk about how hot their ole ladys are but the only thing their beating off is their own meat.

So there :mrgreen:
well obviously she is pretty, she doesnt need to show it off, we all know it
but if being a model is one of her professions and she is proud of it don't be a douche and dog her. better yet if you don't want to look at pics of her then don't, you should have just pressed the back button as soon as you got annoyed. also i can tell she isn't a dumb girl so stop picking on just because she posted pics of herself
everyone on this sit has posted sits of a bong, pipe, plant, grow room because we are proud and showing it off
she just added professional pictures, and trust me if i was pretty enough id do it

and the guys who are hating on her
you're just mad because you can't get any yourself ;)
wow. that gives me a better understanding of you. no respect for this guy. man i bet you have a smokin dumb wife. :blsmoke:love you

Your respect is the last thing i want or need, or the respect of any other troll for that matter.

The wife's a highly educated school teacher & pulls down a larger salary than most here, but she is not afraid to act like & be a woman.

Now lets play the game again where you follow me around from post to post, with snide child like comments,followed by the i love you bit with the smiley grin.

I don't think you have the slightest clue what is is to act like and be a woman. You make me sick, panhead, and your blatant ignorance astonishes me.
I don't think you have the slightest clue what is is to act like and be a woman. You make me sick, panhead, and your blatant ignorance astonishes me.

Travel the world & see,go someplace besides the internet,most women all over the world do not act like you or value the things you value,they also do not put emphasis on the same things american women do.

Next time you condem another women for enjoying being pretty remember that you are the minority.
Does the truth hurt Dalia?

the truth... is that what your are interested in... ??

if it is. then lets start with you.. What the fook are you doing? what makes her posting pics of herself an attention whore...

does that make you an insecure dueche bag who is afraid to post pictures of yourself.. cause it is the same monkey analytical brain that comes up with stupid reasons people do or don't do shit that has casued you to come on here and blast a young lady that many of us here enjoy tangoing with...

USE the same anaylisios that you use on DALIA on yourself... it gets real ugly real quick... DO you understand what I am saying...

Look at the INNER TOOLS that you have... that you used to come to the conclusion that Dalia is an attention whore.... NOW use that same schematic on yourself.. and figure out WHY you called her THAT... it is not pretty.... and you should exercise that from your being. .. NOBODY wants to be around that... NOBODY.. ot even yourself..

take this opportunity to say "sorry, dalia, i have my own serious issues that I was projecting onto you"

how about you start a thread and post pictures of yourself. how about you start with pictures of your girlfriend and mom and then of your self..

i will be the first to subscribe to that thread,. and project all my insecurities on to you..

you know thats what your doing right... you see attention WHORE cause thats what you are....

That's the truth.. you don't know dalia.. and it is so easy to make her whatever you want her to be...

who beat up on you as a little boy.... ? YOU MUST have been beat up on.. that is the way you learned to beat up on other people......

You'd be the first person to crumble in front of her beauty if she stood right in front of you.. you'd probably be hiding in the back of the room cause you are afraid to talk to girls.... you come on here and put this super hot, vibrant, generous, chick down and use your 5o cent analysis to make yourself feel better...

what are you intentions by talking to her....

how about we get to the truth.... lets start with you.. please post a link to your thread with photos..

LOL^ dont blame the little boys dude TV made them pussys....I say why point out her nose if you would tap that shit anyways? I mean if you pointed out the nose you have to be female....I dont care if a girls nose is 2 inches to the right and 6 intches long....She still has somthing I wantbongsmilie
I don't see any hellos to anyone in specific, or to the website in general.

GREAT, so now you have a rule book on what an attention whore is and what hoops one must jump through to be or not to be an attention whore.. great..

do you have a publisher?


For reals just lock this thread yo.....
WORD. It's sad when I see females acting like they have nothing to give besides their bodies. Dalia, do you see any other females here posting pics of themselves (besides me and my right gun)? no. I don't know how it is in Liberia or wherever you're from, but in America, women usually like to brag about their intelligence, open-mindedness, carefree personality, or free-spiritedness rather than putting themselves out there like you seem to enjoy doing. And I can understand why this is rewarding for you, nothing like a bunch of horny high assholes sitting around on the internet with nothing better to, all adulating you...actually, I don't personally see how that's rewarding in any way. I'm a little confused to be honest. Why not try to focus on other aspects of who you are, besides your physical appearance? You sound like a very intelligent person, why not run with that?

please my friend...

share with us your comprehensive list on female behaviors...?

seriously... let us know EXACTLY how you judge people... casue you seem to be the ultimate judge... you have so much to critise and say... let us KNOWyour inner workings of genuis that allow you to come up with such strong convictions of truth and insite....

what is the truth about how a woman should act... and can we all learn this or were you born with this ability? and since you know how a woman should BE... can you also teach a woman how to act.. are you actually trying to help dalia..

please forgive me... but it seems like you are just projecting insecurities of your own onto dalia, rather than giving any of us anything of substance to go on...

Just by looking at dalia, we can all tell she is beautiful..

And by her responses to you and other people who are attacking her and judging her, we can tell she is kind and secure in her being... this is what I see..

so please.. tell us

what you see,
how you see it
how we can see it

and how dalia can become PERFECT in your critical YET JUST eyes...

Your respect is the last thing i want or need, or the respect of any other troll for that matter.

The wife's a highly educated school teacher & pulls down a larger salary than most here, but she is not afraid to act like & be a woman.

Now lets play the game again where you follow me around from post to post, with snide child like comments,followed by the i love you bit with the smiley grin.


im glad you dont want my respect, cause you lost it, when you say all guys want is sex. dont get this guy going people. hes a character thats for sure... i posted in TWO threads after him one time and he claims i follow him around with childish comments. get a life. telling people to travel and see how women are besides on the internet. ive been all around the world little guy, are their all basically the same. but you wouldnt know would ya mr. knowitall
I don't think you have the slightest clue what is is to act like and be a woman. You make me sick, panhead, and your blatant ignorance astonishes me.

i was sick recently.. from eating some white shit that i got at the krishna temple in Calcutta.... i ate two boils of that SHIT.... (can you say dumb ass)

anyway, it ended up being a good thing.... the next morning (4am) while driving down the road on the 2 hour trip to the airport.. doing 80KPH I puked out the window... 5 solid heaves... lots of shit flying from my big ass mouth... t was an amazing experience.. cold wind in my face.. puke flying all over the place... it was so exhilarating..... the sound effects of me blowing chunks was incredible...


and yes.. i was one ignorant ass mother fooker for eating that shit...I don't even eat the free samples at costco.. what the fook was I thinking eating the white secret sauce at the krishna temple in INDIA... i should have my fooking head examined...

sorry panhead.. your ignorance does not astonish me in the least.. I haven;t been surprised since 1995 when somebody somebody was shocked that circumcision was male genital mutilation.. I was like DUH.. everybody knows that.... but i was wrong.. some people think its the correct way to treat a penis.. to rip off the most sensitive (specualtion) membrane (thin membrane located under the forskin, it gets ripped off with the foreskin, medically equivalent to tearing off a finger nail, not talked about very often) on the human body.. male or female...

oh well

please my friend...

share with us your comprehensive list on female behaviors...?

seriously... let us know EXACTLY how you judge people... casue you seem to be the ultimate judge... you have so much to critise and say... let us KNOWyour inner workings of genuis that allow you to come up with such strong convictions of truth and insite....

what is the truth about how a woman should act... and can we all learn this or were you born with this ability? and since you know how a woman should BE... can you also teach a woman how to act.. are you actually trying to help dalia..

please forgive me... but it seems like you are just projecting insecurities of your own onto dalia, rather than giving any of us anything of substance to go on...

Just by looking at dalia, we can all tell she is beautiful..

And by her responses to you and other people who are attacking her and judging her, we can tell she is kind and secure in her being... this is what I see..

so please.. tell us

what you see,
how you see it
how we can see it

and how dalia can become PERFECT in your critical YET JUST eyes...


I am a woman, so I know a thing or two. And I am secure in my 'womanhood' so I don't have to explain what I see, how I see it and how you all can see it. Because of this I don't feel the need to post pics of myself on the internet so that horny fucks can 'bate to them and fantasize about me. I don't need that.
I am a woman, so I know a thing or two. And I am secure in my 'womanhood' so I don't have to explain what I see, how I see it and how you all can see it. Because of this I don't feel the need to post pics of myself on the internet so that horny fucks can 'bate to them and fantasize about me. I don't need that.

I would jack off to you....All day and tell you about it....Make you feel good inside, accepted..