I'm backkkkuhhhh

I am a woman, so I know a thing or two. And I am secure in my 'womanhood' so I don't have to explain what I see, how I see it and how you all can see it. Because of this I don't feel the need to post pics of myself on the internet so that horny fucks can 'bate to them and fantasize about me. I don't need that.

ok, you don;t have the NEED, and Dalia probably does not or di not have the NEED.. but she still posted the pictures... BTW i like your GUN shot..

so please post some pictures... especially the pictures that make you look secure... maybe you could be holding a safe, or a gun, or be wearing a fire retardant suit..

how about you explain to us what SECURE means... how do we know you are secure? cause calling dalia out doesn't seem very secure to me...

Actually, what qualities about a secure person are relevant to your posts towards Dalia... What about a secure person causes them to react the way YOU did towards dalia?

Being "horny" does not make you a "fuck"... it is possible to be horny with out being a horny fuck..

as I understand,

horny is a concept that descries a variety of sensations that can often lead to sexual thoughts, desires, activities.... the onset of these sensations or thoughts is not controlled by the person experiencing... the experience only has the option to reactor not react to these sensations...

Wow Ernie. That was harsh!!!!:twisted:

If she is confortable to post some tastefyl pictures of herself in her own thread SHE 'created 'then more power to her.
Maybe she doesn't want to be grouped together with everyone else. nothing wrong with that.:-|

They are beautiful shots !

Boo ernie boo!:blsmoke:
The reason it makes you an attention whore is because you started your own thread about yourself...pictures included.:roll:

If you want to share pics of yourself there is a thread here for that.

im glad you dont want my respect, cause you lost it, when you say all guys want is sex. dont get this guy going people. hes a character thats for sure... i posted in TWO threads after him one time and he claims i follow him around with childish comments. get a life. telling people to travel and see how women are besides on the internet. ive been all around the world little guy, are their all basically the same. but you wouldnt know would ya mr. knowitall

Dont think so kiddo,you can claim to have been a million places that you have not,after this is the internet you can be anybody you want or have been anywhere you want,the fact is that women do not feel the need to act like men,nor do they play down the fact that they are women.

Only in America do women act this way,you will not find this attitude in most other countries & if you'd been anywhere you'd know that.

And as for the little guy comment,i saw your lil tattoo pic,your like what,maybe 25 years old soakin wet,world traveler huh,your about 1/2 my age if not 1/3 my age,are you trying to make up for how skinny you look in that pic by calling me a little guy ?

And for the following me around,should i dig up every thread that you followed me to within a 24 hour period,after starting a bunch of shit you had no reason to start,you were even checked by another member for your drive by posting methods & snide comments while following me around posting shit not even remotely connected to the threads.

You shouldnt deny shit where other people can track your actions.

And furthtermore,im sick the fuck of defending myself against your little cosigning ass with your stupid shit,your goal here is to push buttons,a easy search of your many shitty posts calling lots of members including myself any name you feel like proves that,if anybody on this site is an attention whore its you,hey look at me,your a cosigner,you sit back until you can cosign somebody elses shit then you push buttons,thats your style.

Anybody who wants can see this in the brwndirt thread,your all over his ass with compliments till a few others start with negativity,they your ass is right there switching gears, cosigning.

If you dont like me or my posts then dont respond,im a chracture but every post of mine you end up in contains negativity on your part twords me,you dont see me quoting your cosign bullshit,its you quoting me,you might not agree or like what i have to say but you dont constantlyt have to be the biggest little asshole you can possibly be,do you ?

If you dont like my posts fine,go find some other shit to cosign,take a look at your last 200 posts,your not here to learn anything or to help anybody,your here to talk shit & cosign others,not much real info comming out of your mouth.
So much hate in this thread im half ass retarded and I can see this is going nowhere.....Now whos retarded?

I mean for real this is like trying to beat up some dude for looking at your girls tits when they are nice tits.......
and you sound like a complete MORON.....

the most shocking thing is......
you're female???????????:blsmoke:

There are so many other things I want to say but I had better quit now........:blsmoke::peace:


WORD. It's sad when I see females acting like they have nothing to give besides their bodies. Dalia, do you see any other females here posting pics of themselves (besides me and my right gun)? no. I don't know how it is in Liberia or wherever you're from, but in America, women usually like to brag about their intelligence, open-mindedness, carefree personality, or free-spiritedness rather than putting themselves out there like you seem to enjoy doing. And I can understand why this is rewarding for you, nothing like a bunch of horny high assholes sitting around on the internet with nothing better to, all adulating you...actually, I don't personally see how that's rewarding in any way. I'm a little confused to be honest. Why not try to focus on other aspects of who you are, besides your physical appearance? You sound like a very intelligent person, why not run with that?
men just go ape when they see a pretty face
its the sexual competiveness of men I suppose :)
Not sure but its quite entertaining
the truth... is that what your are interested in... ??

if it is. then lets start with you.. What the fook are you doing? what makes her posting pics of herself an attention whore...

does that make you an insecure dueche bag who is afraid to post pictures of yourself.. cause it is the same monkey analytical brain that comes up with stupid reasons people do or don't do shit that has casued you to come on here and blast a young lady that many of us here enjoy tangoing with...

USE the same anaylisios that you use on DALIA on yourself... it gets real ugly real quick... DO you understand what I am saying...

Look at the INNER TOOLS that you have... that you used to come to the conclusion that Dalia is an attention whore.... NOW use that same schematic on yourself.. and figure out WHY you called her THAT... it is not pretty.... and you should exercise that from your being. .. NOBODY wants to be around that... NOBODY.. ot even yourself..

take this opportunity to say "sorry, dalia, i have my own serious issues that I was projecting onto you"

how about you start a thread and post pictures of yourself. how about you start with pictures of your girlfriend and mom and then of your self..

i will be the first to subscribe to that thread,. and project all my insecurities on to you..

you know thats what your doing right... you see attention WHORE cause thats what you are....

That's the truth.. you don't know dalia.. and it is so easy to make her whatever you want her to be...

who beat up on you as a little boy.... ? YOU MUST have been beat up on.. that is the way you learned to beat up on other people......

You'd be the first person to crumble in front of her beauty if she stood right in front of you.. you'd probably be hiding in the back of the room cause you are afraid to talk to girls.... you come on here and put this super hot, vibrant, generous, chick down and use your 5o cent analysis to make yourself feel better...

what are you intentions by talking to her....

how about we get to the truth.... lets start with you.. please post a link to your thread with photos..


I'm not making a thread with pics of myself because I'm not an attention whore. I haven't asked for any attention from anyone. I posted pics of myself in the other thread you started, if you want to criticize me, go look for me in there, then criticize everyone else who participated as well. I simply come in here and state the obvious, and apparently no one here likes the truth. All of you grown ass men, yourself included, are in here drooling over this girl, like she is the only woman you have ever seen. What the fuck is wrong with YOU? Do you not have a girlfriend yourself? Are you not able to get girls, so you come to an internet forum and start threads about sexual experiences to get your rocks off? Have we seen you on Dateline already? Do me a favor would ya....blow me.:mrgreen:
I might also ask that if Dalia was an ugly ass middle aged woman, would you still care if I called her an attention whore...or does that apply to young good looking girls only?
IMO ernie just leave the thread. Why do you feel the need to continue posting in it. For you to post this many negative things makes me worry about you. I'm gonna make a recomendation that will hopefully help you live a better life. please if you ever get a chance read "The four agreements" by Don Miguel Ruiz. this may help you in many ways. If you don't like what dalia posts then don't open her thread.
I might also ask that if Dalia was an ugly ass middle aged woman, would you still care if I called her an attention whore...or does that apply to young good looking girls only?

It's just RUDE and uncalled for to call a girl a WHORE of any kind! Learn some manners you JERK

You aren't cool, so stop trying:neutral:
Yes exactly and thank you.
It actually pisses me off that he had the balls to say that to someone who probably has the most tastefyl pic of themselves here.

Leave it Ernie!!!!
It's just RUDE and uncalled for to call a girl a WHORE of any kind! Learn some manners you JERK

You aren't cool, so stop trying:neutral:

I'll leave the thread when people stop adressing me personally.