I'm backkkkuhhhh


I'll leave the thread when people stop adressing me personally.

Okay, don't leave... just stay and make yourself look like more of a jerk

You aren't right in saying that shit, and it doesn't make you look cool

When you lose your RIU friends, who else will you have? I'm guessing very few:neutral:
Okay, don't leave... just stay and make yourself look like more of a jerk

You aren't right in saying that shit, and it doesn't make you look cool

When you lose your RIU friends, who else will you have? I'm guessing very few:neutral:

That was harsh dude........Why doesnt everyone just shut the hell up? Friends are for over achievers anyways.....Everyone needs to realize all your doing is trying to make the next guy look stupid.......LOOK MY PENIS!!! Lets rag on me for showing my PENIS!!

Stop nit picking each other....Stop judging...If shes got a funny looking nose so what.....Im sure somthing is funny about eveyrone in here talking...And I want the attention damnit!! MY PENIS!! TALK ABOUT ME PENIS!!

Ive been saying PENIS all day and everyone laughs......Next time you see someone all down and out walk up to them, Look into their eyes and say "PENIS!!".. I bet they have a better day.
Hmmm This thread is a waste of space. But arguing about it is a waste of life. So, anyway you look at it, anybody who has posted in this thread is a douchebag.

Hi Dalia, lookin good. Welcome back.
I'm not trying to be an asshole... But Dalia is a sweet girl who hasn't done anything wrong but put up pics when people BEG for them. Come on RIU and just get dissed to hell, that's not fair

I like your hairy gorrila nipples......Give us another of you holding your arms in the air and try to lick your nipple while doing that...:neutral:
"Hello im kevin .......No No No its ok sit down and talk to me....So why you here george? Did you think it was just a 12 year old boy? Did you say this "I want to stick my D-word in your mouth"? "
I'm not making a thread with pics of myself because I'm not an attention whore. I haven't asked for any attention from anyone. I posted pics of myself in the other thread you started, if you want to criticize me, go look for me in there, then criticize everyone else who participated as well. I simply come in here and state the obvious, and apparently no one here likes the truth. All of you grown ass men, yourself included, are in here drooling over this girl, like she is the only woman you have ever seen. What the fuck is wrong with YOU? Do you not have a girlfriend yourself? Are you not able to get girls, so you come to an internet forum and start threads about sexual experiences to get your rocks off? Have we seen you on Dateline already? Do me a favor would ya....blow me.:mrgreen:

for starters, I like your knew AV...

second of all... please re-read my last post.. seriously read it....

to answer a few of your questions

what's wrong with me - short term, I ate way to much food tonight
- long term, i am dying
Am I not able to get girls? - what do you mean, get girls? like shoot them? fook them? talk to them? how does one get a girl? how do you define that?

start threads abot sexual experiences to get my rocks off,?

I use a broom to sweep pebbles off the porch... and I have thrown a few mean skippers in my day... but I don;t get my rocks off...

I have not been on dateline..

Blow me? you wantme to give you a BJ? seriously... I can;t do that... how abot I just give you $40 bucks and you go to the corner?

honestly I think im prolly a much bigger attention whore than dahlia....and i too think she is hot and have been lurker watching this thread to see hot pics of her again...and if I thought she would let me have a lick I would start pming the hell out of her...but see im hijacking cuz im an attention whore..
for starters, I like your knew AV...

second of all... please re-read my last post.. seriously read it....

to answer a few of your questions

what's wrong with me - short term, I ate way to much food tonight
- long term, i am dying
Am I not able to get girls? - what do you mean, get girls? like shoot them? fook them? talk to them? how does one get a girl? how do you define that?

start threads abot sexual experiences to get my rocks off,?

I use a broom to sweep pebbles off the porch... and I have thrown a few mean skippers in my day... but I don;t get my rocks off...

I have not been on dateline..

Blow me? you wantme to give you a BJ? seriously... I can;t do that... how abot I just give you $40 bucks and you go to the corner?


Dude if he doesnt take the $40 I will and ill stand in a corner... Should have just started at $5 then went up to $40 you are a modern day robin hood if you ask me...