Well-Known Member
It will be interesting to see how it plays out and if there are any charges brought against the store owner. While there is a Stand Your Ground law at the same time you can't shoot a fleeing felon and it looked like the kid was trying to flee so stabbing him in the act of fleeing is likely not lawful. The thing is that people are sick of this crap and if any charges are brought against the shop owner I doubt a jury would convict him. He should be more concerned about a potential civil case that could have serious financial implications. Then again I doubt a jury is going to side with a brazen criminal and would probably side with the shop owner believing the punk got what he deserved.
20+ years ago I was watching the aftermath of the Santana High School shooting in San Diego (this was after Columbine, early 2001). Shooter was taken alive after killing two and wounding 13 (per Wikipedia he was apprehended while reloading) - and I remember at the time wondering aloud at the long-term societal implication if he would have been simply taken to the athletic field and executed... would we have seen such a rise in school/public shootings?