I think the shop owner should be able to defend himself and his property. I think people who rob folks are talking a risk. I feel like the shop owners defense was a lot better than the robbers offense…. oops somebody fucked up. I’ve been the victim of multiple attempted robbery’s and so far my defense has worked better for me than the offense of the robber did for them. I’ve got no problem with using what ever I can to keep that streak working for me.
I hear ya i just don’t want the castle doctrine to devolve into its ok to shoot kids for stealing a candy bar because you know right to protect property and ya know i own it until you give me the 50 cents
That guy wasn’t scared for his life . He was pissed two punks had the nerve to try and steal from him and clearly they had to pay. What if the kid had a gun? Bet the store owners fam would think it was pretty dumb to defend and die for a box of zig zags
Did any of you read the news articles that quoted the shop owner..

“When they came in, one of them had a bag in front of him like he had a firearm or something. I didn’t have much time to think. I grabbed my knife right next to the register.”

That's all the defense he needs for his actions. In Nevada he has the right to stand his ground and not flee.. because Nevada's law doesn't require him to do so.
That guy wasn’t scared for his life . He was pissed two punks had the nerve to try and steal from him and clearly they had to pay. What if the kid had a gun? Bet the store owners fam would think it was pretty dumb to defend and die for a box of zig zags
But he was content to give them his tips (minus the change lol which kinda cracked me up) and that would be that. It wasn’t until the 2nd “guy” jumped over the counter that any aggression was shown by the store owner. I mean how do you know in that instance (everything is happening fast) that the 2nd guy doesn’t have a weapon and doesn’t mean you harm. He clearly is the aggressor by jumping over the counter…his buddy seemed content with the tip jar. I view the counter like a door threshold kinda.
Play stupid games win stupid prizes. I didn't even see the video but stealing and strong armed robbery are for sure bound to get you fucked up at some point. Sound like it could have been a kid. Unfortunately they made a very grown up decision. You never fucking know how any situation like that ends up. Don't start it and your chances of finding out go down astronomically.