I'm force flowering outdoors - anyone else?


Well-Known Member
Im growing in the greenhouse (uk), Last year I force flowered 1 of my plants by putting it in a large compost bin to give it total darkness for 12 hours. This year I wanted to force flower 5 plants so earlyer in the year I built a 4ft by 4ft cube frame and covered it with the thick black plastic builders use. I let the plants grow to about 3ft and then started to cover them, I didnt top them/pinch any tips out as the is just enough room in my cube for the 5 plants it wouldnt be able to fit them all if they where any bushyer. I put them in there every day at 6pm and take them out every morning at 6am. I built it into the greenhouse so the plants are right next to it, i only have to move them a few inchs to cover them. they are about 6 weeks into flowering now and the buds are starting to fatten up, the top colas are looking good! il take some pictures and upload them in a bit..........


Well-Known Member
oh and..... a pro and con of force flowering in the middle of summer.

pro = more sunshine bigger dencer buds
con = it can get very humid in mid summer which can cause your buds to go mouldy, i got a little mold on the plant I force flowered in the compost bin last year


Well-Known Member
I've been doing this outdoors and it's been working great.

check my forced 12/12 outdoor in my sig.


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hijack your thread but here are a few photos of the girls & the cube I made to cover them 12/12 light dark.

The taller plants behind are all been left to flower on there own which is why you wont see any bud on them yet. not sure what strain they are but the 5 that im fowering now are all different, the others that im leaving to flower on there own are all the same, not sure what strain but they all got there tits out about a month ago so I know there all girls :)



Well-Known Member
What nutes are you using & what soil did you grow in. I used Terra Vega for veg & Terra Flores for flowering, On one of the plants I have been using Hammerhead PK 9/18 instead of the terra flores to see how much of a difference it makes, I havnt noticed any so far! the soil I used last year and this year is from inside £1.50 tomato grow bags from blooms garden centre. I have found they produce the best results.

Papi Chingon

Well-Known Member
i'm growing in royal gold basement mix and am currently using floranova bloom along with floralicious plus and fox farms open sesame. i vegged with nsr greenleaves boost juice and grow juice, then switched to fox farms when they got bigger.

here's a group shot from today (unlike me the dog doesn't have his medical card, so he turned away from the camera), 2 pics of the top of the ice and 1 shot of the top of the thc bomb.



Well-Known Member
Nice plants man! I'm force flowering my last white widow girl, but I vegged her outside then I stuck her inside a grow box and set the timer for 12/12, it'll be 2 weeks tomorrow and shes coming along nicely. I'm going to have to plant her outside after 3 weeks otherwise there will be no way there's enough room for her, and hopefully she'll continue to flower since were starting to lose light.

Advice to many Canadian growers but not all, don't grow white widow outside and expect her to finish flowering.


Active Member
If you were to flower indoors for a month until it started small buds then put it outdoors would it revert back to veg if the light cycle was not 12/12 ?


Well-Known Member
i'm growing in royal gold basement mix and am currently using floranova bloom along with floralicious plus and fox farms open sesame. i vegged with nsr greenleaves boost juice and grow juice, then switched to fox farms when they got bigger.

here's a group shot from today (unlike me the dog doesn't have his medical card, so he turned away from the camera), 2 pics of the top of the ice and 1 shot of the top of the thc bomb.
lookin REALLY good man.

you forcing those?

that's just sick dude, way bigger than mine. they'll be awesome, feed em well :D.

Papi Chingon

Well-Known Member
"you forcing those?"

yeah, it's a pain, but i'm forcing them. you know how we do!

tons of feeding, especially the ice - she's a drinker.


Well-Known Member
hell yeah when they get into it they'll take TWICE the normal amount even.

it's pretty amazing. just gotta tell when they're ready for it and give it to em :D. just like a fine woman :D


Well-Known Member
I'm doing it because I don't have any bud. I'm medical and I can't wait till october (more like mid november bcause of dry/cure) for my bud.


Well-Known Member
those ladies are huge man...especially in comparison to the size of the pots you have them in

nice work papi

Papi Chingon

Well-Known Member
whats the point for all this? you cant wait?

this is an experiment of sorts since the sun is free, i'm not buying an AC unit, and it's already hot as shit around here. instead of going to dispenseries and buying medicine (lmao @ the thought of that), i am doing this medical grow outdoors and forcing flower. this is a first time doing this, but without an AC unit, my indoor is f'd in the a. last year's was f'd in the a and i just can't deal with that again, so this seems like a pretty good alternative to being f'd in the a.


Well-Known Member
i'm growing in royal gold basement mix and am currently using floranova bloom along with floralicious plus and fox farms open sesame. i vegged with nsr greenleaves boost juice and grow juice, then switched to fox farms when they got bigger.

here's a group shot from today (unlike me the dog doesn't have his medical card, so he turned away from the camera), 2 pics of the top of the ice and 1 shot of the top of the thc bomb.
I'm also doing something similar to some of my plants this year, will post some pics soon. Oh! Nice plants...:clap:

Papi Chingon

Well-Known Member
here are some updated pics and what a difference a week makes. i have to say that even though Ice isn't an outdoor strain, i'm thoroughly impressed with how it seems to thrive in this environment. first pic is the top of the ice plant, second is top of the thc bomb (can't tell if this is going to be one MASSIVE cola or what), then a group shot.



Well-Known Member
ahh looks nice.

even 'indoor' strains can do amazingly well outdoor.

there's just a hardening period.


Well-Known Member
bury your pots with the plants in them. get a couple 55 gal drums and every night put them under the drums thats what i do for my 4 ft plant