I'm freaking out. Can someone help?

TWC is talking about police tracking my posts back to my cell phone in order to triangulate my position in order for police to raid my small grow tent. That sounds retarded
No man he's on about the meta data on ur pics silly lol if u don't erase the data ur exact location may be in ur pics.super easy to do it. I often check noobs pics for em n I've literally showed a dude his house on Google maps...now that's retarded
I know y'all think I'm crazy but right now there's an SUV parked outside my house with blacked out windows. I'm having a heart attack. If it's cops doing surveillance, is there a way to make them leave? Should I turn on the porch lights?

I've never seen the vehicle before
That's it ur a troll lol if not I suggest you flush all your plants down the bog
The more I look at it, the more it looks like a civilian vehicle rather than unmarked police.
Go out and fucking ask them who they are and what they want with you. If it is cops they will either drive off or arrest you. Or just go out and take their pic where they see you.Of course where I live if it's cartel they will just get out and blast your ass.
For fucking gods sake kid.....These fucking tweekers around here are pulling your chain so hard your seeing things!
Wait,,,,you ain't tweek'in are ya?

7 pages on this nonsense!

No one's coming for you! Not for a simple closet grow in the middle of your house.

Now IF it was a cop bird and your WHOLE house lit up on a flir.....They would have been there by now!
Now get this. FLIR (forward looking infrared) is an interesting tool.....They look at shit and it looks nice and bright pointed at "hot" spots. They would raise an eyebrow at a whole room being "hot" - maybe showing 3-4 or more source's of heat in the room. They would consider getting a warrant.....A whole house lit up! Now that would give them a cop woody - big time. Shit son the warrant would be done and the house go through a full bore raid at about 5 in the AM THAT MOURNING!


One little "warm" spot, not even a whole room......Forget it! They didn't even notice you! Could be way to many things to even consider a warrant!
As for a "smart meter" Unless you suddenly draw over 1k extra watts at odd hrs.....the power co don't pay attention either!

Your what? 600 watts?
That's 6 light bulbs being left on - Who cares!

Good Lord!
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