I'm getting lasik tomorrow!

I woke up about noon yesterday. Checked my email. Noticed another add for lasik. I decided to call and inquire about it. next thing I know, I'm scheduled for an exam, same day at 4 pm.
I also decided to bring two g's so hopefully I could negotiate a cash deal.
To keep it short, I paid 1865 to get lasik, and to get my eyes cleaned. Scheduled for tomorrow at noon!
I had lazik for over 10 years now

never go cheap thats them last eyes of yours

go stoned and don't twitch when the lazer hits you

well worth the money

good luck

So it's been 5 days since the procedure, and I feel I'm about 90% recovered. Totally worth it, should of done it long ago.

So this is my experience:
I get there a little before noon. The place is packed, no place to sit. I sign in and go back to my car for about 15 minutes. Go back in. Wait another 20 minutes. Finally get called back. They go over everything again quickly. I finally get the ok to take a Valium. Go to another waiting room, 3 people ahead of me. Wait there for about 40 minutes to let the pills kick in, I took three total.

Finally they take me back. I lay flat on a comfy surgical bed. I'm doped up and feel pretty comfortable.
The whole thing took about 10 minutes, but it was pretty damn uncomfortable. Maybe I'm a pussy, idk. Basically this is exactly what it felt like. I'm laying there;high, they've already been putting numbing drops in my eyes, so I'm laying there. Next thing I know he says "Look down". Then it felt like like he duct taped the top of my eye lid open very firmly. Then said look up, taped the bottom. Continuously adding drops. Everything was a blur. Then it felt like he got his elbow and started pressing down pretty hard on my eye ball. I was fully conscious, and pretty uncomfortable, and as he's pressing down, my sight goes black for about 10 seconds. Then he releases pressure, and I can see a blur almost instantly. Slowly vision becomes a bit more clear. Then he takes out whatever clamps, pulls off the tape, and im done with eyeball number one. So same thing, then I'm outta there in about twenty more minutes. My brother drives me home. Few hours go by. Pain meds ware off, I'm in pretty bad pain. Probably about a 7 and a half, maybe 8. I take some Tylenol and xanax, finally end up dozing off. Wake up the next day, no pain what so ever. Just very dry and irritated feeling. My left eye seemed to be crystal clear, right eye still a bit blurry, but way better. After about four days my right eye started seeing clearly, and now it's freaking awesome.

I went in for a check up earlier today. They said all looked well, and I should be back to 100% in about 3 more weeks and to just continue being generous with the eyes drops for the next couple weeks.
So when I see through each eye individually, I see 20/20. When I see through both eyes, i can see 20/15. Had I paid an additional 500 per eye, they said they could've gotten it down to 20/10...

So that's pretty much it. I'm very happy with the outcome. The place is called the lasik vision institute. 899 per eye, just mention the Groupon discount.

Oh yeah I'll also add I had to buy two different eye drops at the pharmacy totaling almost 200$. But I also have no insurance.
Congrats to you

now the forthcoming vasectomy won't be so giving

as much as I checked out with my guys getting the Vasec aint so much fun

good luck
Damn I'm sorry to hear that, that's terrible.
lol did u really smell yourself burning?! If so that sounds a lot worse that some elbow pressure..
Yes, I actually did. No it wasn't uncomfortable. Maybe it was the valium, but I was calm, I knew the laser was just doing its job and when I'm the one on the table I like to be positive and make a joke or two anyway; it lets the professionals relax and do their best work, always preferable when I'm the patient!
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