Sorry to leave all of you hanging, I've found myself with less and less time to get on the internet. I'm assuming that since the most recent posts are about 2 months old that any answer I offer now is going to be too late...again I'm sorry to leave you hanging, I hope you found the answers you needed.
That being said, I would like to announce my return to this (among other) threads. I will still be unable to visit as frequently as I once did, but surely I will be here at least once or twice a week.
So if you don't mind the fact that you may have to wait a few days for an answer please feel free to start posting any question, concern, or opinion you have (well maybe not
every opinion LOL) All the away time has made me eager to have some intelligent (and maybe some not-so intelligent) discussion on our favourite topic.
So again, I'm back and here to try to help