I'm in the weeds

I can still turn it up another 25% but with them doing their best to outgrow the height of my tent I was concerned. They are also so bushy that they are crowding out the plant in the front. I am wondering if at some point I should thin them out but not sure how to do that. Baby steps you know.
Turn it up bro. 1 Hundo percento.
They need it right now most of all. Your stretch looks done man I agree. What’s that’s light again? Looks like a sf1000? If so. Your tops will size up.
I know. The minute I changed the light cycle to 12-12 they blew up. Everywhere I look it looks like it is flowering. There are so many places I can't count them all. They are getting do dense that not much light gets to the lower parts of the plants. Should I worry about it?
I know. The minute I changed the light cycle to 12-12 they blew up. Everywhere I look it looks like it is flowering. There are so many places I can't count them all. They are getting do dense that not much light gets to the lower parts of the plants. Should I worry about it?
With that light. Your gonna focus on tops as it is
So, can I assume that the light I have is not really all that good? I didn't know anything about it when I bought the set up. What would I look for in a future purchase in about the 250.00 range? I know I want a bigger tent. That 24x24 just isn't cutting it. I have 3 plants in it now which imo, is one plant too many. I figured I would buy it, kill them and that would be it. Since I have had pretty fair luck with these, I want to upgrade a bit next time around.
For now slow your roll and finish that plant. Everything looks good. So your okay in that part. If you wanna stick to brand. The se3000 is what I’m looking at. But no strings pulled yet. I want more reviews. But for 250 bucks. The best deals thread has all the hookups and you should get a really decent light with that wallet.
Also, I am not tied to any brand in particular. Just looking for something well made. I can say this though, the SF tent has been really nice. Zippers are good and I have yet to find any light leaks. It seems to be well made. I looked at the SE3000. It looks really nice as well. Funny thing is....I really do have a black thumb. I have killed every indoor and outdoor plant I have ever tried to grow. About the only thing I am good with is growing herbs like mint, basil, rosemary and thyme. I grow tomato plants and 2 out of 6 grow fruit. I grow peppers and get 2 or 3 on each plant. While its not a total loss, it sure feels like it sometimes.
Also, I am not tied to any brand in particular. Just looking for something well made. I can say this though, the SF tent has been really nice. Zippers are good and I have yet to find any light leaks. It seems to be well made. I looked at the SE3000. It looks really nice as well. Funny thing is....I really do have a black thumb. I have killed every indoor and outdoor plant I have ever tried to grow. About the only thing I am good with is growing herbs like mint, basil, rosemary and thyme. I grow tomato plants and 2 out of 6 grow fruit. I grow peppers and get 2 or 3 on each plant. While its not a total loss, it sure feels like it sometimes.
I think you over care. It’s common. Too much heart. Sometime less is little. Let the plant grow themselves.
Well, hope that was the case because they just got some micro that has 5% nitrogen in it. I plucked off about 10 leaves total on the 3 plants. I made some changes right before this happened so not really sure what caused it. I turned the light up to full power and rotated the plants. It is also getting cooler out so my temp in the tent has gone down to the low 70's and humidity is in the mid 40's. 251274252_10159313281446405_1378814883677782372_n.jpg251274252_10159313281446405_1378814883677782372_n.jpg252851826_10159313282761405_7283350007071715104_n.jpg253119592_10159313281811405_9154532212345385621_n.jpg253310395_10159313282616405_3457987647006066541_n.jpg253467232_10159313281591405_2126719744719831250_n.jpg253890064_10159313281906405_2919214755402122298_n.jpg
Newb here, looking good. I'm a little behind you on flowering timewise.
Just started trying out a tent/led grow myself. I purchased a3x3 and Mars hydro ts1000 but then realized I needed the ts2000 for proper lighting for what I am trying and I think now I still need more lighting.
2 weeks into flower for me and mine have stretched about 10 inches(5gl pot), wedding cake and one bagseed, kept lighting 24in/75%pwr once established then slowly to 15in/100%pwr watching for leaf taco.

IMG_20211105_135534867.jpg2 weeks in. Today

IMG_20211029_170634433_HDR.jpg8days past the flip 10/29
Good luck keep us posted, interested in these tents/ lights variables.
If you want my opinion, repot them asap, take out the fan and humidifier, only leave temp and humidifier gauge. You will put moisture in when you water them, and we'll as elevate the plants temperature. If you are having an overheating issue only pull air out with the fan DO NOT BLOW IN. Use your fox spoil when you repot but I would mix a scoop of the coco into the soil it is good for them, you should also be mixing some natural charcoal/ash as well as some clay into your soils. If you are having trouble finding natural clay in the ground find a water source, take a stick or bucket and dig into the dirt near source of water, look for a tan or grayish colour and when mixed with the soil it should almost stick together like kinetic sand or moon sand and then you brushing it should break chunks off and cause it to crumble. Mix that into your soil as well, plants also need thing like nitrogen and phosphorus to grow properly, grind up some bones, or take bones and put in bottle of HOT water. Shake vigorously and put a little bit of the fox's soil into the water as well for a little extra kick of nutrients to feed them more directly than just the soil. LEAVE BONES SOIL AND PHOSPHORUS BALL THINGIES IN THE WATER BOTTLE. Refill bottle as needed for feeding I poke a hole in my bottle to keep it from dumping contents. Also your light can safely be within I think it's like 30-40 cm from your plants. I'll post a link showing my grow room here, take a look and feel free to ask any questions.

Well things are not looking better. 2 weeks ago I fed them with kelp, bloom, gro and cal mag. The next week I gave them micro that has nitrogen. The last 3 waterings nothing but water. Temp 73, humidity 49. They are flowering like crazy but leaves are turning yellow and brown in random places on the plants. I'm stumped.


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Well things are about the same. Leaves are falling off and mass don't really know what to do anymore so I'm not gonna worry about I'm gonna worry about it20211115_151646.jpg20211115_151646.jpg20211115_151558.jpg



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So, I basically have a black thumb, but a real desire to grow. I bought a tent kit and started my first 2 seeds about a month ago. I am having problems controlling the temp (too high) and humidity (too low). I am on a 18 hour light on, and 6 hours off. My little plants have not grown at all in the last few weeks and the leaves are tipping downward and the leaf color is not right. I don't know if I am watering enough or too much. Overthinking can be a recipe for disaster so I thought I would join up and see if folks more experienced than me could offer up some tips. The seeds are feminized skunk, using coco coir, watering every few days with distilled water and have not used any nutrients yet. The seedlings are about 25 inches away from my LED light. View attachment 4950538 View attachment 4950538
Based on the other details I am gonna say way too much water they can’t breath or transpire the root system is too young and small. Stop watering till they are pretty much completely dry. In the meantime monitor the change. There is honestly not too much you can do. Seedlings can handle a lot of heat and the humidity honestly can’t kill them even if it’s super super dry it can survive. Unless you are about 95 you can manage till veg time and then that kind heat with no air flow will cause you all kinds of problems. I’d say just completely stop watering till dry. Hopefully they recover. Even higher the lights a tad more. Till they get stronger.
Well things are about the same. Leaves are falling off and mass don't really know what to do anymore so I'm not gonna worry about I'm gonna worry about itView attachment 5029368View attachment 5029368View attachment 5029369

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Looks like nitrogen deficient that’s all I can see honestly beside that you look fine. And that late in the game you’ll finish out just fine it just may take a bit longer to fully ripen than usual.
Well, I wondered if it was watering so I waited 4 days between watering. They were limp and the leaves were hanging down badly. I watered them and within 20 minutes the plants perked right up. I have been watering each plant 20 oz. of water every 2-3 days. I have fed them nutrients w/nitrogen every 3rd or 4th watering. Nothing seems to be helping. I understand that it is somewhat normal to get yellow leaves in flowering due to everything going to nourishing the buds but I just want to know what I am doing wrong. I am seriously not going to fret over it much longer and will hope for the best. Perhaps I should have researched more before I started but you can only read so much. Seems like you just need to dive in and learn as you go and this has for sure been a learning experience.