ok Neo, all the independently owned news outlets in the world are all willing partners in a scheme to keep us all ignorant of the truth...like you can get three people to agree to a fucking thing, much less several hundred. apparently they all go investigate shit that didn't happen, then they get together to write their made up stories about non events...

i don't quite understand "where you live and who built the shits."....care to elaborate? are you just implying that every single one of us are ignorant of our own histories, or are you implying that we live on a flat earth administered by aliens or subterranean mole people?
i like to know the level of insanity i'm replying to.
if you're implying that we're ignorant of our own history, i'd like you to explain how? you aren't the only person capable or interested enough to do some independent research...and it becomes more apparent each day that you aren't the only one gullible enough to buy into Qanon bullshit, sadly.
so are you a little crazy? or a lot crazy? help me craft a meaningful reply