I'm on Ukraine's side but they are Racist.

back to the actual point of the thread, and not lunatic stupidity....

i think that Ukraine deserves our full and total support during this conflict, but the DAY this is over, they have some explanations to make, and some policies to change, if they want to become full fledged members of the EU and the world community...for that matter, many EU members have been talking out of both sides of their mouths and need to initiate some social changes if they want to keep operating globally. i'm not being a hypocrite, the U.S. has a lot of shit we have to deal with as well. it's time to start dealing with it, and not be distracted by republican bullshit any longer.
the world needs to change, and it's not going to do it on it's own...
You can see the earths curve from the tower in Dubai and if you take commercial flights to Alaska in the morning time or under the right light you can see the curve. Must just be a large green screen with a government approved projection on it that both Russia and the us unilaterally maintain in truth our back and forth fighting just keeps anybody from seeing the truth. That we live on a flat earth and the gulags in Siberia is where they make the lizard food for the politicians I think I’m just going to start my own blog about why this is fact I will use my old post as sources. I’ll have at least 100,000 followers by weeks end.
There are thousands of these even the ones you can tell where done with a fishbowl lense you can clearly tell the curves there I can’t believe this is a discussion this is 2022 not 1722 wtf.

But then you may ask how does water stay on the sides or bottom of the planet and besides gravity duh i pose a question to you which direction is truly up and which is truly down. Flipping mind blown.
back to the actual point of the thread, and not lunatic stupidity....

i think that Ukraine deserves our full and total support during this conflict, but the DAY this is over, they have some explanations to make, and some policies to change, if they want to become full fledged members of the EU and the world community...for that matter, many EU members have been talking out of both sides of their mouths and need to initiate some social changes if they want to keep operating globally. i'm not being a hypocrite, the U.S. has a lot of shit we have to deal with as well. it's time to start dealing with it, and not be distracted by republican bullshit any longer.
the world needs to change, and it's not going to do it on it's own...
Sadly I think there will be no compromise on the nato conflict involved on wether not or not to join. Russia will not stop unless that goes off the table that besides hundreds of years of conflict is one of the ruling parties main complaints they don’t want us at there borders. they want that old communist buffer zone between them and the west. But yes I do agree if they want to be excepted into the western world of things and utilize our resources and economy then things need to change for the better in the aspect of civil liberties and human rights.
Sadly I think there will be no compromise on the nato conflict involved on wether not or not to join. Russia will not stop unless that goes off the table that besides hundreds of years of conflict is one of the ruling parties main complaints they don’t want us at there borders. they want that old communist buffer zone between them and the west. But yes I do agree if they want to be excepted into the western world of things and utilize our resources and economy then things need to change for the better in the aspect of civil liberties and human rights.
russia can shit in one hand and want in the other...what they want is no more important than what each of their neighbors wants, which is to be safe from the russians. the only way to be safe from the russians is to be a part of something the russians are afraid to fuck with...
the russians are acting aggressively to stop people from doing the only thing they can do to protect themselves from russian aggression...
seems like there are only two options...give up and surrender to russia, or destroy russias ability to be an aggressor any longer. it would seem people think the horror of war is preferable to the horror of becoming a satellite state of a country run by a criminal cartel, and i can't say i blame them.
but when the war is over, some societal changes HAVE to be implemented if not only Ukraine but many other countries, ourselves included, want membership in the world powers club
russia can shit in one hand and want in the other...what they want is no more important than what each of their neighbors wants, which is to be safe from the russians. the only way to be safe from the russians is to be a part of something the russians are afraid to fuck with...
the russians are acting aggressively to stop people from doing the only thing they can do to protect themselves from russian aggression...
seems like there are only two options...give up and surrender to russia, or destroy russias ability to be an aggressor any longer. it would seem people think the horror of war is preferable to the horror of becoming a satellite state of a country run by a criminal cartel, and i can't say i blame them.
but when the war is over, some societal changes HAVE to be implemented if not only Ukraine but many other countries, ourselves included, want membership in the world powers club
I agree with you it’s just there way of thinking the Russian red machine has been needing to be dealt with for a long time.
The ball theory is deep. But mainly my guy, the moon is a reflection of the surface of the earth, we are quarantined in about ⅖ of the actual realm. They have hidden all the old land on maps, blured it on Google, make sure flight paths don't go certain ways, ships only take the same certain ways. No circumnavigation has ever been done north to south, only east to west. North being center of circle south being outer rim, east and west just clockwise and counter clockwise. All countries fight over land since the begining of our history, but somehow 50 nations all in agreement on the antartic treaty and north atlantic treaty, we cant explore! Whats happened if people suddenly found out their was free land, free water, free food. We wouldnt stay on the reservation and be fucking cattle no more. Also makes you think your just a germ in a dish, not the center of everything, with everything revolving around our world like it actually is..
The ball theory is deep. But mainly my guy, the moon is a reflection of the surface of the earth, we are quarantined in about ⅖ of the actual realm. They have hidden all the old land on maps, blured it on Google, make sure flight paths don't go certain ways, ships only take the same certain ways. No circumnavigation has ever been done north to south, only east to west. North being center of circle south being outer rim, east and west just clockwise and counter clockwise. All countries fight over land since the begining of our history, but somehow 50 nations all in agreement on the antartic treaty and north atlantic treaty, we cant explore! Whats happened if people suddenly found out their was free land, free water, free food. We wouldnt stay on the reservation and be fucking cattle no more. Also makes you think your just a germ in a dish, not the center of everything, with everything revolving around our world like it actually is..
Your nuts man it’s fine nothing is going to change your insane views. I get we are all ignorant to the world around us and need to open our eyes. The only thing is the stuff your saying has absolutely no bearing on my life at all or really. Anybody else’s for that matter. What do you think would happen if we all came to this realization our earth is flat and land has been hidden tomorrow it wouldn’t change the way we live or lived or are going to live it wouldn’t change our cultures our beliefs or really anything because after the sun goes down where all still here living our lives the way we want to we are all still in the same place doing the same shit as before so whether it’s flat which it isn’t or it’s round which it is doesn’t really matter. I think your just surfing along life looking up crazy conspiracies because you want them to be true. Your no different than the people who believe in the lottery. Or that barrack was the anti christ all just nonsense I’m sorry we are giving you a platform to express yourself this way.
The ball theory is deep. But mainly my guy, the moon is a reflection of the surface of the earth, we are quarantined in about ⅖ of the actual realm. They have hidden all the old land on maps, blured it on Google, make sure flight paths don't go certain ways, ships only take the same certain ways. No circumnavigation has ever been done north to south, only east to west. North being center of circle south being outer rim, east and west just clockwise and counter clockwise. All countries fight over land since the begining of our history, but somehow 50 nations all in agreement on the antartic treaty and north atlantic treaty, we cant explore! Whats happened if people suddenly found out their was free land, free water, free food. We wouldnt stay on the reservation and be fucking cattle no more. Also makes you think your just a germ in a dish, not the center of everything, with everything revolving around our world like it actually is..
And we are not in agreement about the northern ice caps or the southern we were in agreement that they are not inhabitable and worth the money and resources to explore but now that oceans and land are opening up its like the Wild West all the super powers are scrambling to get a piece so no not in agreement just patiently waiting for there chances to spring into action.
Your nuts man it’s fine nothing is going to change your insane views. I get we are all ignorant to the world around us and need to open our eyes. The only thing is the stuff your saying has absolutely no bearing on my life at all or really. Anybody else’s for that matter. What do you think would happen if we all came to this realization our earth is flat and land has been hidden tomorrow it wouldn’t change the way we live or lived or are going to live it wouldn’t change our cultures our beliefs or really anything because after the sun goes down where all still here living our lives the way we want to we are all still in the same place doing the same shit as before so whether it’s flat which it isn’t or it’s round which it is doesn’t really matter. I think your just surfing along life looking up crazy conspiracies because you want them to be true. Your no different than the people who believe in the lottery. Or that barrack was the anti christ all just nonsense I’m sorry we are giving you a platform to express yourself this way.
I think your scared to be wrong. Trust me it's liberating to see the lies. What wouldn't it change to realize your just a worker bee in a corrupt system? Keep putting words in my mouth and bring up other things i didn't say like Obama lol. You can't back yourself up, you just talk. How fast does the earth rotate at the equator, how fast does the sun travel, how fast do we rotate around our sun, how fast does the sun move in our sky? I can explain and defend my model, you better google some shit so you can look smart and try to explain yours..
And we are not in agreement about the northern ice caps or the southern we were in agreement that they are not inhabitable and worth the money and resources to explore but now that oceans and land are opening up its like the Wild West all the super powers are scrambling to get a piece so no not in agreement just patiently waiting for there chances to spring into action.
Your so wrong, academia at its best no doubt.
I think your scared to be wrong. Trust me it's liberating to see the lies. What wouldn't it change to realize your just a worker bee in a corrupt system? Keep putting words in my mouth and bring up other things inside say like Obama lol. You can't backnyourself up you just talk. How fast does the earth rotate at the equator, how fast does the sun travel, how fast do we rotate aroubd our sun, how fast does the sun move in our sky? I can explain and defend my model, you better google some shit so you can look smart and try to explain yours..
I’m wrong all the time only a foo is afraid to be wrong and actually except it. I value and listen to everybody’s opinions and base my conclusion off the facts and try to be as unbiased as I can. Are you arguing against how time works and how we move around the sun Jesus man. I’m done with this conversation I would love to see your facts on how we have miss judged millions of years of time and how we are viewing the sun and it’s time lapse incorrectly.
I would happy show you, but you won't look just like yesterday. So stop saying you wanna see. We don't move around the sun by the way. The sun is local, using trigonometry you can tell its distance from us by looking at crepuscular rays. If the sun was what you say all light would come down straight from billions of miles away, no way it could ever take drastic angles. Note the distance always stays the same, so don't blame the clouds cuz those always change! 1652104862533.pngScreenshot_20220509-095959_Google.jpg
Here’s another head-scratcher — pilots capture video of themselves flying above a sea of clouds with sunlight streaming up from below. If you’re already primed to the idea that the sun is quite low in the sky, it’s possible to interpret that the sun is almost directly below the plane in these shots, between it and the Earth.
Of course, pilots can fly above the sun in a globe-Earth model, too. They are not farther from Earth than the sun, but above it in terms of their relative position. If you imagine the planes flying directly on top of a spherical world, and the sun setting over the horizon, of course the sun is lower than the pilots and the clouds below them. The bright clouds below the plane are not an indication of how close the sun is, but how powerful its rays are, and how good a job clouds do at reflecting and scattering that light. You’re crazy I’m unwatching this thread please get help your ruining our country.
....its fucking middle school math. God dammit, magnets indeed.

We need to get out of the way and stop using science for the benefit of people that hate science.