I'm on Ukraine's side but they are Racist.

Here’s another head-scratcher — pilots capture video of themselves flying above a sea of clouds with sunlight streaming up from below. If you’re already primed to the idea that the sun is quite low in the sky, it’s possible to interpret that the sun is almost directly below the plane in these shots, between it and the Earth.
Of course, pilots can fly above the sun in a globe-Earth model, too. They are not farther from Earth than the sun, but above it in terms of their relative position. If you imagine the planes flying directly on top of a spherical world, and the sun setting over the horizon, of course the sun is lower than the pilots and the clouds below them. The bright clouds below the plane are not an indication of how close the sun is, but how powerful its rays are, and how good a job clouds do at reflecting and scattering that light. You’re crazy I’m unwatching this thread please get help your ruining our country.
Put him on ignore, if the idiot bothers you. I don't really argue as much as ridicule them, I don't ignore anybody, its interesting to see what passes for crazy these days, now that they closed the state hospitals. Some who come here have, shall we say, a tenuous grip on reality and some are clearly mentally ill and suffer from disordered thinking. All are scientifically ignorant and can't seem to think logically and operate from feelings, not facts. Others are bigots and have their perspective of reality altered severely enough to fuck themselves at the polls.
I would happy show you, but you won't look just like yesterday. So stop saying you wanna see. We don't move around the sun by the way. The sun is local, using trigonometry you can tell its distance from us by looking at crepuscular rays. If the sun was what you say all light would come down straight from billions of miles away, no way it could ever take drastic angles. Note the distance always stays the same, so don't blame the clouds cuz those always change!

Please show your math

Why does the the mast appear first on a ship approaching from a distance? Just curious.
Please show your math

Why does the the mast appear first on a ship approaching from a distance? Just curious.
Over two thousand years ago a Greek calculated the circumference of the earth using geometry, the distance between two points and the height of a pyramid, he believed the earth was a sphere and many did way back then. This guy would have been fucking sheep in the hills at the time, perhaps he still is...
Please show your math

Why does the the mast appear first on a ship approaching from a distance? Just curious.
Put your phone on the ground and look down the street all you will see is vapors and evaporation distorting your view, same with ships over a distance. Plus perspective and convergance. How do you not know this. And the math is here, I'll send you a video so you don't have to make your brain smoke trying to figure it out.
Get a good camera and zoom in once it's totally gone, the whole ship comes back, even the bottom
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Put your phone on the ground and look down the street all you will see is vapors and evaporation distorting your view, same with ships over a distance. Plus perspective and convergance. How do you not know this. And the math is here, I'll send you a video so you don't have to make your brain smoke trying to figure it out

Get a good camera and zoom in once it's totally gone, the whole ship comes back, even the bottom
You are trying to make some crazy conspiracy shit out of everything very annoying. You say look at the facts open your eyes well heat exchange is basic science learned it in the third grade with proof. How do your plants grow I’d love to be woke on that topic and how I’ve been lied to but can clearly see the proof in front of my face. Wake me up.
Silence is theory, most of it not able to be demonstrated or repeated. You live in a world of theory. Stop

The beauty of science is that you can perform an empirical test yourself

Test the theory of gravity, today if you have time; it's a simple experiment and 100% repeatable.

Climb to your roof or other convenient place and take a quick step off the edge. If science is just a theory, nothing should happen, otherwise you'll fall at 9.8m/s/s if gravity is indeed real.
Put your phone on the ground and look down the street all you will see is vapors and evaporation distorting your view, same with ships over a distance. Plus perspective and convergance. How do you not know this. And the math is here, I'll send you a video so you don't have to make your brain smoke trying to figure it out

Get a good camera and zoom in once it's totally gone, the whole ship comes back, even the bottom
No actually; neither. I have some spiffy optics.
Silence is theory, most of it not able to be demonstrated or repeated. You live in a world of theory. Stop
Opinions with out knowledge are a recipe for stupidity and you have repeatedly demonstrated that here. A theory must be falsifiable and is repeatedly tested by experiment or observation. It is a human process with competition and rivalry too that helps to get to the root of the matter and keeps things honest. A theory like natural selection is accepted until something that fits the facts better comes along, or it is modified as understanding and knowledge are deepened. Gravity is a theory too, you should find a high place and test the math of 9.8m/s/s , you won't need calculus either.