I highly doubt the govt created aids.....the chemtrails thing, well I guess its possible the govt is doing weather eperiments like milf said, but I think mostly theyre just trippy looking contrails, and as for fluoride Im not to worried about it, Im pretty sure all the alcohol I drink and the weed I smoke is making me dumber and killing me faster than tap water ever would...plus I dont drink tap water..........as for calling people sheeple, I mean you said yourself you didnt even wath those videos but you state that aids was manifested by a doctor, I mean do you really have anything to back that up, or do you just like the idea because it fits into your paradigm that the govt is evil and trying to kill us....I think the govt is basically pretty evil too and that most politicians are only out to make more money for themselves, but I dont believe they created aids or are trying to dumb us down through tap water
I never said the gov't created AIDs, but rather I said a Eugenics Dr. did(or thats to the best of my recollection). Anyways you can go do your own research on the subject if you don't believe me. But I'm sure that its a fact that AIDs was not around in the the 60's and early 70's, so you should ask yourself where it DID come from then.
HG, after all the bad side effects of fluoride in our water, they say its good for our kids.
YouTube - Notebook: Bottled Water Leave the fluoride our of my tap water so I'm not obligated to drink it and rather let me have my fluoride in my toothpaste. Do you really think the gov't cares about our dental hygiene?
I didn't call anyone a "sheeple" in the post you just quoted. I was a sheeple too less than 6 months ago. I'm not saying anything bad about them except that they are uninformed/ignorant. Its most likely not their fault, how can you know about something that you never heard about? So, no I don't try and patronize "sheeple". Go look up the AIDs thing yourself and let us know what you come up with
Just keep an open mind HomeGrown and try and use your critical thinking skills

Another point, why do you think that autistic rate in children has sky rocketed in the past decade or so? An autistic child is now born every 1 in 150 births. I believe it might have something to do with the fluoride! Babies are more susceptible to chemicals, and if they are being fed fluoride(even at low doses) it could have some bad repercussions. Go watch the above link I just posted and tell me something doesn't strike you as odd. Here it is.
YouTube - Notebook: Bottled Water
The bottom line is that the media is controlled by a select few utterly rich elites that have a monopoly on what we see, watch, and hear via the TV and news papers. Candidly, we are being brainwashed by the main stream media.

(how come less than half the population has never heard about RON PAUL even though he is the best candidate for president)
Edit- Fdd, your said its going to be ~102 degrees? What are the normal temps like in your area at this time of year? This might sound crazy, but I'm pretty sure methane gas depletes the ozone layer and is a greenhouse gas(something like that). But I wonder if they might be putting something like that in your skies so you see unprecedented temps and further scare the population of "global warming". Its just that Al Gore presentation was so far from the truth, and he blatantly lied to the people about it. Now they are saying that chemtrails are trying to combat global warming... WTF? If gas prices continue to rise, than some people will be paying to go to work and go further into debt. We cannot afford a 'carbon tax' on top of paying ~4 dollar a gallon. So could these chemtrail possible be effecting the ozone layer and our greenhouse effect?
Just a crazy thought! I'm just trying to keep an open mind for other possibilities. :-/