I never said the gov't created AIDs, but rather I said a Eugenics Dr. did(or thats to the best of my recollection). Anyways you can go do your own research on the subject if you don't believe me. But I'm sure that its a fact that AIDs was not around in the the 60's and early 70's, so you should ask yourself where it DID come from then.
I believe most scientists currently believe aids evolved from SIV
Simian immunodeficiency virus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia and was transmitted from chimpanzees...
HG, after all the bad side effects of fluoride in our water, they say its good for our kids.
YouTube - Notebook: Bottled Water Leave the fluoride our of my tap water so I'm not obligated to drink it and rather let me have my fluoride in my toothpaste. Do you really think the gov't cares about our dental hygiene?
I agree we should not have fluoride in our tap water and depending on where you live in the US you might not...its no secret that tap water is bad for you though. Besides fluoride, which is indeed toxic(in higher doses), it also contains alluminum, arsenic, asbestos, barium, cadmium, chromium, nitrate, nitrite, selenium, and silver which are also toxic(at higher doses).
Not to mention a whole host of bacterias and pollutants. But if people are aware of this, then all they have to do is buy bottled water, or a water filter to avoid any harmful effects from these, simple as that....Im not sure I would say the gov't cares about our teeth lol but I would say those who advocated water fluoridation most likely did so because of its beneficial aspects
I didn't call anyone a "sheeple" in the post you just quoted. I was a sheeple too less than 6 months ago. I'm not saying anything bad about them except that they are uninformed/ignorant. Its most likely not their fault, how can you know about something that you never heard about? So, no I don't try and patronize "sheeple". Go look up the AIDs thing yourself and let us know what you come up with
So sheeple are uninformed/ignorant people...ignorant of what exactly? Nobody can be informed or knowledgable of every subject....you say you were a "sheeple" just 6 months ago, so what exactly is it that enlightened you that allowed you to no longer to be a sheep? You were uninformed/ignorant of the chemtrails thing just a few days ago...does that make you a sheep....are you really that informed on the subject now? My take on what sheeple are is somewhat different then yours, I think a sheep is someone that blindly follows or believes something without really being educated as to what they are following. basically someone who is easily swayed, or would rather follow than make an independent decision ...we all get information from 3rd part sources, obviously I am not out in the field doing my own AIDS research, but we should come to conclusions based on rational thought rather than holding any one source to be the undisputable truth...there has been a lot of research into the origin of aids, even the man made theory was looked into, and the most common concensus today is what I posted above...and since there is scientific data that backs these theories up I am inclined to believe them....there is, however, no proof that a dr. created HIV, only useless speculation with nothing really concrete to back it up, so I am inclined to dismiss it.
Just keep an open mind HomeGrown and try and use your critical thinking skills

Another point, why do you think that autistic rate in children has sky rocketed in the past decade or so? An autistic child is now born every 1 in 150 births. I believe it might have something to do with the fluoride! Babies are more susceptible to chemicals, and if they are being fed fluoride(even at low doses) it could have some bad repercussions. Go watch the above link I just posted and tell me something doesn't strike you as odd. Here it is.
YouTube - Notebook: Bottled Water
Thats a good idea, we should all try to keep an open mind we...I am not sure why there is a rise in the autism rate if there is indeed one, no one does really, but I trust that the medical community is doing their best to get to the bottom of this...I do know, however, that autism has a strong basis in genetics, I also know that many people believe certain vaccines may be linked to autism although this is a somewhat controversial theory...the fact is you or I really arent educated enough on the subject to have a really valid opinion. you say you believe fluoride may have something to do with it, but I doubt you have anything to back this up, in which case its just useless sconjecture.
The bottom line is that the media is controlled by a select few utterly rich elites that have a monopoly on what we see, watch, and hear via the TV and news papers. Candidly, we are being brainwashed by the main stream media.

(how come less than half the population has never heard about RON PAUL even though he is the best candidate for president)