im stoned and goin on a rant

no medical evidence?



ok i gotta say do you guys not understand english if ur gonna post shit on my thread have a valid point otherwise get the fuck off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! jesus its like talkin to retards n i said no professionally recognized studies on humans that prove there to be any medical benefit for human medical use if you can find me a study i will shut up about that ONE point in my rant otherwise you FAIL
This is a good discussion......

All I can say is if you are offended by your kids seeing a picture of a natural substance than what is your stand
on the constant bombardment by phizer etc....

We are constantly hit by ads that advertise drugs that cause major side effects, but I didn't read any of that in the OP.
Take this pill for dry mouth, but it has been known to cause suicidal tendencies, severe abdominal pain, blindness etc....The list goes on... But that is Ok?
It is fine for kids to see that?

Prioritize with the lesser of evils.
ok i gotta say do you guys not understand english if ur gonna post shit on my thread have a valid point otherwise get the fuck off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! jesus its like talkin to retards n i said no professionally recognized studies on humans that prove there to be any medical benefit for human medical use if you can find me a study i will shut up about that ONE point in my rant otherwise you FAIL

please watch your personal attacks. thank you.

here's your fail, ...
i gotta say i think most ppl are missing the point of this thread lets some it up im for marijuana just not the legalization i want decriminalization that would keep big business and the gov out of it but hey thats just me im just postin wat i think please stop posting lil dinky remarks if you post it better be at least a couple sentences.
ok i gotta say do you guys not understand english if ur gonna post shit on my thread have a valid point otherwise get the fuck off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! jesus its like talkin to retards n i said no professionally recognized studies on humans that prove there to be any medical benefit for human medical use if you can find me a study i will shut up about that ONE point in my rant otherwise you FAIL

this is priceless. threaten the Mod, rail on people that sound intelligent in your pigeon ghetto lingo :dunce: you gonna change the world bro :clap: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Users have been saying for YEARS that weed has medicinal value.

It is only recently that science has indeed VERIFIED what was ALREADY known in the weed community.

There is SCIENCE behind the claims.

Sorry the billboard flipped you out, but since it is legal to put up the billboard (obviously), you have a moot point.
I say legalize cuz I don't care if you'll be able to sell it for 350 an oz or 10 bucks an ounce. I just wanna grow without the threat cops kickin in my door.

Kids seeing pot isn't bad a marijuana bud isn't bad. Marijuana isn't a medicine? are you fucking serious? The marijuana makes it so they don't vomit or vomit less after eating.
ok so i was wrong recently clinical trials have established the calue of medi bud but you guys are still missing the point i am toalayy understanding the whole medical idea i do smoke bud so i know the whole speal but hows about we move to a new controversiy other than the medical side that wasnt the original point that what is the reason for total legalization does everyone need this medicine what is the reasoning or is it just that ppl want money hmmmmm

amd jesus would you ppl stop posting your lame ass one posts
I dont need it for medicine, but as the law is I wish I had a card to use/grow without the risk
of going to jail.

I drink beer, I smoke cigs, but I would rather smoke a fatty than drink a beer. I have witnessed both sides (alcohol and weed)
I know what is better for me and it is not booze. If cigs and booze are legal than why not pot? I can tell you why, OLD POLITICIANS!

That is the only reason why we are even having this conversation, there is nothing wrong with weed whether it be medicinal or recreational when
compared to other legal substances.

Alcohol went through prohibition, this is the same thing. It is fought by drug co's because as someone else mentioned it has benefits but cannot be patented
so they can not monopolize on the market.

I could care less if dealers make more or less, as long as I or anyone else for that matter does not need to risk
prison time over a blunt.

In fact fuck most dealers, I have been forced to deal with the shadiest souls on earth just to
smoke some weed. I would rather grow it myself/for myself and not have to deal with the darker side of society.

I think that is fair enough.
i lurk on and dont post much. this conversation continuously occupies the airspace at friends houses, get togethers, parties, dinners, breakfast, etc.

the original post touches more than one topic with the focus on legalization and the intricacy it brings with it.
i see it many ways.
for example: the medical side of legalization is very legitimate. there is medical value to be had with cannabis indica. the american medical association last year changed their multi-decade stance on "marijuana having no medical value or benefit" based on the currently available scientific research publishings available on the internet.
medical patients should have safe access to this as a medicine and if they choose to smoke this medicine rather than eat it like Rick Simpson has successfully demonstrated than that is their choice.

the flip side is everyone else that enjoys mj as they would a beer, a cup of coffee, a starburst, or a cigarrette. all legal products yet every single one will kill you if over consumed for long periods of time. like our wonderful sunlight. if you are exposed to it for to many years and in large amounts your body develops skin cancer.

moderation, forethought, and the ability to... scratch that some company arrived so i gotta wrap this up for now.

some will and will not benefit from legalization in california. that is obvious. marketing is a way of the west in order to move any product. proper parenting will prevent many misunderstandings in the world we find ourselves populating.

peace, my fellow mj lovers.

and, read the initiative. it will actually have heavy regulations on cultivation, possession, consumption, distribution, etc.