I'm voting for McCain....

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Starting this year, it is recommended by the professional organizations representing obstetricians and gynecologists in the United States and Canada that all pregnant women be offered prenatal screening for Down syndrome. All pregnant women. Prenatal screening tests are now well on their way to being standard of care. Insurance companies are covering them. And since Down syndrome is not a condition that can be repaired in utero, it must be fairly assumed that the purpose of this testing is to allow – and urge — women to terminate their pregnancies, which is in fact what has been happening about 85 to 90 percent of the time when Down syndrome is diagnosed prenatally.
How did we ever have children before the health care system. :roll:

Yah maybe without all this crap girls would learn a lesson after the first kid with a dead-beat dad. But nope they just keep popping them out all with different daddys Have you been reading Eckhart Tolle HotNSexyMILF?
Yah maybe without all this crap girls would learn a lesson after the first kid with a dead-beat dad. But nope they just keep popping them out all with different daddys Have you been reading Eckhart Tolle HotNSexyMILF?
That's a rather sexist statement. Could even be considered rascist.
That's a rather sexist statement. Could even be considered rascist.

Another statement by a hypocritical Marxist.

Oh, yes ... he's against "sexism" and supports equal opportunity for women ... just not THIS woman.

And ... he's against "racism" and supports equal opportunity for African-Americans ... but NOT Clarence Thomas.

The so called "progressives" are NOT for the less fortunate at all. What they ARE for is dividing Americans into different classes, then exploiting those classes for votes, votes that will garner power for themselves, not power for those who they pretend to support.

This is nothing more than page one out of Marx's playbook.

Another statement by a hypocritical Marxist.

Oh, yes ... he's against "sexism" and equal opportunity for women ... just not THIS woman.

And ... he's against "racism" and supports equal opportunity for African-Americans ... but NOT Clarence Thomas.

The so called "progressives" are NOT for the less fortunate at all. What they ARE for is dividing Americans into different classes, then exploiting those classes for votes, votes that will garner power for themselves, not power for those who they pretend to support.

This is nothing more than page one out of Marx's playbook.

You know what I've noticed Vi, the main thing you're against is me. You and your commie hating trype are a disgrace to the human race. As I've said many times I'm not a commie, socialism is more my bag with a touch of controlled capitalism. If you would free your mind and let in a little sunshine, you may be able to see other peoples dillemas, and take your mind off your goddamn money. BTW Clarence Thomas was a sexist and an asshole to women. he definently doesn't belong on the supreme court. If that is the criteria for the mindset of our highest court, we are all screwed.
Another statement by a hypocritical Marxist.

Oh, yes ... he's against "sexism" and equal opportunity for women ... just not THIS woman.

And ... he's against "racism" and supports equal opportunity for African-Americans ... but NOT Clarence Thomas.

The so called "progressives" are NOT for the less fortunate at all. What they ARE for is dividing Americans into different classes, then exploiting those classes for votes, votes that will garner power for themselves, not power for those who they pretend to support.

This is nothing more than page one out of Marx's playbook.


I'm waiting for him to call YOU a bitch. I will say this, though, the advent of the use of that term from one male to another has never quite sat right with me. :lol:
Yah maybe without all this crap girls would learn a lesson after the first kid with a dead-beat dad. But nope they just keep popping them out all with different daddys Have you been reading Eckhart Tolle HotNSexyMILF?

<raises hand> I LEARNED MY LESSON THE FIRST TIME. lol.. technically he wasn't a deadbeat- not until he got jailed for the insane shyt he was doing behind my back.:roll: Thank god that craps over.

But honestly- the family has been so broken down, the teenagers have little morals, and nearly no self responsibility. But why do they have to worry about consequences? I mean they can always just go get an abortion, or if they have the baby- well they'll get everything free to take care of the baby anyways. So again, no real consequences. And who needs a good relationship with the father- just take them to court.

I'm not a big Tolle fan, his ideas and concepts are just copied from those before him- while he rides a wave of fame for them, those who have pioneered those concepts are still ridiculed and scorned. However, the public nearly always despises true teachers.
1. You know what I've noticed Vi, the main thing you're against is me. You and your commie hating trype are a disgrace to the human race. As I've said many times 2. I'm not a commie, socialism is more my bag with a touch of controlled capitalism. If you would free your mind and let in a little sunshine, you may be able to see other peoples dillemas, and take your mind off your goddamn money. 3. BTW Clarence Thomas was a sexist and an asshole to women. he definently doesn't belong on the supreme court. If that is the criteria for the mindset of our highest court, we are all screwed.

1. Wrong-O, fish-breath. I'm not against you at all ... only your ideas.

2. You're not a commie? LMAO! You continually speak out against "the rich." You speak out against our capitalistic system. You are anti-economic liberty and privacy. You support the progressive income tax and want to make it even more progressive. You are anti-business, anti-"boss" and pro-union. You want to raise the minimum wage and provide a "living wage" to everyone regardless of production. You are envious, jealous and downright mean spirited toward anyone who has achieved above the norm. You are for leveling the playing field to the point of putting a cap on income. You continually advocate using the gun of government to extract, by force, the earnings of the productive, to give the unearned to those who do not produce.

3. Who says? Joe Biden and Anita Hill? Talk about the politics of destruction!

No, Med ... I'm not against you, I am against your very dangerous ideas.

Maybe you should have gotten a big festering pecker and tried to slap them with it...(sorry...that little voice in my head popped in with the phrase big festering pecker.....)
in my years in the restaurant business I got robbed 4 times and it didn't seem to make any difference to the crooks whether I had a gun or not....
well man dat suckz iv been held at gun point 2 and dodged a bullet 1 most fuck headz need a gun cuz there bodys cant handle pain i think