I'm voting for McCain....


Well-Known Member
I like how Joe Biden gives it straight up, no B/S, no sugar on top.

Tells it like it is, if you like it, or not.

jake blues

Active Member
i can`t afford McCain.his polices with be worse than those of bush and i just can`t afford another 4yrs of this sh*t.when are people going to understand that the trickle down economics does nothing but drive the cost of everything up and out the roof.

Dan Nabis

Well-Known Member
I like how Joe Biden gives it straight up, no B/S, no sugar on top.

Tells it like it is, if you like it, or not.
I agree, I like Joe Biden for this exact reason and don't understand why he can't do better in the primaries.

I hope he is selected to be Obama's running mate.


New Member
McCain will be like Carter and Obama will be like Marx......I think McCain will cause enough suffering via policy that this will inspire a Reagan like revolution. Obama will implode this economy, this society....we'll be Northern Venezuela, and we will again trade with Cuba....yeah.
You wish we had those oil reserves, Hah, funny how the worm turns, now Hugo has us by the balls. I wonder if we'll attack Venezuela for oil like we did Iraq? BTW, Hugo uses the revenue from the oil to better his country and the plight of his poor, instead of lining a few rich guys pockets. I'm sure Hugo lives pretty good though.


New Member
I agree, I like Joe Biden for this exact reason and don't understand why he can't do better in the primaries.

I hope he is selected to be Obama's running mate.
Although Biden is a member of the good old boys club, I think he may be one of the straighter shooters out there. It was his Idea early on to divide Iraq into 3 parts, Kurd-Sunni-Shia, like it was before the Brits came along and drew up borders and declared it to be "Iraq". The Bush cowboys would have none of that, their puppet government would give them what they wanted, lock stock and barrel, no need to deal with 3 entities.


New Member
Biden is a pathetic excuse for a man, and an even more pathetic, (although bottom of the barrel is bottom of the barrel...),excuse for an American.


New Member
How anyone could call Biden a "straight shooter" after his attempt at the "High Tech Lynching" during the Clarence Thomas supreme court justice hearing, is way beyond me.

Not that I wouldn't want to see Biden chosen to run as VP on the Democrat ticket, of course. In fact ... that would be great because it would be the death of B. Hussein's chances of becoming president.

What the ultra-left doesn't understand is that the vast middle of the "wasteland" they fly over during jaunts to and from San Francisco and Manhattan, are inhabited mostly by people who hold conservative values.

Another thing they don't understand is the reason they presently hold the majority in both houses now. Its not because any sane person agrees with them, its because the Republicans lost their core values and screwed their base.

Don't kid yourselves libbies ... the conservative movement isn't dead ... not by a long shot. All we need is a true conservative voice. Remember ... Ronald Reagan took 49 states when you thought you had a landslide in the bag. :blsmoke:



New Member
Ccodiane, do you smoke weed or grow it? I can't find one post from you about weed. All your posts and threads are political. This really isn't a political group yet that is all you do here.

Is your trolling ass bored with the AOL and Yahoo political groups so you are doing it here?


New Member
Ccodiane, do you smoke weed or grow it? I can't find one post from you about weed. All your posts and threads are political. This really isn't a political group yet that is all you do here.

Is your trolling ass bored with the AOL and Yahoo political groups so you are doing it here?
And are you a political guru? Please point out where you have ever made a cogent post here in the political forum.

Back to the newbie growing section with yer skanky azz until you learn to clone! :mrgreen:



New Member
And are you a political guru? Please point out where you have ever made a cogent post here in the political forum.

Back to the newbie growing section with yer skanky azz until you learn to clone! :mrgreen:

LMAO Mutherfucker, I'll knock your ass licking Levine, Rim Job Rush and Skirt Chasing Douche Bag Hannity butt from one growing room to another. You don't fool me with you "cut and paste a link" high school shit. You are not even worth my time if all you are going to do is post their crap and blogs. Its all lies anyway.

Once again, why are you here? Do you grow weed? Do you smoke it? Or are you just here to fight what you foolishly perceive as wimpy Liberals?


Well-Known Member
You wish we had those oil reserves, Hah, funny how the worm turns, now Hugo has us by the balls. I wonder if we'll attack Venezuela for oil like we did Iraq? BTW, Hugo uses the revenue from the oil to better his country and the plight of his poor, instead of lining a few rich guys pockets. I'm sure Hugo lives pretty good though.
Med get in out of that noon day sun. It has done over cooked your grits!