Impossible! The deficit is falling as well as unemployment Obama wrecking economy

Oh my god in what jack fuck twilight zone are we in now where your fucking ass was not just talking about exchanges of currency between nations. This is the exact bullshit everyone here seems to be tired of. You are incapable of linear thought....It is OK to loop around the Modules once in a while but wtf is with your not being able to go from point to point productively. Perhaps this is why you fancy capital based in theory and not production.

What do those exchanges of currency between nations have to do with the UCC? I didn't make that connection, you did.
What do those exchanges of currency between nations have to do with the UCC? I didn't make that connection, you did.

Federal Reserve Note is a Negotiable Instrument. Legislator indeed.

Lol I am a butcher and grow my own medicine and food. My little pinky is more productive than your bullshit will ever be. You should pay attention to successful models in life and economics..... me and my future wife have similar work ethic. We have saved enough during our young lives and will be building our own home soon, debt free. All from hard work that we saved. Oh yes, that's right. We saved the work, not the "money". And we would have no matter what system, fiat, specie or otherwise.

All thanks to David Icke of course, because I mentioned Salverstols earlier which has everything to do with your quackery cancer cure statement from waaaaaay back, doesn't make me a conspiracy theorist because I presented no theory to you.
Remedy was required to be written into the Federal Reserve Act by the First Judiciary Act to save to suitors a common law Remedy to anyone who wants to opt out of your madness which floats waaaaaay out in the realm of Admiralty. I am not claiming to have perfected this Remedy but learned a lot in my process of discovery. Of course none of these points you raise about the legal fiction need be argued and I have not argued any. Just being a productive, tax payer almost makes me a minority these days and all my points could be based on that alone. The system you advocate can not work when half the population is non productive, even through no fault of their own. Producers simply pack up and leave because they don't need the system, the system needs them.

I won't even bother you with any more of my weird David Icke or Ed Griffin conspiracy shit like Galveston Texas rocking Social Security that ACTUALLY WORKS cause woah man that is tax protester bullshit dude just write it off.

You view markets as evil which must be manipulated and that manipulation is what provides wealth for the benefit of all. The reality is that wealth is created when Doer's do what they do. Wealth is a seed and with hard work the fruits can be very rewarding and multiply without causing loss to others. Of course if your seed was handed to you it could very well be a hybrid you are unaware of. Because you did not produce it. You may fail to realize this seed will produce nothing in years to come.....of course this model relies on more hybrid seed to maintain also maintains dependence and dependents. And yes that is my metaphor for the two currently competing Treasury and Fed currencies. One is negotiable and one is non-negotiable. One rewards actual work and the other rewards philosophizing about work.

Practice what you preach fucker. Go play the slots.
The Fed is evil, 9/11 truth, and so on.

Hmm, don't remember espousing ANY of those things, but Hey your the guy that says CD's are a good way to beat inflation and that the fed doesn't carry any US Debt.

I especially LOVED the "And so on" as if you just revealed some great secret. There is no so on, you are just so used to failing you just can't help but fail a little bit more.
Gold would have no value if we had no reason to value it; currency would have no value if we had no reason to value it. Alas, we have reason to value both.

By this logic, air must be extremely valuable. After all , without it we all die.

Think you can make a go of it as an air salesman?

Air has ZERO value.

Logic defeated.
Hmm, don't remember espousing ANY of those things, but Hey your the guy that says CD's are a good way to beat inflation and that the fed doesn't carry any US Debt.

I especially LOVED the "And so on" as if you just revealed some great secret. There is no so on, you are just so used to failing you just can't help but fail a little bit more.

As you're in another thread asking why the 9/11 commission didn't search for explosives and talking about how no steel building has ever previously collapsed from fire. You can label it however you want.

I didn't say that. You've already demonstrated several times that you have a penchant for misquoting me. Of course, the misquote is probably how you read what I said in the first place.
By this logic, air must be extremely valuable. After all , without it we all die.

Think you can make a go of it as an air salesman?

Air has ZERO value.

Logic defeated.

No, you just aren't following the logic. Air has no value because we have no reason to value it; no one ever has to pay to breathe. The fact that air is necessary does not mean that we value it or that it is "extremely valuable." You cannot trade air for goods, but you can trade both gold and currency for goods.
By this logic, air must be extremely valuable. After all , without it we all die.

Think you can make a go of it as an air salesman?

Air has ZERO value.

Logic defeated.

One of the components of value is scarcity. As soon as we become a spacefaring species, air will be the ultimate fungible good. cn
and so on.

I didn't say that.

You didn't say that? Holy shit are you a screwed up little man.

Misquoting? I have NEVER misquoted you, The "QUOTE" feature on this site works perfectly well.
You said it, to deny it is to deny reality which we all know you do.

Dude, your little strawmen and denial of facts makes you look like a supreme douche.

When I say that no steel framed building has ever fallen from fire before 9/11 is not a conspiracy theory, it is a FACT.

Not only are you unable to wrap your brain around FACTS, they cause you so much strife that the cognitive dissonance kicks in and you just deny deny deny.

Facts my little doggy, now DANCE!!!
No, you just aren't following the logic. Air has no value because we have no reason to value it; no one ever has to pay to breathe. The fact that air is necessary does not mean that we value it or that it is "extremely valuable." You cannot trade air for goods, but you can trade both gold and currency for goods.

Air is extremely valuable, the reason that its super plentiful is the reason it has no worth, but it has incredible value. Stick your head under water for 20 minutes without breathing and tell me air has no value.The fact you are unable to understand this leads me to believe that you aren't an adult.

BTW I like how you HYPOTHESIZE that gold has no value because people don't value it.

LMAO, you do realize that you don't live in that world right? The world you live in HIGHLY VALUES gold, always will. Gold will ALWAYS have value. Paper money will not.

You saying that gold wouldn't have any value if people didn't value it isn't an argument , its a fantasy.
You didn't say that? Holy shit are you a screwed up little man.

Misquoting? I have NEVER misquoted you, The "QUOTE" feature on this site works perfectly well.
You said it, to deny it is to deny reality which we all know you do.

"I didn't say that" about CDs, or that the Fed didn't hold any debt. That's the misquoting I'm talking about. Obviously you shouldn't think I'm denying something I just said.

Dude, your little strawmen and denial of facts makes you look like a supreme douche.

When I say that no steel framed building has ever fallen from fire before 9/11 is not a conspiracy theory, it is a FACT.

Not only are you unable to wrap your brain around FACTS, they cause you so much strife that the cognitive dissonance kicks in and you just deny deny deny.

Facts my little doggy, now DANCE!!!

You're actually the one who has that disability. When you meet a challenge you can't overcome, you just don't try, instead conceding and abandoning. I've seen it happen many times now.
Air is extremely valuable, the reason that its free is the reason it has no worth, but it has incredible value. The fact you are unable to understand this leads me to believe that you aren't an adult.

BTW I like how you HYPOTHESIZE that gold has no value because people don't value it.

LMAO, you do realize that you don't live in that world right? The world you live in HIGHLY VALUES gold, always will. Gold will ALWAYS have value. Paper money will not.

You saying that gold wouldn't have any value if people didn't value it isn't an argument , its a fantasy.

I just have to roll my eyes at that. Air is extremely valuable, it just has no worth? If it has no worth, how is it valuable? If it's valuable, doesn't that mean it's...worth something? Air is valuable in the sense that we need it to survive; it is not valuable in a financial sense. Since I'm talking about value in the financial sense when I'm referring to gold and paper currency, it makes no sense to leap the way you did.

If people didn't value gold, gold would have no value. That's a fact. If no one is willing to buy something, it is worthless. If no one was willing to trade goods and services for currency, it would be worthless. At the moment, both of these are fantasies.
"I didn't say that" about CDs, or that the Fed didn't hold any debt. That's the misquoting I'm talking about. Obviously you shouldn't think I'm denying something I just said.

You're actually the one who has that disability. When you meet a challenge you can't overcome, you just don't try, instead conceding and abandoning. I've seen it happen many times now.

I already previously "QUOTED" where you DID SAY THOSE THINGS. Denying it will only make you look like an ever bigger Douche bag. Do you really want me to quote them again? Its not hard to do, and it will definitely show that you indeed DID SAY those things.

Concede and abandon? I go to bed and the next day it doesn't bother me, I might not post for a week becasue I actually have things to do. Its not abandonment, its called having a life.
If people didn't value gold, gold would have no value. That's a fact. If no one is willing to buy something, it is worthless. If no one was willing to trade goods and services for currency, it would be worthless. At the moment, both of these are fantasies.

You can hypothesize all you want that gold would have no value if people didn't value it, but the fact still remains that gold does have value and no matter how much you try to think it doesn't, it does.

Gold does not care what you think, and neither does the majority of the world. Gold will always have value, but paper currencies are only temporary.
I just have to roll my eyes at that. Air is extremely valuable, it just has no worth? If it has no worth, how is it valuable? If it's valuable, doesn't that mean it's...worth something? Air is valuable in the sense that we need it to survive; it is not valuable in a financial sense.

Its not valuable in a financial sense?

Try SCUBA diving without paying for air.

Really though you should stick your head in the toilet for 20 minutes, If you survive then you were correct, air has no value, but if you drown 1/4th the way through, well then I guess you proved yourself WRONG. No big loss though, you have no children, no assets and no life. No big loss.
I already previously "QUOTED" where you DID SAY THOSE THINGS. Denying it will only make you look like an ever bigger Douche bag. Do you really want me to quote them again? Its not hard to do, and it will definitely show that you indeed DID SAY those things.

Concede and abandon? I go to bed and the next day it doesn't bother me, I might not post for a week becasue I actually have things to do. Its not abandonment, its called having a life.

Iirc he said that once he had a CD outperform nominal inflation. That makes it a plausible and unusual event, and it required specific conditions that don't ordinarily obtain (to wit, the end of an inflationary period). I don't think you're correct in generalizing a point event that was presented as such. cn
I already previously "QUOTED" where you DID SAY THOSE THINGS. Denying it will only make you look like an ever bigger Douche bag. Do you really want me to quote them again? Its not hard to do, and it will definitely show that you indeed DID SAY those things.

Concede and abandon? I go to bed and the next day it doesn't bother me, I might not post for a week becasue I actually have things to do. Its not abandonment, its called having a life.

Absolutely. Quote them again, preferably linking back to the thread.

It's called getting knocked out so hard there is no comeback. BLS inflation numbers, anyone? You spent 10 pages advocating your theory of how inflation was calculated, and then it was trounced. Come to think of it, I haven't heard a complain out of you about CPI calculations since. It's a typical pattern.
You can hypothesize all you want that gold would have no value if people didn't value it, but the fact still remains that gold does have value and no matter how much you try to think it doesn't, it does.

Gold does not care what you think, and neither does the majority of the world. Gold will always have value, but paper currencies are only temporary.

The value is only temporary if the currency becomes worthless! The latter event is a contingency, not reality, just as gold being worthless is a contingency, not a reality.

Indeed, the producers of gold seem perfectly content to trade their gold for paper currency.
Its not valuable in a financial sense?

Try SCUBA diving without paying for air.

Really though you should stick your head in the toilet for 20 minutes, If you survive then you were correct, air has no value, but if you drown 1/4th the way through, well then I guess you proved yourself WRONG. No big loss though, you have no children, no assets and no life. No big loss.

How many of the world's 7 billion plus people pay for the air they breathe? Ah yes. None? The fact that air is valuable in the context of SCUBA diving does not give all air the same value.
Iirc he said that once he had a CD outperform nominal inflation. That makes it a plausible and unusual event, and it required specific conditions that don't ordinarily obtain (to wit, the end of an inflationary period). I don't think you're correct in generalizing a point event that was presented as such. cn

I have certainly said that CDs historically have beaten inflation rates. But that's looking at a period of 50 years instead of looking at a period of 5 years. Obviously this is not necessarily true today, something I have acknowledged; I do not--and have never claimed--that CDs today are a great way to beat inflation.