In the Aftermath of Trump's election loss.

There is only one side that keeps saying "defund the police" and it certainly isn't Joe Biden or Kamala Harris. It's a scare tactic from the Republican party, it' s to keep folks under their control period.

Now what Trump is doing even though he's from the U.S. should be Charged with TREASON and any Republican that backs him should be thrown in fucking Jail.

This is costing Lives period and the long lasting effect could kill thousands more in many ways other than a virus. For instance 911.

That is the cost of people trying to nullify an election that they lost fair and square.

Although we didn't like the outcome in 16 we lived with it. What ever Trump did to cause the Impeachment shit is all on him , He's the one who has all the answers. Remember Huge, Biggest Brain, the Best, Can you believe I won. WTF else does a Trumper need to hear ?
Not since policing went from "protect and serve", to the war on drugs/gangs/whatever will get the most votes for politicians. You don't get in touch with the enemy, you kill them.

Instead of having to have a catchy name like "defund the police" to blow the dog whistle for both sides, the discussion should be about what role we expect police to play in society and how to structure Law Enforcement to serve that goal, as well as what additional roles and agencies need to be created to take over roles LEOs would be vacating.

That would require cooperation between parties for the overall good of the nation. Think you and your fellow citizens are up for it?

wonder where that playbook went because it all existed before Reagan?..albeit asylums were a nightmare and needed reform but placing everyone together in jails and shelters- the guy charged with murder one sitting next to the guy who couldn't afford his rent..sitting next to the guy with schizophrenia and off meds..sitting next to the sex offender.
There is only one side that keeps saying "defund the police" and it certainly isn't Joe Biden or Kamala Harris. It's a scare tactic from the Republican party, it' s to keep folks under their control period.

Now what Trump is doing even though he's from the U.S. should be Charged with TREASON and any Republican that backs him should be thrown in fucking Jail.

This is costing Lives period and the long lasting effect could kill thousands more in many ways other than a virus. For instance 911.

That is the cost of people trying to nullify an election that they lost fair and square.

Although we didn't like the outcome in 16 we lived with it. What ever Trump did to cause the Impeachment shit is all on him , He's the one who has all the answers. Remember Huge, Biggest Brain, the Best, Can you believe I won. WTF else does a Trumper need to hear ?

and yet no one tells him 'no'.
That is why I say Hold all those responsible for their actions, which as of right now is Illegal and should be thrown out of their office. Just letting him do what he is right now is not democracy, it's tyranny against the good people of the U.S.

It's just hard to believe, if this were a democrat doing what RUMP is right now those Republicants would be Screaming from the roof tops.

IN another opinion is, I think people want Biden to stand up to this Bully and say what he thinks instead of being nice to the dotard.

Record People Voted and all I hear is Trump got 73 million votes, So fucking What Biden got 80 million 6 to 7 million more than rumpy, I certainly didn't hear the News saying that in 2016 65 million is nothing to sneeze at, it was much closer, but the People came out and spoke we need to say that Biden isn't getting credit for taking GA. AZ. not to mention taking WI.,MI. PA. NV. it was a blue wave but the news is not putting it right.

if someone grew a pair, who would be the one to tell baby donald 'no'. mcconnell and the freaky old man posse that looks in every direction when he proclaims something?

Not since policing went from "protect and serve", to the war on drugs/gangs/whatever will get the most votes for politicians. You don't get in touch with the enemy, you kill them.

Instead of having to have a catchy name like "defund the police" to blow the dog whistle for both sides, the discussion should be about what role we expect police to play in society and how to structure Law Enforcement to serve that goal, as well as what additional roles and agencies need to be created to take over roles LEOs would be vacating.

That would require cooperation between parties for the overall good of the nation. Think you and your fellow citizens are up for it?
Correct. It went from "police brutality" to "defund the police", which people construed as "eliminate". The money should be spent on mental illness professionals to deal with problems police are not trained to do, because there are many people on the street that are not capable of existing in society, or keeping a job. This is not a police matter, they are not trained in it, but it's been put upon them.
Edit: Incarceration is not the solution.
There is only one side that keeps saying "defund the police" and it certainly isn't Joe Biden or Kamala Harris. It's a scare tactic from the Republican party, it' s to keep folks under their control period.

Now what Trump is doing even though he's from the U.S. should be Charged with TREASON and any Republican that backs him should be thrown in fucking Jail.

This is costing Lives period and the long lasting effect could kill thousands more in many ways other than a virus. For instance 911.

That is the cost of people trying to nullify an election that they lost fair and square.

Although we didn't like the outcome in 16 we lived with it. What ever Trump did to cause the Impeachment shit is all on him , He's the one who has all the answers. Remember Huge, Biggest Brain, the Best, Can you believe I won. WTF else does a Trumper need to hear ?
"Defund the Police"

It was something many of us said out of anger. It was an emotional punch-back. It was a stupid move too because the statement is so vague that the right wing radical propaganda machine spun it into a threat to public safety. I'm guilty of saying it. Trying to explain it to people who were already triggered was futile.

In any case, Oregon voted to eliminate many of the laws that cause people to be arrested for nonviolent drug related crimes and put the money saved from jailing those people into non-judicial means of addressing drug addiction. We are defunding the police by doing this and it is pissing their unions off. We need a better term to describe what that is so that the public will listen to our message and not just the LEOs who will spin it as if we are releasing killers back into society. .
Tucker Carlson said he'd let Sydney Powell speak on his show for a week straight if she offered a single piece of the Trumpers are sending him death threats and telling him he's "finished." LMAO how quickly these sub human primates turn on their own. Carlson is Trump's biggest cheerleader, but even he is having trouble with the idea that Hugo Chavez was a master hacker who's legendary code finally made it into our voting machines this year with the help of Cuba-and they were sneaky enough to let the Republicans retain control of the Senate, just to throw us off...LOL
Tucker Carlson said he'd let Sydney Powell speak on his show for a week straight if she offered a single piece of the Trumpers are sending him death threats and telling him he's "finished." LMAO how quickly these sub human primates turn on their own. Carlson is Trump's biggest cheerleader, but even he is having trouble with the idea that Hugo Chavez was a master hacker who's legendary code finally made it into our voting machines this year with the help of Cuba-and they were sneaky enough to let the Republicans retain control of the Senate, just to throw us off...LOL

I think it's been proven time and time again that these people are a special brand of nuts. If they were a dog, we'd be able to put them all down, but sadly we'll have to wait for them all to live out the rest of the natural lives; meanwhile they'll continue to breed and indoctrinate their young with paranoid beliefs.
Tucker Carlson said he'd let Sydney Powell speak on his show for a week straight if she offered a single piece of the Trumpers are sending him death threats and telling him he's "finished." LMAO how quickly these sub human primates turn on their own. Carlson is Trump's biggest cheerleader, but even he is having trouble with the idea that Hugo Chavez was a master hacker who's legendary code finally made it into our voting machines this year with the help of Cuba-and they were sneaky enough to let the Republicans retain control of the Senate, just to throw us off...LOL
They want to believe and are so far gone now they seek out sources to confirm their biases, Foxnews is not far enough from reality, it's also linked to a willingness to believe anything but the truth. It was the real enemies of America that did this, billionaires who don't want to pay taxes, are racists and want the "freedom" to do whatever they want. Donald was their manifestation and oracle, a creation of native racism and rightwing propaganda that radicalized half the population with disinformation and lies. A house divided cannot stand, the bullshit must go and the truth must stick around or America is finished as a country, it might be one, but in name only and it will not be a happy place and perhaps not a free one either.
Trump is going to start a war imho. He’ll use it to stay in the wh.
He’s going to do something in 2 weeks. Just my gut feeling.
Tucker Carlson said he'd let Sydney Powell speak on his show for a week straight if she offered a single piece of the Trumpers are sending him death threats
I wonder if someone can address this for me.

Is making death threats not a crime in the USA? Why do we read about every single person who doesn't loyally support Trump receiving death threats, yet never, ever do we read about arrests regarding these threats? Hell, I've never even seen investigations mentioned.

Are these death threats not textbook examples of terrorism?

US law enforcement can spy on and track nearly every person in the world, but they can't catch any of these terrorists, most of whom were presumably stupid enough to download Trump's spyware app?
I wonder if someone can address this for me.

Is making death threats not a crime in the USA? Why do we read about every single person who doesn't loyally support Trump receiving death threats, yet never, ever do we read about arrests regarding these threats? Hell, I've never even seen investigations mentioned.

Are these death threats not textbook examples of terrorism?

US law enforcement can spy on and track nearly every person in the world, but they can't catch any of these terrorists, most of whom were presumably stupid enough to download Trump's spyware app?