
I think it's noteworthy that tws can get words strung together a lot better these days. I notice a difference. Good for him. Give him a little gold star.

TWS, next time you head upstairs for some chips, tell mom she did the right thing hiring that specialist for you.
Hahaa ! fucking glorious!!

I don't know whats better the bitterness on the tongues of the CBS news crew doing the live coverage talking about popular vote, or the array of fake smiles as they cover the mingling crowd. Salty

Bernie tho...bad sour puss on Bernie. Hillary looks like her fake smile is stuck, warren lol too good!!

Obama can get back to golf, got a tee time for later, ooohhh shit! did he remember that pardon? lol

have not watched CBS in months, but they have pretty good coverage of the events.
Hahaa first jackal in, nice work !!

I don't have high hopes for Trumps golf game, seems like it will be less of a priority moving on.
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I remember the oj trials. You wouldn't believe those rednecks. They actually burnt the phosphers on the rear projection guns with the courtv logo. So many tried for warranty claims. I wonder if the orange one will be permanently burned into the retinas of his followers?