
so not to take UB into this, but what was the real reason DT declined to participate in 'Nam? was it because of school or his bone spurs?

DT obviously didn't want to go to Nam and used whatever clout needed to not go. I think the official narrative was a medical deferment for bone spurs.
lol what?

erik prince, betsy devos' brother. founder of the mercenary group "blackwater", now known as zee (they changed the name after the blackwater brand got too saturated with wholesale slaughtering of innocent civilians by deranged homicidal mercenaries).
ha it will be must see tv...maybe with the volume down and some music playing...when is this shitfest going down and what channel so I can set the dvr?
everything is based on ratings for Chump, except when its not, like the popular vote... then its fake news/polls.
he always wins in his mind cuz hes a winner from birth
Ive been looking into moving to Sweden myself.
Know anyone there? I do.

I wouldn't go even if just quasi-female.
Rape is now as Swedish as Volvo, Ericsson, or Mora and allows it to lead the EU in this "growth industry" (though Germany is not far behind).
Know anyone there? I do.

I wouldn't go even if just quasi-female.
Rape is now as Swedish as Volvo, Ericsson, or Mora and allows it to lead the EU in this "growth industry" (though Germany is not far behind).

whatever you do, don't go to alaska then. it's worse there. all the white males with guns.