Double wowBecome? That's retarded I guess this is all new. War and all. Probably invented by bush. Always peace before him right. Nothing's changed and nothing about wars will.
Bottom boy. You say you don't know prince do you"I made $7000 a week working for BLM, go to this website to learn more..."
I've been there but to help. We are different.Go to any third world country and analyze their thoughts. See how those humans care for each other. We are very developed and educated in America compared to most of the world.
bullet catcher
Bottom boy. You say you don't know prince do you
You don't know prince. The founder of zee. Drumpfs right hand man.
so not to take UB into this, but what was the real reason DT declined to participate in 'Nam? was it because of school or his bone spurs?
lol what?
I like some old country.. cash, Jerry Reid shit like that. But I can't listen to shit like tiny Keith. His music created inbreeding
Isn't there a boycott to show disapproval via ratings?Fuck Toby Keith. He was lame back in his prime
Fuck 4 Doors Down. They never had a prime
I will be tuned in to see the protesters
Know anyone there? I do.Ive been looking into moving to Sweden myself.
Know anyone there? I do.
I wouldn't go even if just quasi-female.
Rape is now as Swedish as Volvo, Ericsson, or Mora and allows it to lead the EU in this "growth industry" (though Germany is not far behind).