Incarceration After Legalization Of Marijuana?


Well-Known Member
ppl think im negative when im not. I figure if it Can be Googled, their is no reason to tap into your 3rd shakra and meditate over such simple answers. you can only say NO to non-winners so many ways. so why not mix it up with some humor.


serapis would you care to explain more on what you had said?
haha i know right, i would literally shit myself if i was walking along in dc and saw a dispensary.
im not sure of all the details of the dc situation, i havnt read that much into it


Well-Known Member
I'm glad the site is filled with lawyers handing out legal advice for free... I feel like a kid in a candy store....

Since when do jails determine sentences or releases? They don't. A judge does, making your claim about prisons making money rather weak. In fact, MANY states are reviewing current sentences and are clearing out non violent criminals because of the taxing cost to the states to operate them. Florida alone is closing 6 state prisons because of budget issues....

I'm sure someone in jail for an offense that was since legalized stands a fair shake at getting out much earlier. That is my unprofessional, common sense opinion.

DC did not legalize pot, they made MMJ legal, big difference. He may not be exactly right, but odds are they are not letting you out if you have already been convicted, jails are a business also. Unless you happen to be an extremely high profile case in your arrest and trail, the odds of getting anytime on amnesty is highly unlikey.


man i use google to research, but there are so many conflicting answers i find on there. i was hoping that because this site is all about marijauna, i might find someone who could actually point me in the right direction. hey dude i agree, humor is good for the soul! if youre not laughing, youre not living!


hey serapis,

when using your common sense that does make sense, i would agree. i hear about people getting of prison just because there are too many people in it!
i know people will say stuff acting like they are legal lawyers and they have a great knowledge of the law, but im looking for the person who might actually be able to back
up what they say with actually factual information. i wont just follow blindly, thats why im not religious hahaha
no offense to those of you who are!!


Well-Known Member
Ex Post Facto is exactly the legal concept illustrated here homey. Ex Post Facto = after the fact. In Texas Law anyways...


Well-Known Member
if there are so many dispensaries opening up around you, why dont you stroll down to a few of them and talk to the owners , hear about their "hopes and fears" lol.

sounds like an awful lot of competition too.


sorry for not correctly wording that, you are very much right. dc did not legalize pot, they did in fact only legalize mmj
you knew what i meant though haha


Well-Known Member
michigan is closing prisons also. i live in a town that had a punk prison. then the closed it it has been closed for 4 or 5 years now. they are trying to fire it up again andi think they will be bringing fed prisioners. and i went to a flea type mmj market 2 streets from the capital building in lansing. pretty kewl walking out with clones and buds.


Well-Known Member
Your right but I still find it WiNNiNG that youd look to a Stoner Forum, after Losing to Googles Opposing Answers. Trust me, Youll find more OPPOSING ANSWERS ona pothead Site than Google can ever come up with.
man i use google to research, but there are so many conflicting answers i find on there. i was hoping that because this site is all about marijauna, i might find someone who could actually point me in the right direction. hey dude i agree, humor is good for the soul! if youre not laughing, youre not living!


Well-Known Member
The change in law made by this Act applies only
to an offense committed on or after the effective date of this Act.
An offense committed before the effective date of this Act is
covered by the law in effect when the offense was committed, and the
former law is continued in effect for that purpose. For purposes of
this section, an offense was committed before the effective date of
this Act if any element of the offense was committed before that

Texas Legislature, tough guy. ;)

straight from the Med MJ Act passed in '09. IN TEXAS!
you don't have to be a lawyer to know the law. Reading comprehension will suffice.


Well-Known Member
Are there dispensaries in DC yet? I cannot imagine the DEA allowing that, regardless of the DC law. lol I would love to see a MMJ dispensary right in front of the congressional building. I'll bet it would always be sold out of the better strains.. ;)
It would actually make the area look better I think. D.C. is one of the biggest slums I have ever seen. You can literally walk two blocks from the white house and cop some crack off the guy working the corner.


raw its easy to see through peoples bs
i am just waiting to step in with some good info that i can then take and research rather than starting from ground zero. hey i thought it might work
oh and hey, bobby seems to know a little bit. ill check into that for my state


Well-Known Member
I do not condone risks. if its not 100% legal and you cant take your Questions to your Local City Hall. then save it. Cause I did.


Well-Known Member
Ask any lawyer smart guy about ex Post Facto.... it can work both ways, as I'm sure you know, but refuse to acknowledge here in an attempt to stave off embarrassment. Ex Post Facto is sometimes referred to as Amnesty law as well.... Do you know what amnesty is? I'll give you a few minutes to Google it and get back to me....

The change in law made by this Act applies only
to an offense committed on or after the effective date of this Act.
An offense committed before the effective date of this Act is
covered by the law in effect when the offense was committed, and the
former law is continued in effect for that purpose. For purposes of
this section, an offense was committed before the effective date of
this Act if any element of the offense was committed before that

Texas Legislature, tough guy. ;)

straight from the Med MJ Act passed in '09. IN TEXAS!
you don't have to be a lawyer to know the law. Reading comprehension will suffice.


Well-Known Member
CITY HALL. I was talking about my Plants in front of Sheriff Deputies. also this site is 18+ and does not promote illegal acts of growing marijuana
so raw since you seem to know sooooo much
what is my best source of information on this topic?


Well-Known Member
MMJ or Growing it is not Taboo to me, nor to anyone I personally know. Everyone here grows, and smokes. I, Like a big boy went to my city hall with an apt, and spoke with a lady for an hour regarding the LAWs of what I can do, and Cannot. Where I can, and where I cannot. How much, and how much I cannot.