ya man, noticeably on the daily too! last night i had to splint up like 3 of her tops with 1/4 inch craft dowels, and then i had to get another 3 of them tonight. and that's with her already trained to her scrog...
i am SO happy that i have 10 of the PDP clones hanging around.

i moved 5 into larger pots and gave them front row seating under the 200PAR earlier, as well as my next-in-line White Fire and Agent Orange mommies.
i also popped 5 clones off the Cannatonic... she makes me all giddy with anticipation...
tomorrow i aim to get 5-6 clones off my Mendo Purp, and it's about time to clone and top and start training the Blue Dream. it's supposed to be a fem'd seed but i still believe in sex-testing a clone anytime i start from seed.
well, back to the babies... i'll keep ya all posted!