Indictment Countdown...


No bullshit here. I am just trying to talk to you.

Nobody wins on the internet. If you back the wrong horse it doesnt make you worse or me better or anything like that. Sometimes we fight beyond what we should just due to inertia.

Padwan and others rail against money and power influencing politics. And they are right, of course money and power influences politics because politics can influence everything else.

Our officials need to be accountable to the people. We do that by having records laws that retain communications of our government officials to keep them honest. If we allow the system to support corruption then we have corrupt politicians unaccountable to the people serving the wealthy and powerful.

My position is that Hillary Clinton represents what we dont want in government. She is dishonest, she has a proven track record of misleading and outright lying. Her charitable foundation takes in hundreds of millions of dollars and spends 90% on itself and then doles out 10% for charitable giving. Her husband's speaking fees tripled when she became Secretary of State and the income to the charity from foreign donors skyrocketed. Her policies have changed based on donations into the charity by interested parties.

It is not about which team wins as much as it is about accountability and responsibility and increasing evidence shows that Hillary Clinton has not been either.
I know your furiously masturbating to this latest report.
But so far. No laws have been broken. And if Clinton goes down for it. So will Powell and Rice.
I'm not going to lose. I'll vote for Sanders.
I know your furiously masturbating to this latest report.
But so far. No laws have been broken. And if Clinton goes down for it. So will Powell and Rice.
I'm not going to lose. I'll vote for Sanders.

I have been telling you that Clinton was dirty for a year now and your mantra has been show me she broke laws.

So NBC is lying about Clinton breaking laws? Did they suddenly become part of the vast right wing conspiracy?

Clinton is already claiming the IG appointed by Obama is biased against her... Typical posturing... LOL!
I have been telling you that Clinton was dirty for a year now and your mantra has been show me she broke laws.

So NBC is lying about Clinton breaking laws? Did they suddenly become part of the vast right wing conspiracy?

Clinton is already claiming the IG appointed by Obama is biased against her... Typical posturing... LOL!
Using personal email = dirty?
Well Powell is one dirty criminal motherfucker as well then.
Rice is a dirty Bitch as well by those standards

News flash.....Thats also Illegal and people are getting sued and thrown in jail for it all the time.


is a patient privacy law. You cant just go sending bullshit threw personal email. Specially government information.

In the Army I had access to literally THOUSANDS of social security numbers, parent names, date of births....... Did I ever send that shit threw personal email? FUCK NO! I would encryt it and send it threw my personal military email. Anyone can get onto a personal email. Hacking into military emails.....not everyone can do that.
Using personal email = dirty?
Well Powell is one dirty criminal motherfucker as well then.
Rice is a dirty Bitch as well by those standards

Yeah, and Bill Clinton's impeachment was about a blowjob...

I gotta make a lot of money today so I cant sit and play with you :cry:
The U.S. State Department inspector general's report shows Hillary Clinton's email practices reflected those of other secretaries of state and that her use of personal email was known to government officials at the time, a Clinton spokesman said on Wednesday.

"The report shows that problems with the State Department's electronic recordkeeping systems were longstanding and that there was no precedent of someone in her position having a State Department email account until after the arrival of her successor," spokesman Brian Fallon said in a statement.

He also said the report, which was distributed to lawmakers, showed no successful breach of the private server she used.

(Reporting by Luciana Lopez; Writing by Doina Chiacu; Editing by Jonathan Oatis)
Yeah, and Bill Clinton's impeachment was about a blowjob...

I gotta make a lot of money today so I cant sit and play with you :cry:
So, how much do you charge for making up a favorable report for your client in order to curry repeat business?
I know your furiously masturbating to this latest report.
But so far. No laws have been broken. And if Clinton goes down for it. So will Powell and Rice.
I'm not going to lose. I'll vote for Sanders.

Chesus, Stay calm. Losing is not the end of the world. Simmer down ,everything will work out. Trump might even make it possible for you to get ahead a little bit before you get to be my age. nitro
I'm hoping that Hillary gets booted in favor of Bernie, but not on trumped up hyperbole. I mean, you guys aren't really saying we don't like her and we are angry that she used a private server so she should "go to jail" are you? Shouldn't there actually be an illegal act that's like a felony or something? What exactly is the charge that has been filed? I tried to find out but couldn't anything more specific than this:

Its a real head-scratcher of an article for sure. I don't know how you can be so sure of yourself when you cry for capital punishment or whatever you think she deserves.

This is the most specific and believable statement in the article:
Former federal prosecutor Anne Tompkins (who also prosecuted David Petraeus), she wrote “The key element that distinguishes Secretary Clinton’s email retention practices from Petraeus’ sharing of classified information is that Petraeus knowingly engaged in unlawful conduct, and that was the basis of his criminal liability.” :confused:

A good interpretation of that interpretation is: founder, Dan Abrams, also believes based on what we know today, Clinton did not commit a crime. “The reality as I see it is one that won’t entirely satisfy either side — that based on what we know today, she likely did violate government procedures and rules, but not the law,” Abrams said.

You guys can bay to the moon all you like. Yes she clowned around with government files and some rules were broken. Near as I can tell, she committed nothing worse than the equivalent of jaywalking. Of course, voters can decide against her if they like, law or no. Otherwise, you are just making shit up.

It is pretty clear she violated laws. It is on every news network. The IG's report is not on the fence about it.

Why are you not concerned that Hillary Clinton clearly lied about the status of her server and her clearance to use it?

Why are you not concerned that Hillary Clinton clearly misled if not right out lied to the American people about the events?

Absolutely broke the law man.
Ask any military or govt. worker with a clearance what would happen if they were to do exactly what she did. That whole OPSEC/COMSEC thing.

She deserves prison time. Anyone else would be prosecuted for sending sensitive materials over personal email.

Have you ever worked a government job or signed a disclosure agreement?