Indictment Countdown...

News flash.....Thats also Illegal and people are getting sued and thrown in jail for it all the time.


is a patient privacy law. You cant just go sending bullshit threw personal email. Specially government information.

In the Army I had access to literally THOUSANDS of social security numbers, parent names, date of births....... Did I ever send that shit threw personal email? FUCK NO! I would encryt it and send it threw my personal military email. Anyone can get onto a personal email. Hacking into military emails.....not everyone can do that.
Are you saying Hillary violated HIPPA? Are you saying Hillary knowingly sent state secrets via her personal server, like Petraus? If so, Petraus ended up with a misdemeanor charge. Is that what you are so dizzy about? A misdemeanor?

Petraeus, in the end, pleaded guilty last year to a misdemeanor charge of mishandling classified material. No charges were brought against Broadwell. The Justice Department has never discussed how it reached its decision to accept a plea on the lesser charge.
Are you saying Hillary violated HIPPA? Are you saying Hillary knowingly sent state secrets via her personal server, like Petraus? If so, Petraus ended up with a misdemeanor charge. Is that what you are so dizzy about? A misdemeanor?

Petraeus, in the end, pleaded guilty last year to a misdemeanor charge of mishandling classified material. No charges were brought against Broadwell. The Justice Department has never discussed how it reached its decision to accept a plea on the lesser charge.
There was a law created after patraeus left office. Federal records act 2009
Since the benghazi toy has lost its lustre theres been a desperate search, lead by imbecile ass clowns, for a replacement fetish object. The quest will go after Hillary has been prez for years.

The same inept leadership that brought you mitt romney and dozens of obama care cicle jerks is like a broken record of babbling stupidity. The left out, ignorant, nostalgic throw backs that feed on this bs are self destructing, going extinct.
There was a law created after patraeus left office. Federal records act 2009
So what is she charged with doing? I know, you say she is a criminal. That's not exactly how its done in court. You have to file charges for a crime. What charges did you find in the report?

This report was constrained against studying secret documents. This is basically only about regular office e-mail. The FBI is looking into the matter of how secret documents were handled and whether a crime was committed. I can't find any reference to a criminal act in the report. What the report does is say she did not comply with “the Department’s policies that were implemented in accordance with the Federal Records Act.” So she broke with bureaucratic policies. Not criminal statutes and not civil statutes.

Something might be forthcoming with the FBI reports. But this is much ado about nothing.

And @NLXSK1 is a complete idiot.
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Speaking of which has anyone seen 13 Hours yet? in a non ass clown fetish sort of way?

Just came on Hulu, I shall burn and watch it.
umm, no. I can only come up with some ass clown comments regarding pandering to a specific audience. The synopsis reminds me a lot of the old movie, Zulu where the brave British soldiers hold off hordes of black savages. Lots of grit in that one.