After putting down some LST. I tried a few different forms of stress training here.
One of the two in the single DWC bucket was broken at the main stem, just below where new growth occurred (further down than typically recommended in topping); figured that the lower level canopy would have the room to grow vertically and “fill the hole” where the main stem was broken. Creating a very nice and even canopy.
two of the soil mixes were trimmed. I only took off the bottom leaves that weren’t getting light, andany duckfoot leaves below where I want the canopy to be.
one of the others, I’m attempting to do a “spiral-like” LST where the canopy will grow from outside to in.Doing this by bending to a fat side, then turning the plant every day or two and reapplying new ties.
the DWCthats solo will be left with nothing more than a topping. Eventually, as it grows out a bit more, I’ll do some super cropping around the base of the bud nodes. By that time, I should have an individual screen over it so I can scrog the canopy and will likely tie it the new growth down to the top of the screen; idea is that it’ll force the plant to grow along the top of the screen and I may be able to add more screen to scab it all together to make it run up the wall a little bit as well. So almost like taking a scrog method, but forcing the plant to continue the growth vertically as well as horizontally.
the others are all undergoing traditional methods of LST and topping.
The reason I’m trying all these different things is for fun. I’ve done enough research on how plants grow and what makes certain methods increase yields that I want to test some theories out. I know some of you will say “all been done before” & “follow the rule book, stop thinking outside the box”. Don’t really need that sort of feedback. I’m well aware of what I’m doing and what I plan to get out of doing this... finding a fun way of growing my own cannabis that is unique and rewarding.
Pics are as of today. I’m sure in a week, they will start to be pretty bushy.