I've grown once before, I bought 20 seeds and started them next to my window in planters and later moved them outside when they got to be about 4 to 6 inches tall. Didn't really tend to them too well, there were a couple of heavy rainstorms and some animals ate a few. I hear that deer really like weed. This year I'd like to try again - I'm in a rural part of Eastern Ontario, so I could probably start a plot in an area off of my property (Canadian laws are not as lenient as some might think, especially under the Conservatives, and I'd rather not have plants on my land). I could find a rarely-traveled edge of a nearby citizen's property to grow on. There's also forest nearby that I can drive or even walk to, though I'm not too sure about the soil quality or the amount of light at ground level. There are trails through a part of it and some hikers and hunters during the season. I'll probably bring a gun too, in case of bears. On the other side of this, I could possibly do a small grow in a 3' tall, 5' wide, 2.5' deep closet. It would have to be very compact and very inconspicuous, as in no super-high electricity bill and no weed smell. If the indoor space is not feasible for a plant by any means, then I'll start gearing up for an outdoor grow.
Regardless of which I choose, I'm willing to spend around $100-$150 not including seeds.
Here's the local seed shop I'll be going to
Regardless of which I choose, I'm willing to spend around $100-$150 not including seeds.
Here's the local seed shop I'll be going to