indoor vs outdoor

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Like with anything else you get what you put into it. It's work plain an simple. If its gonna rain then its time to break out the easy ups and start tarping.
Which helps, but tarps don't stop humidity. You need sun in the morning to burn off the dew. Sure, you can stop rain, but you can't stop moisture in the air without a sealed climate controlled greenhouse.

the biggest problem with outdoor is that the vast majority of people harvest wayyy to early
Out of necessity. Once you start to see some rot, you've got to pull early.

and then do a piss poor job drying / trimming and curing
I use Humboldt OD trimmers on my hydro sometimes. They do an incredible job. But when they trim OD, it just looks like standard OD. Most of the trimmers up there are pros. They can hammer out a couple pounds a day and make it look however you want it to look. But if the leaf to calyx ratio favors leaf due to underdeveloped calyxes, there is nothing a trimmer can do about that.

and honestly at 1k a pound in sept why should they even bother doing better ? Now me on the other hand I do everything I have to in order to get a proper bud and then I'll jar cure for 2 months or so and by feb or so the markets back up and I'm sitting pretty.
Now a days most of the people up there I know are storing their buds in barrels, then vacuum sealing the entire barrel, then burying them.


Well-Known Member
I think outdoor makes for bigger harvests. But, having to contend with thieves, critters and mother nature makes it tough sometimes. I lost over half a pound last fall from a week of non stop rain. Gave a couple of ladies mold. Indoors all I have to worry about is bugs. Less yield, less worries.


Well-Known Member
For most people the year before was terrible. There was a big storm that hit NorCal in September that molded out a lot of crops. And even before that there was only 4 days of sun the entire month of August. It was a disaster.
eh, I just cover the plants, go out and shake the plants and turn the fan on. I run fans on my outdoor on any humid day.