As to the video I also find it interesting that they can grow such nice plants from so far off the canopy. Looks like a lot of work.
seems to me this bio-sonic light is more of a pain that it's worth. One of the several reasons i went with the induction was to get away from changing bulbs and heat issues, and with this lamp one would have possible moisture issues and buy an add on reflector or build one...all for the low price of $360.00 with shipping... no thanks. but an interesting read
As to the video I also find it interesting that they can grow such nice plants from so far off the canopy.
If you were to purchase these lamp/drivers consider this;
1) You'll have to build a housing with reflector for these since all the light off the sides of the lamps is lost to the canopy.
2) The driver housing is not IP65 which lends itself to moisture building up on the components.
3) They ask you to buy both a veg and a flowering lamp.
Unlike igrow who neglected to show the Hg peaks on their spectral distribution graphs @ least these guys got the Mercury spikes right. While there are now literally dozens of Chinese companies that have laid claim to manufacturing plant lighting lamps/drivers/fixtures I'll keep my comments to this new brand.
If you were to purchase these lamp/drivers consider this;
1) You'll have to build a housing with reflector for these since all the light off the sides of the lamps is lost to the canopy.
2) The driver housing is not IP65 which lends itself to moisture building up on the components.
3) They ask you to buy both a veg and a flowering lamp.
ahh fuckit I couldn't resist. Here's another one:
Fat Doobie to the first one that posts up what wrong with this product especially referring to the greenhouse at 0.48 into the video
umole has nothing to do with par..and again par is bullshit as well...I can give you some baddass par readings with blue is only a different set point for the light meters that tries to flatten out the reading to the entire visible spectrum rather than the center of it as with ftc...and IMO more sciency jargon to convince you this tech is better etc... I am tired of charts graphs and sciency me some fucking plants...and more than 2 or three grows ...I definitely do not hate those lights. That red shift is something I could see putting in the more mature part of my perpetual flowering tent I want to put an inda-gro in. If they are all about the par how come they do not throw a u/mole reading at you? I didn't even see canopy coverage except a pic on the sellers site that says its does not work after 12" away.
Was I the only one confused by the structure of that table expalining how they are better than hid?
And the ballast choice throws me off a lil too, since the one model only has a 2 year warranty, and those are the only ballast for the 250w.... But I do like the look of those graphs, can not lie about that.
I guess I just do not understand the need for all the variance they have, I kinda like how simplified inda-gro has it with you just picking wattage, bottom line I will prob contact a sales rep, but they better dazzle me to really get me to look at anything other than that red shift. And speaking of that the sales site they point you too( says nothing about that bulb at all and only are selling the 200 from what I could find!! Idk prob still go with inda gro for simplicity and that decade warranty, but if it can do some crazy shit in flower (redshift) might have too grab, anyone else see something that would void any of what i just said ?
Points scored for hid as this is the normal placement for them in these applicationsSeriously Ganja I can only handle one pass at these kind of vids. I've done 7 greenhouse supplemental lighting jobs now with Inda-Gro Daylight Harvester lights. One was in Canada. There is no way in hell that even a 420 at 15 ft above the canopy is going to add more than 0.5 Mol/day which means you might as well not even have supplemental lighting unless they can contribute < 5 Mol's/day/M-sq to the DLI. The maximum lamp:canopy spacing we got away with was 8ft over a M-sq.
pretty plants...good grower you are...could you please post a pic showing the entire plants and something to indicate their size?Day 42 of flower Vegged and grown under 420s. This pic is for KIte. I have lots more too![]()
simple..hes a politician that Obamanation owed a favor to so walla...kushy do nothing jobWhat can you guys tell me about Tom Vilsack @ the USDA? His CV makes it look like he'd have the cape and the big S going on. What's the real deal with Mr. V?
governor of Iowa or some ag type state so I am sure if you looked into his campaign donors MontSATAN will be thereany ties to big ag you can point to? Monsantomania perhaps?
Points scored for hid as this is the normal placement for them in these applications
And I am pretty confident that this operation knows what the fuck they are doing