Ineb's First Grow


Well-Known Member
Oh, that's right, that's how I had the test plant growing, with those two flouro tubes alone; propped up vertically. I'm going to fix that right this instant.... the previously used concept eluded my thoughts. Do'h.


Well-Known Member
Sweet, my botched clone took root. I used a dull knife and scissors to take it as a cutting. No rooting compound either, and it was in free air for like 15minutes. Plus, I pulled it out of the rock wool twice because I was contemplating tossing it. Damn, I'm lucky, right? Lol.


Well-Known Member
haven't tried my first clone so you're an inspiration. can't wait to get rid of the males in my grow process.


Well-Known Member
Yo, I'm bored and plants don't do much in 1 day.. thought I'd share some of this stuff with y'all, lol.

Some secret agents. The top one is straight up green, the lower is a greens/tobacco mix. Exciting!

Some left over mix, bet you couldn't tell by looking at it? (Well, maybe, if you looked more than a sec.)

And those are my prospects for now, I'm off to watch a movie!


Well-Known Member
Not much to report today except that my lights remained on for an accidental extra hour. The HPS is on a timer, yet the flouro's aren't. Some stupid thing about all my outlets not having a ground spot. I have to plug the timer into a power strip; not the other way like it should be. So, from now on I'm turnin' them off 1-2hours ahead of time so I don't forget about them again....blah.

Other than that - growth is good, somewhat better than when it was in a window(more time under direct light) Looks like it's bloomin' or w/e on the very top. It's purty.


Well-Known Member
Good news to report - I know a guy, who knows a guy that grows white widow.

My next journal will be documenting a white widow grow, as I have a source for free seeds.... hell yeah :) :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
hey ineb, what a coincidence. i have 4 ww sprouts less than a week old in my second grow. we'll have to watch each other's progress


Well-Known Member
A quick snap of my room with the plant in it. The plant is much fuller under these lights, setting it in the window for so long was a mistake I guess, won't do that again.

Current lighting :
1x26w CFL warm
1x46w CFL warm
1x150w HPS
2x13~w(I forgot exactly) Flouro tubes, 1 cool 1 warm.

All on one plant :leaf:. Well, not totally. 4plants I have yet to discard are growing in a DWC tub against the wall. Just test-stuff so I'm giving them enough light to live but grow EXTREMELY slow. Probably hermies or males.

Aiko - Day 57 - 13th Day flowering. (To see the entire plant look at above image)

The picture sucks and ya can't see them very well but... the top is 80% white hairs. Starting to form them buds weee!


Well-Known Member
Thanks, lol. I planned to move it up into the closet a long time ago, but I didn't-finally-get my ballast till like 3weeks ago. Then after it was set up I was so lazy I couldn't pick up a 2 lb. plant and carry it to the room. It stretched a bit due to insufficient direct sunlight.

When it was outside it was growing awesome.

If you look at the plant and examine it for a bit, you can see where it was outside, then in the window, and now under the lights. Short node distance at the bottom, stretched in the middle, quite compact at the top.


Well-Known Member
OK, seems like my plant has a bit of a problem... good I caught it early.

The leaves are "clawing"; this is from excess salts build up, correct?

I have 2.5 gal. sitting out releasing chlorine now. I sped up the process with some of my fish's water conditioner.

I'm planning to flush tonight when the water is the same temperature as the closet.

If I should do something else, lemme know, k?


Well-Known Member
Aiko - Day 61 -17th day of flowering

I actually snapped a shot of visible bud formation! Normally it's all blurry, bah.

Anyway... everything seems to be moving along just fine to me.


Well-Known Member
Time for an update I suppose.

Aiko - Day 66 - 22nd day of flowering.

As ya can see... my plant is growing soooo slow, to me anyway. What do you all think about it for 3weeks and a day in?