Inequality and the USA: A nation in denial?


Well-Known Member
You're right, just give up. It's not worth the hard work and effort...
Wasting myself in miserable futility will never be worth effort.

I noticed you didn't have an option to suggest, you just defaulted to the "well then just give up" response.

If i can't access what i want, then the next best thing is to avoid what i want to avoid. I won't sell myself for anything less than i say myself is worth; just like any business owner won't sell their product for less than breaking even. Bare minimum, i have to either break even, or come out ahead, or it's not worth it. I don't seem to have that option, so... i suppose i will wait until i either figure it out, or get tired of trying to figure out what i suspect is actually impossible to accomplish, but am only still alive because i'm not quite sure it's actually impossible. I'll either figure it out or die. But what i won't do, is do things that won't help me, just because someone else insists. It is not necessary for me to remain alive. And if it's not going to become significantly better, in a short amount of time, and then stay that way for a long time... then is anything really worth doing? Maybe to others, it might be... but not in my case.


Well-Known Member
Wasting myself in miserable futility will never be worth effort.

I noticed you didn't have an option to suggest, you just defaulted to the "well then just give up" response.

If i can't access what i want, then the next best thing is to avoid what i want to avoid. I won't sell myself for anything less than i say myself is worth; just like any business owner won't sell their product for less than breaking even. Bare minimum, i have to either break even, or come out ahead, or it's not worth it. I don't seem to have that option, so... i suppose i will wait until i either figure it out, or get tired of trying to figure out what i suspect is actually impossible to accomplish, but am only still alive because i'm not quite sure it's actually impossible. I'll either figure it out or die. But what i won't do, is do things that won't help me, just because someone else insists. It is not necessary for me to remain alive. And if it's not going to become significantly better, in a short amount of time, and then stay that way for a long time... then is anything really worth doing? Maybe to others, it might be... but not in my case.
You're totally wrong about that.

A car dealer will often sell a car at a loss to get capital to buy cars he can make money on.

Likewise, working a minimum wage job is more profitable than sitting at home.

The best way to succeed is to try.

Your value is determined by what you are actually being paid, not by what you think you ought to be paid.


Well-Known Member
Notice I mentioned the NDAA and the authorization to Use MIlitary Force resolution. They go hand in hand with the Patriot act.

Try reading next time.
yes, i noticed how you mentioned stuff that is not the patriot act in a retarded attempt to bolster a statement about the patriot act.

it made us all proud in the same way that it makes us proud to see a retarded man hobble across the finish line of a 5k.


Well-Known Member
So, back to inequality. It seems like the haves won; all you apologizing for their transgressions instead of holding them accountable for them deserve what you get; screwed.

The trouble is that you drag the rest of the country down with you.


Well-Known Member
yes, i noticed how you mentioned stuff that is not the patriot act in a retarded attempt to bolster a statement about the patriot act.

it made us all proud in the same way that it makes us proud to see a retarded man hobble across the finish line of a 5k.
You're too stupid to know what you're talking about anyways. Glad to hear you made the finish line.


Well-Known Member
So, back to inequality. It seems like the haves won; all you apologizing for their transgressions instead of holding them accountable for them deserve what you get; screwed.

The trouble is that you drag the rest of the country down with you.

David Cay Johnston digs into the subject some more in this 3rd part of RAI. Specifically, he discusses how the US system preserves familial wealth transfer at the expense of the rest, along with the marginal tax rates (and who they really affected) during the Roosevelt years--back when it was >90%.
The 4th part is setting up to be a good one, I think, since they are going to discuss income taxes in greater depth.



Well-Known Member
David Cay Johnston digs into the subject some more in this 3rd part of RAI. Specifically, he discusses how the US system preserves familial wealth transfer at the expense of the rest, along with the marginal tax rates (and who they really affected) during the Roosevelt years--back when it was >90%.
The 4th part is setting up to be a good one, I think, since they are going to discuss income taxes in greater depth.

I don't know anything about this guy, can you tell me more about his work? What's RAI?


Well-Known Member
David Kay Johnston

Johnston is the author of best-selling books on tax and economic policy. Free Lunch: How the Wealthiest Americans Enrich Themselves at Government Expense and Stick You With The Bill, is about hidden subsidies, rigged markets, and corporate socialism. It follows his earlier book Perfectly Legal: The Covert Campaign to Rig Our Tax System to Benefit the Super Rich—and Cheat Everybody Else, aNew York Times bestseller[13] on the U.S. tax system that won the Investigative Reporters and Editors2003 Book of the Year award

Looks like I have some reading to do.


Well-Known Member
I don't know anything about this guy, can you tell me more about his work? What's RAI?
Have you watched it? It tells you what RAI stands for immediately :lol:
He's a real journalist, in the classic sense.
I just know his name from reading economics articles over the years and enjoying them (while learning something, usually).


Well-Known Member
You'll never have a system that doesn't favor the ultra wealthy.

They run the system.

It's almost a necessity to have prosperity.

Without a system supported by and working for their interests, everyone is poor.

In that society if anyone ever did develop great wealth, they would create a system and that system would favor them.

It's a circular argument because the system is circular.


Well-Known Member
You'll never have a system that doesn't favor the ultra wealthy.

They run the system.

It's almost a necessity to have prosperity.

Without a system supported by and working for their interests, everyone is poor.

In that society if anyone ever did develop great wealth, they would create a system and that system would favor them.

It's a circular argument because the system is circular.
Your logic is circular and thus flawed. It also doesn't fit the facts, a more serious charge.


Well-Known Member
You're totally wrong about that.

A car dealer will often sell a car at a loss to get capital to buy cars he can make money on.

Likewise, working a minimum wage job is more profitable than sitting at home.

The best way to succeed is to try.

Your value is determined by what you are actually being paid, not by what you think you ought to be paid.
I'm not totally wrong about that; that salesman is choosing between zero business, and insufficient business, in that instance. If he continues that business practice, he will soon have no business. The Objective, is to NOT lose money on every deal. If you do, you'll have no business.

And you seem to have missed the fact that working a minimum wage job has a personal cost, which exceeds the compensation received. You can only volunteer to take a loss for so long, before all of your resources are depleted, and you have nothing left with which to do business.

At some point, that terrible salesman will not recoup his costs enough to purchase more stock, and then he's screwed.

You're suggesting this is the proper course, and that all is well.

In other words: you agree that the system is designed to deplete its Human Resources, until they expire. ^^