injunction/court case updates


Well-Known Member
Don't make donuts at home using your stove...that's a 240v 40amp receptacle your using. Fire, mold and organized crime. Could possibly find a key chain to trigger a court case.
thats right they should have only LP's producing donuts then they could charge $10 or $12 a piece for them but a dozen is way to many so limit them to only 2 or 3


Well-Known Member
Cannabis Culture @CannabisCulture · 1m 1 minute ago
Court is now in session. Crown counsel moves on to "overbreadth". Says law is not overbroad because all patients are given equal access...
Cannabis Culture @CannabisCulture · 56s 57 seconds ago
…to medical marijuana through the LP system and equally face criminal charges for home growing
shit they can't even keep up to the demand now what if another 40,000 patients would like to get some. call back next year or the year after that maybe we can supply you then.

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
Do the lps not have a significantly higher risk for mold then since they are growing a hundred times more then a home grower?
Aren't the only mold reports known to be from LP's ?
They have already had mold issues. WTF...shut them down...not us...I got no mold....just on my cheddar in the fridge maybe. OMG...FOR GOD'S Kraft someone.


Well-Known Member
Cannabis Culture @CannabisCulture · 11m 11 minutes ago
Gov't: The MMPR doesn't infringe on liberty because all people allowed by doctors to access the system can get from the LPs equally
Cannabis Culture @CannabisCulture · 8m 8 minutes ago
Gov't moves on to "gross disproportionality": possibility of incarceration is not grossly disproportionate as shown in R v Malmo-Levine
Cannabis Culture @CannabisCulture · 8m 8 minutes ago
R v. Malmo-Levine;_R_v_Caine…
Cannabis Culture @CannabisCulture · 4m 4 minutes ago
Gov't moves on to 150g possession limit. No evidence the restriction harms or limits reasonable travel plans - based on 5g a day use
Cannabis Culture @CannabisCulture · 2m 2 minutes ago
Gov't: Hitzig case shows Canada's interest in limiting amount of medical marijuana patients can carry on them…