Insanely Concentrated Wealth Is Strangling Our Prosperity

No I don't. You just want to sound like your infatuation with skytard isn't part of your desperate quest for attention.

Does she know how you feel? I think maybe you should get some advice from @see4 on how to find female companionship. Don't just follow her around and like all her posts while defending her from people who dislike her racist rants, make a move!
Considering how much you follow me around, I must own a lot of real estate in your head.

Too bad it isn't worth anything.
No I don't. You just want to sound like your infatuation with skytard isn't part of your desperate quest for attention.

Does she know how you feel? I think maybe you should get some advice from @see4 on how to find female companionship. Don't just follow her around and like all her posts while defending her from people who dislike her racist rants, make a move!

do your comments make you feel whole now- complete?
You can see how it worked out for him.

All the ramen noodles he can eat!
I was at a Japanese restaurant, eating actual ramen. You see, I travel. Do you even have a passport or do you just use meth all night and shitpost?

Go ahead, ask @rollitup which country I am posting from. Protip: It's not Japan but I do speak Nihongo.
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No I don't. You just want to sound like your infatuation with skytard isn't part of your desperate quest for attention.

Does she know how you feel? I think maybe you should get some advice from @see4 on how to find female companionship. Don't just follow her around and like all her posts while defending her from people who dislike her racist rants, make a move!
