Insect invasion

Help! Because it's so late in the season and I decided to start late, I've been moving this every night to a spot under the solar controlled light on my back patio. I put in the brightest led bulb that would fit the fixture hoping the extra light would help with growth.

Of course the light also draws every winged insect to it as well. When I moved it back to it's sunny spot this morning, this is what I found. Can anyone ID the bugs for me? I've applied Neem oil a couple of times already and sprayed it really good this morning. When the spray hit, some of them scurried down into the soil around the stem before I could blow them off the plant.

The plan has been to get them in their forever home when the nutes get here from the jungle website. I'm going to do passive hydro using GH Flora Trio, Cali-Magic and Armour Si in RO water.

This is what I'm going to try in a container that holds around 5 litres. This YouTuber has much more comprehensive videos, but this one gives you the general idea.

It's Nirvana Blue Dream Auto btw.



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Thank you. Now I can get busy getting rid of them.
If you have that many leafhoppers on that small of plant you could end up with holes in most leafs. Your best bet is use double sided sticky traps. They are attracted to the yellow. It's the fastest way I've found to get rid of them. Up until flower I like to dust for then with DE. Organic and it will help with a lot of the smaller bugs.
Here in Northeastern Ohio, it's very dry so anything that feeds on plants is likely going to be ravenous. I wish I'd have started earlier but you know wish in one hand, in the other and see which comes true first. After failing to get some hot pepper seeds to germinate I thought I'd lost my touch. The blue dream popped and had a nice root in 3 days so I thought eff it, I'm gonna try to grow. I've been out for weeks and hate spending the $ when I know I can grow it myself.

I wanted to buy some AutoDuck for the stealthiness but Dutch Passion is always out. Any tips on getting a hold on some?
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Here in Northeastern Ohio, it's very dry so anything that feeds on plants is likely going to be ravenous. I wish I'd have started earlier but you know wish in one hand, in the other and see which comes true first. After failing to get some hot pepper seeds to germinate I thought I'd lost my touch. The blue dream popped and had a nice root in 3 days so I thought eff it, I'm gonna try to grow. I've been out for weeks and hate spending the $ when I know I can grow it myself.

I wanted to buy some AutoDuck for the stealthiness but Dutch Masters is always out. Any tips on getting a hold on some?

Sensible Seeds has them in stock. That's where I got mine a couple years ago along with the Frisian Duck as well. I haven't grown any but if it's anything like Frisian Duck you'll be disappointed. That stuff was garbage. I don't see the auto Duck being any better. It's just got funky leaves but it's not very good pot at all.
Sensible Seeds has them in stock. That's where I got mine a couple years ago along with the Frisian Duck as well. I haven't grown any but if it's anything like Frisian Duck you'll be disappointed. That stuff was garbage. I don't see the auto Duck being any better. It's just got funky leaves but it's not very good pot at all.
I grew the AutoDuck from Dutch Passion before and thought it wasn't a stand out in any way, it was decent. I hope no real complaints other than it didn't produce much, but that could be blamed on my growing technique. It was on the mild side of potent and had a smooth taste.
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The Neem oil worked. Here's a picture of the root mass after 10 days in the nutrient solution. It took nearly a week for the roots to acclimate to their new environment. After that, they exploded with new growth. Unfortunately, the poor thing spent too much time in the Dixie cup and it's already flowering but only about 8 inches tall. I'm hoping it'll turn into one big fat frosty cola .IMG_20220731_121745581.jpg
Not very tall but frosty enough for fun. The trichs are just starting to get milky. It seems like it's taking forever to mature. Could it be that the darkness activated security light is slowing it down? The plant is in light of some sort 24/7. The build is about 5 inches above the top and it's an LED floodlight which has a kelvin temp adjustment. I have it set for 2700K and it's 1100 lumens with a 1 par rating.


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