Interesting Thought...


Well-Known Member
...crazy. No offense to you, but information like this, has the potential to destroy so many That sentance was depressing. I was just thinking about how some people lace weed and sell it w/o telling people, and then this, there would be no way at all to know...


Well-Known Member
who the fuck sells weed laced w/o telling anyone? um, it costs extra.. im not adding coke for free.. lol


Well-Known Member
Many a people, they just tell people that its bangin, and stupid kids buy it for the extra cash. Normally kids are the only ones stupid enough to buy it because they somtimes have a smaller network, and things can get dry no matter how large your network.


Well-Known Member
And, I am looking at it from an "investment" point of view. Lace it, sell it, people end up addicted, they don't know what they are addicted to...hey wait a sec, its the weed, im addicted to weed! no there addicted to my coke!, so here comes the kid to buy some more, after a few times, you wouldnt even have to lace it anymore, and they would buy i up more and more untill they decided they couldnt get high off it anymore, then kaboom, here comes some more laced nuggets, and they are back on the chain.


Well-Known Member
well i dont sell anyway.. its not my fault for what ppl do with this information.. I only buy where i know its safe. everyone else too.


Well-Known Member
Wasn't saying you shouldn't have put it up, it is very interesting. And freedom of speech and all. Well I'm off. Goodluck and happy growing.


Well-Known Member
yo man looks like some crazy shit went on over hear... people selling kids crak weed... thats nuts... when I was younger I bought some weed that made me hallucinate and go nuts n shit... not very pleasent... whoever does shit like that is dumb and is... dumb... and should be called dumb n shit...
laceing weed for oneself is another story... dont think most would as tiptronix said sell lased weed without the persons knowledge and charging extraa!


Well-Known Member
yo man looks like some crazy shit went on over hear... people selling kids crak weed... thats nuts... when I was younger I bought some weed that made me hallucinate and go nuts n shit... not very pleasent... whoever does shit like that is dumb and is... dumb... and should be called dumb n shit...
laceing weed for oneself is another story... dont think most would as tiptronix said sell lased weed without the persons knowledge and charging extraa!
I would never even think of selling bunk or laced drugs.. I'm nice.


Well-Known Member
how does tihs rep work??? I thought by now I would have figured it out... but I have not... explain to me how this works... does it like help you out when someone says + rep to you? if so how do you do it? just say it?

Fuckin... um... i forgot what I was here to say... ... ... oh yea man... this weed I just bought... think it might be laced... dont really care just think it might be... the ash is real light so thats O.K. but when I smoke my tung goes numb... not as much as smoking a woolie but... still numb tung... not your usual blunt smoking experience... well just bought a new batch... lets see how this is...