Introducing - specializing in DIY and Citizen COBs


cob will not run at 28.6 V

you need to pick a target current, look up the voltage from the datasheet (1212s are jsut over 36V at 1.4A)

then if you want to run 4 cobs you need 36X4
if you want to run 5 cobs you need 36X5

you have a little leeway but not much

for example 36X4 = 144V. if the driver give 143V that works. it may or may not dip the current output a bit.

but the absolute lowest you can run a 1212 is about 32V (and thats at a mere 0.1-0.2A).

under that they wont light up at all, and its questionable what the driver would do if youre trying to provide 1-1.4A at a voltage significantly under 36. (say 33-35.5V) they might flicker and never light up. better to have a little spare voltage than be right there

all that assumes series wiring with constant current drivers

you can read more here

Thank you for the response, i undestand so i have an extra cob and i forgot to ask for another holder, is there any way to modify an order that still show processing?. I would like to change it, probably ask for a few heatsink.
@CobKits I have been looking at your light engines and wanted some confirmation. I have 8 eb gen 2 strips running in series on an HLG-185h-c1050b and was wondering if I dropped one strip from the circuit would I be able to add one of your luminous lite engines to that? Forward voltage on the strips are 19.5-20.5 and I believe the drivers max voltage is 190v from the data sheet.
sounds like it should work. at 1050 mA they are 51-52V IIRC

it will be tight though, depends on the actual voltage of your strips
I just tested the circuit and one meter read 138v and another 138.7. I think I should go for it since it's so close. I heard these meanwells are superb drivers and being that close I suspect it should work out. Taking the plunge and ordering 2 each of your 120mm engines and reflectors you should see the order come through shortly.
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Pulled the trigger on 6 1212s and hlg-320 c1400b. If wiring in siries this should work correct? Is this enough for a 4'x2' space. I'm replacing a 600hps because of heat issues. Hope this helps. Cobkits not taking RUI discount anymore?
What does "processing" on order status mean? I hope this doesn't refer to payment status.
dont mind that. usually ships same day

If wiring in siries this should work correct?
thats the only way you canwire with those drivers

Is this enough for a 4'x2' space. I'm replacing a 600hps because of heat issues. Hope this helps.
should work great

Cobkits not taking RUI discount anymore?
not active right now, sorry
Hi there, fresh to the DIY game.

I am hoping to nicely fill a 3x4 area. Will these will put out enough light..

After doing some research, I have narrowed my search down to;

2x clu058 - 1825 (Would like to try out the 3618 but after driver and everything it seems a little pricey for my first build)
1x Meanwell HLG-320H-C2800B

I have found two heatsinks on ebay which I plan to attach them too - will these be big enough to run without an attached fan?

Not sure if a lens will help or if any are available?

Some cob holders would be nice too if anyone has a link..

Is there anything else I'm missing?
base of those heatsinks is too thin for cobs in my opinion, esp 1825s
I see the ones you stock are 10mm. Looks like these are about a 1/4"

Might have jumped the gun on the heatsinks. I would still like to use them if possible. They will be inside a tent with moving air. What cobs would you recommend?
@CobKits I am going to run 8 1825s at 75w each in a 5x5. What difference in par do you see out of a 50 watt 1825 cob compared to one that's ran 75 or 150 Watts? I'm wondering if I build this how far from the lights should my canopy be. I was thinking at least three feet.