ill make a supra-style chart for all the drivers when i get a chance1050 mAmp driver, hlg240 will take 6 and hlg320 will take 8, i think. Better checking this stuff with cobby. And please note the stickied thread on the led forum diy leds and how to power them. Read up to make sure all i told you isnt bullshit. What i give are opinions but its a good idea how to makebur own
looking at some chart(do not remember if in this thread or another) I have seen 1212 efficency(real world tested, not manifacturer data):
60% @700 mah,25 watt
56% @1000 mah, 35 watt
52% @1400, 50 watt
Is there something similar for 1818?
Thank you
1212 configuration:
238V on the driver
at 1050 mA the cobs are 36.2V, 38W ea = 684W
1818 configuration:
4.25A/4= 1062 mA = 55.7W x 12 = 668.4W
the 3W per cob difference on the 1212 makes a difference
citi tool rates these both at 164 lm/W so yes seem like a match
and yes the 185-48A drivers will always be cheaper per watt as i have a bunch and they are on sale...
remember you will need more holders for the 1212s and more time to mount
I saw on hlg-600h thread you posted a connector for parallel wiring.yes with the current pot you can dim to 40% and if thats not enough you can use the voltage pot
The one I posted are not reusable?
yeah they are ok, i used them too, for parallel wiring.I saw on hlg-600h thread you posted a connector .
Inside europe the only thing I can find is this:
Is it ok?
i dont stock them i just have a few samples for now, theyre here, so a solution for you
heres what i have, one of each of some may have been mounted for the test above
View attachment 3780340
heres prices (straight across no riu discount)
-1919 -$5 including solderless holder
-2828 (37.5W) -$7 including holder (the no-name holders they sent me looks like they could take reflectors but i dont have any. the ideal and bjbs for -048s on my site fit these as well and accommodate reflectors, but youd have to buy seprately)
-2828 (56.3W)-$11 including holder (same dealio as above)
-2828 (84.5W)-$15 including holder (same dealio as above)
-3838 (117.4W)-$23 including the weirdest ceramic holder youve ever seen- the -058 bjbs on my site also fit these
-3838 (169W)-$32 -$23 including the weirdest ceramic holder youve ever seen- the -058 bjbs on my site also fit these
i really bought the smaller cheaper ones of different color temp to run on the spectrometer (as they had sm.qty samples available) but may not get around to that. may or may not elect to keep them.
could mount any of the 2828s or 3838s on an active light engine if you wanted. if youre into that we would just discount the price from the citi chips (use say $24.50 for 1818 and $40 for 1825 - mounting would be the same - bjbs for 2828 and i would solder and mod reflector for 3838 )
This ppfd chart is only really missing one thing, a comparison with a cxb3590 72volts. Cree says the same preformance as 36 v but most of the winners are high voltage chips.
I can see that but still interesting, and i believe all measurements on this thread, and topbin threads have been 36 volts. What weve learnt is to trust our own measurements rather than datasheets, right?Not because they are high voltage. Cree isn't lying.
I can see that but still interesting, and i believe all measurements on this thread, and topbin threads have been 36 volts. What weve learnt is to trust our own measurements rather than datasheets, right?