Introducing - specializing in DIY and Citizen COBs

@CobKits Hey I'm looking for holders for the cxb3070s. There isn't one listed in the cree section on your website. are the bjb for CLU048 usable? they look the same as the bjb 3070 holders on alibaba. Thanks for any help
Would it be possible to power a CLU058-1825 Active Light Engine with this?

It's super cheap, I wouldn't mind having one driver per unit, but there's also 5A, 7.5A and 10A so you could use many units per driver in parallel...
sure but those are generally only 80% efficient. for $15 more bucks you can get a hlg-120h-48a on my site with dimming. if you do use that open frame make sure to mount it up away from moisture
Would it be possible to power a CLU058-1825 Active Light Engine with this?

It's super cheap, I wouldn't mind having one driver per unit, but there's also 5A, 7.5A and 10A so you could use many units per driver in parallel...

Not worth cutting corners on drivers. Buy a meanwell now and have it for years to come.
Plus you dont have to worry as much about the driver being exposed to moisture like you do with the one in the feebay link.
Would it be possible to power a CLU058-1825 Active Light Engine with this?

It's super cheap, I wouldn't mind having one driver per unit, but there's also 5A, 7.5A and 10A so you could use many units per driver in parallel...

I doubt those will work, they are speced at 48 volts, cobbys drivers are 48 volts but can be adjusted to a bit over 50 and the 1825 needs 50 volts and up depending on driver. Maybe u can adjust the voltage on ur drivers aswell but as per description it isnt stated.
Also with these drivers: if u plan to use it for more than 1 cob per driver ur running the risk of thermal runaway if/when one fails; with cobbys drivers (200w) they dont run the risk of this if u use his heatsinks, they can take the full 200 watts.
I know its easy to think i can get this cheaper or better but really, Cobby has thought this thru properly before offering it you. I followed his process of what to stock and what to offer and it makes a lot of sense if u do ur research. My 2 cents

Just got the shipment. I think 2 days? Ridiculously fast. Thanks Bobby for being the man.

If you need MW drivers cob kits is the easiest time I've had getting them. Gone through about 5 different vendors, and cobkits is by far the fastest and easiest.

Good looks
Hey cobkit,
I'm starting a DIY project with 12 481212's. I was wondering if you think it's better to run half 3500k @ 90cri and half 3500k @80cri or all 12 units 3500k@80 cri. This tent is mostly going to be used for flower. Thanks again.

P.S. I've bought lights from you before and shipping was quick as hell. I appreciate that.
i recommend you do just that - one tent 1/2 80 cri and 1/2 90 cri so you can take lots of pics and tell us all about it because, brother, you are the no man in no mans land. a lot of people suspect 90 cri flowers better (but at what cost? stretch? finishing time?), you'd be the first to do a true side by side and be a hero among men

i think honestly both would do very well you may not even see a difference- but it would sure be cool if you did!
Thanks man appreciate it. Now I just gotta wait for you to stock back up on some 1212's (:
It's all good tho. My heatsinks and stuff won't be here for 2 weeks.