Ipcc report 2013

AlGore is suggesting that there be political penalties for anyone who continues to deny that humans are the primary cause of global warming...

Guess that 1st amendment is getting in his way for global power domination...

When someone starts demanding that discussion be penalized you know they are on the losing end of the argument.

Can you imagine that criminal punishment for this as a thought crime is what he means? I do. Got to get rid of the pesky Constitution.

I just saw a great movie with John Hurt....1984. Wow....I had forgotten. Never forget Newspeak, double=think, and the death of proscribed words. Shrink the dictionary down to 10 pages of party Lingo and nothing else is taught to children. Like I mentioned to my wife, you don't even have to care, they will make you care. The key line from the girl, "They can't get inside our heads."

Key message of 1984. Oh yes they can, get inside, and they will and already do so. And there is no recovery from this, only 10 pages of words. After 3 generation it is set in stone. (can you see it happening in America?) Thought Police. Minority Report.

Never forget it can be much worse than this and always has been.
Thank both for discounting yourselves from conversation

Ah, isn't it cute when they are faced with an argument they can't overcome? Resort to marginalizing their opponent.

I'm sorry that reality isn't falling in step with all the "models" that were the foundation of the AGW movement. I'm sorry that the doom & gloom predictions that goosed the whole movement are all turning out to be total horseshit, oddly enough, exactly like the "deniers" said they would. I'm sorry that you have a 15 year slowdown in warming to contend with. I'm sorry that you need to find a new impending environmental disaster to make your new religion and caterwaul about from the treetops.

And finally, I'm sorry for bringing up the spotted owl. Another Eco-Loon overreaction that destroyed thousands of small businesses, savaged tens of thousands of your fellow citizens' lives and shipped a thriving industry off to other countries, all because of an undeniable, scientifically proven fact. That of course, turned out to be absolutely false. The wailings were the same "DENIER" "TIMBER INDUSTRY SHILL" "FLAT EARTHER" "YOU HAVE DISCOUNTED YOURSELF FROM THE CONVERSATION". Yup, heard it all before and it doesn't phase me at all.

Get a new tactic, condescension from the village idiot is humorous at best.
Ah, isn't it cute when they are faced with an argument they can't overcome? Resort to marginalizing their opponent.

I'm sorry that reality isn't falling in step with all the "models" that were the foundation of the AGW movement. I'm sorry that the doom & gloom predictions that goosed the whole movement are all turning out to be total horseshit, oddly enough, exactly like the "deniers" said they would. I'm sorry that you have a 15 year slowdown in warming to contend with. I'm sorry that you need to find a new impending environmental disaster to make your new religion and caterwaul about from the treetops.

And finally, I'm sorry for bringing up the spotted owl. Another Eco-Loon overreaction that destroyed thousands of small businesses, savaged tens of thousands of your fellow citizens' lives and shipped a thriving industry off to other countries, all because of an undeniable, scientifically proven fact. That of course, turned out to be absolutely false. The wailings were the same "DENIER" "TIMBER INDUSTRY SHILL" "FLAT EARTHER" "YOU HAVE DISCOUNTED YOURSELF FROM THE CONVERSATION". Yup, heard it all before and it doesn't phase me at all.

Get a new tactic, condescension from the village idiot is humorous at best.

You see how it makes it so personal, so small, and still remains content free? True soicopathy.
Ah, isn't it cute when they are faced with an argument they can't overcome? Resort to marginalizing their opponent.

I'm sorry that reality isn't falling in step with all the "models" that were the foundation of the AGW movement. I'm sorry that the doom & gloom predictions that goosed the whole movement are all turning out to be total horseshit, oddly enough, exactly like the "deniers" said they would. I'm sorry that you have a 15 year slowdown in warming to contend with. I'm sorry that you need to find a new impending environmental disaster to make your new religion and caterwaul about from the treetops.

And finally, I'm sorry for bringing up the spotted owl. Another Eco-Loon overreaction that destroyed thousands of small businesses, savaged tens of thousands of your fellow citizens' lives and shipped a thriving industry off to other countries, all because of an undeniable, scientifically proven fact. That of course, turned out to be absolutely false. The wailings were the same "DENIER" "TIMBER INDUSTRY SHILL" "FLAT EARTHER" "YOU HAVE DISCOUNTED YOURSELF FROM THE CONVERSATION". Yup, heard it all before and it doesn't phase me at all.

Get a new tactic, condescension from the village idiot is humorous at best.
You said you had no intention of reading it. What have you got to offer in a conversation about its contents?

You marginalized yourself I just noticed it
Water vapor causes much more greenhouse effect than co2. A fact conveniently ignored by the AGW alarmists. Nuclear power is not a simple answer.
It also rains out pretty quickly rather than having a Half-Life in atmosphere of several hundred years

A fact ignored by deniers

The only difficult part with nuclear is getting past people's unfounded fear
Puh-leeeez! Let's not pretend your "Vague declarations" are science. My predictions? The warm period we enjoy now is not as warm as the last interglacial warm period, which was cooler than the one prior to that, which was cooler than the one prior to that, etc., so enjoy it while you can. The AGW crowd has been caught lying too many times to have their predictions to be taken at face value. If their case was irrefutable, why do they lie? Al Gore, arguably the leader of the movement, uses hundreds of times the carbon of the average American. He doesn't practice what he preaches. How true can his sermon be?
argument to Gore? Well done
Is that the best you got snidey remarks?

This is the sort of opinion from the Summary which leaves a bad taste in my mouth:

View attachment 2839437
And I have this strange feeling that when I read those parts highlighted in green I won't be any more satisfied.

How many people actually sit down to decide what the consensus is? A dozen or two?
I'm not talking about the scientists who rubber-stamp the reports' findings, but those who finalize what is published.
This is the sort of opinion from the Summary which leaves a bad taste in my mouth:

View attachment 2839437
And I have this strange feeling that when I read those parts highlighted in green I won't be any more satisfied.

How many people actually sit down to decide what the consensus is? A dozen or two?
I'm not talking about the scientists who rubber-stamp the reports' findings, but those who finalize what is published.

it's possible ginja will devise some complex NewSpeak to make that impenetrable text seem like proof of his arguments.

or, more likely he will wait for "Skeptical Science" to tell him what to believe, and he will certainly copy/paste it here.
How many scientists over the ages were punished, fined, imprisoned and put to death because they wouldnt go along with the consensus?

Strange how history seems to be repeating itself in a civilization that considers itself advanced.