iran or n korea? where would you rather go to war?


Well-Known Member
Who thinks NK could kick USA's ass? :bigjoint:
Not this guy, I was stationed 8km from the DMZ for a year in 03' when everybody thought ole Kim Jong was going to start some shit and I know I didn't lose one nights sleep over it. Just drank a buch of Soju for 12 months.


Well-Known Member
Who thinks NK could kick USA's ass? :bigjoint:
i think the us kinda forgot how to fight a war somewhere around april 1945.

if the chinese backed nk then my guess is they would run our asses right back to the ocean like they damn near did 50 years ago. Thank Truman for it, because of him the military has to get its balls from a drawer in the oval office... and we havent had a pres with a set of brass ones since jfk, lol....


New Member
Yah... we forgot. Look at the kills in the korean war. The Chinese simply don't mind losing soldiers like we do.

Go tell Saddam how we can't fight a war.... oh wait.... he's dead.


Well-Known Member
im well versed in the korean conflict. my uncle is one of the 'frozen chosin' decorated 3 times. i take his word for ir when he says they got there asses kicked from one end of the country to the other untill macarthur showed up with his little invasion...

as far as saddam he never even had a remote chance of tkaing on the military... fighting with soviet equipment against armored divisions with apaches and m1a1's that were designed over 20 years to kill the very tanks he was using... not even shooting fish in a barrel, as we proved again recently. we kicked his ass out of kuwait the fuirst time and had him on the run, if bush sr had a set, he wouldve allowed them to finish the job, but he didnt, and look at the situation that was created and what has followed since. if bush hadnt done that, and took the conflict into iraq to draw out all the fanatics, then theres a very high likely hood that 9/11 wouldnt have happened, as the circumstances leading up to it would be greatly altered.

so wtf happened in vietnam?
wtf happened with 9 years in afghanistan?
wtf happened in somalia?
wtf happened with a 50 yr stalemate in korea?
wtf happened in iran with the hostages?

politicians got involved in military operations, at the operational level.

im sure the us military could completlely and totally kick the shit out of any armed force on the planet, china included.
i just highly doubt that with the current command structure the military is allowed to do its job effectively, and the citizenry isnt prepared to go through the shortages and sacrifices it would take to fight a modern war from start to finish.
it seems like the public at large is more concerned with apples newest gear or show business awards as to what is actually going on in the world.


New Member
First, ur all over the place. Each issue/conflict is separate and non comparable against each other.

You have a simplistic view of things....which indicates faulty thinking.


Well-Known Member
or perhaps i dont allow an abudance of information and statistics to distract me from the obvious pattern that has occured over the last 60 years in the way us military operations are handled.
its not that im all over th eplace, there is a correlation between all those seperate events that dictates a pattern of failure when politicians think they can dictate military operations. modern warfare is a fine science, and what is happening is the equivilant of a heart surgeon being dictated how to perform his procedures by an insurance rep. grnated both parties have great interests, but sometimes its best for th epolicy makers to step aside and let the technicals do there job.


i like you ck, your smarter than the average bear.


Well-Known Member
what is evident is that your turning to petty insults...

out of ammo already?
here's a read for you:
The Politics of Warfare: The Great Powers in the 20th Century
ISBN-10: 0271025921

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Attacking Iran will happen before attacking N.Korea. Besides, stealing oil makes more sense than pissing off China.


Well-Known Member
im well versed in the korean conflict. my uncle is one of the 'frozen chosin' decorated 3 times. i take his word for ir when he says they got there asses kicked from one end of the country to the other untill macarthur showed up with his little invasion...

as far as saddam he never even had a remote chance of tkaing on the military... fighting with soviet equipment against armored divisions with apaches and m1a1's that were designed over 20 years to kill the very tanks he was using... not even shooting fish in a barrel, as we proved again recently. we kicked his ass out of kuwait the fuirst time and had him on the run, if bush sr had a set, he wouldve allowed them to finish the job, but he didnt, and look at the situation that was created and what has followed since. if bush hadnt done that, and took the conflict into iraq to draw out all the fanatics, then theres a very high likely hood that 9/11 wouldnt have happened, as the circumstances leading up to it would be greatly altered.

so wtf happened in vietnam?
wtf happened with 9 years in afghanistan?
wtf happened in somalia?
wtf happened with a 50 yr stalemate in korea?
wtf happened in iran with the hostages?

politicians got involved in military operations, at the operational level.

im sure the us military could completlely and totally kick the shit out of any armed force on the planet, china included.
i just highly doubt that with the current command structure the military is allowed to do its job effectively, and the citizenry isnt prepared to go through the shortages and sacrifices it would take to fight a modern war from start to finish.
it seems like the public at large is more concerned with apples newest gear or show business awards as to what is actually going on in the world.

What a crock of shit, Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11 no matter how much fox news you watch. You are one of those people who wrongly believes that the U.S.A goes to war for reasons such as national security and spreading democracy. The U.S.A goes to war for money, power, oil and overall imperialistic cuntness. Much the same Britain has for the past few hundred years. You just don't hear anything negative about it because the media is all censored and the average citizen does indeed care more about his ipod/latest gadget wank than the fact that his country has been run by corrupt shills for nearly a hundred years. Not to worry though, the U.S.A's huge foreign debt will bring it to its knees, then Israel wont be able to rely on their bitches back at the pentagon to give them aid and weapons and hence the world will be a better place. Once Israel comes into line, much of the worlds plights will disappear.



Active Member

What a crock of shit, Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11 no matter how much fox news you watch. You are one of those people who wrongly believes that the U.S.A goes to war for reasons such as national security and spreading democracy. The U.S.A goes to war for money, power, oil and overall imperialistic cuntness. Much the same Britain has for the past few hundred years. You just don't hear anything negative about it because the media is all censored and the average citizen does indeed care more about his ipod/latest gadget wank than the fact that his country has been run by corrupt shills for nearly a hundred years. Not to worry though, the U.S.A's huge foreign debt will bring it to its knees, then Israel wont be able to rely on their bitches back at the pentagon to give them aid and weapons and hence the world will be a better place. Once Israel comes into line, much of the worlds plights will disappear.

finally someone with a fucking brain :)


Well-Known Member
and you are one of those ignorant people that think they know everything a person from reading a post on the internet.
national security and spreading democracy? what a fuckin joke. we have 2 oceans and canada and mexico as a nice big buffer zone, and all the fany weps to make sure its ours forever. i might have believed that crap when i was 6... but that was a few decades ago. and its closer to 200 years... if you think 20th century business was shady, look into 19th century, the term robber baron comes to mind. heres the way the game is played, its pretty simple. we have alot of resources. but why burn them when we can burn thiers for cheaper? if they dont give it to us on the terms we demand we find a way to make it happen.

and yeah, its all because of israel :/ if theres ever been a crock of shit, thats a good one...

fox news? i dont even watch the trash on cnn... why the hell would i waste my time with that garbage? jon stewart has more credibility than fox news, and thats being unfair to jon stewart. :lol: want news? try npr. might open your eyes, or at least your ears


New Member
and you are one of those ignorant people that think they know everything a person from reading a post on the internet.
national security and spreading democracy? what a fuckin joke. we have 2 oceans and canada and mexico as a nice big buffer zone, and all the fany weps to make sure its ours forever. i might have believed that crap when i was 6... but that was a few decades ago. and its closer to 200 years... if you think 20th century business was shady, look into 19th century, the term robber baron comes to mind. heres the way the game is played, its pretty simple. we have alot of resources. but why burn them when we can burn thiers for cheaper? if they dont give it to us on the terms we demand we find a way to make it happen.

and yeah, its all because of israel :/ if theres ever been a crock of shit, thats a good one...

fox news? i dont even watch the trash on cnn... why the hell would i waste my time with that garbage? jon stewart has more credibility than fox news, and thats being unfair to jon stewart. :lol: want news? try npr. might open your eyes, or at least your ears
Ur posts indicate a basic lack of understanding and education.

Hence my non response. You cannot be helped by anyone else. Educate urself first. It's up to you, no one else can hold your hand.


Well-Known Member
does it?
so do yours, indicated by your high school grammar and non existent words.
but instead of using that as an attempt to make you look bad, as you have just done with me, instead I challenge you to rebuke then...
or are your petty insults your closing position? because if that is the case, then there's no need to take this conversation any farther. game set and match.
im dissapointed, i would expect more out of you. pity.

i love a good debate.
but if your going to take the high road, you should walk it. not throw rocks at the people below you.


Well-Known Member
im thinking iran would be better. we are already hurting these muslim bastards. whereas n korea has a huge ass army and they have been waiting for this since the 50's.

anybody know anything about the draft? i wonder iff they would try to draft me being a felon. im not going either way. cocksucker took my constitutional rights away so fuck em
I am a 4 time felon and I was just thinking about this same shit the other day! It seems like they would put us on the front line. It's a war against our own government being a felon in the U.S. Get it how you livin bro!