iran or n korea? where would you rather go to war?


Well-Known Member
Iran wants to wipe Israel off the map.

Israel wants to stay in exsistance.
Iran could have done it years ago. They had the last wild case of wild smallpox and are the only nation who still vaccinates their children for it. That means that at any given time Iran could kill off 90% of humanity with maybe 10% loss inside their own borders (heard immunity FTW).

Iran has been and will continue to attack Israel through it's Shia Proxy groups like Hezbollah. Them getting a nuclear weapon will be about as eventful as Pakistan getting their bomb.


Well-Known Member
America does not have the military force to invade either Iran or North Korea without a draft. Both have been preparing for attack for the past 3 decades and have populations who will rally behind national resistance forces.


New Member
Nukes aside...North Korea would be problematic because of China.

Iran would be much easier and very doable. Their armies would fold up just like Iraq's. They do NOT have the support of their population.


Well-Known Member
I would rather goto NKorea, think about it at least you can drink there, the woman don't look like ghosts from pacman, and the food is better.


New Member
The weather in North Korea gets bitterly cold in the winter. Throw in the possibility of three million screaming Chinese.... and head for Iran...:lol:


New Member step off into NK with the military...and you better keep one eye open for the Chinese. That's what happened last time....

Besides Iran is much easier. NK is pretty isolated but Iran could poison the entire Middle east. I'd have to pick them as prime target #1