iran or n korea? where would you rather go to war?


Well-Known Member
Well my old USAF Col (ret) chum said at the time going into Iraq was a bad move. He predicted Dubja would attack Saudi Arabia which should take about 2 weeks to bring em to their knees, then use their oil money to fund wiping out the rest of them heartherns. Most of the 911 terrorists were Saudi, plus they fund most of the terrorist organizations. The Col. say it sorta like Al Capone and his protection racket in Chicago. The Saudis pay the terrorist and in turn the terrorists leave them alone. He said they would need to execute every member of the Saudi Royal family which numbers about 7,000 then it would be all down hill from there. On Iran the Col say they aren't invadable by conventional means due to the terrain. Way too mountainous blah blah blah. He say we gonna have to "nuke em till they glow." He said Bush chose Iraq just to try to clean up mess his daddy and Colon Powell made out of it. Got all the Kurds murdered which we urged to revolt and then abandoned them high and dry. Anyway since Prez Osama and Nancy Pelosi is running the country doubt we have any more trouble with anybody. They are puss cakes on defense and way to gutless to reinstitute the draft or attack anybody. I would quit worrying about getting drafted. If the worse comes to the worse we could always move to Canada and drink half decaffe lattes eh? Sorta like Sick Willy done to avoid the situation back during Viet Nam.


Active Member
So everyone just loves to talk down about their own country and their government? seems to me that people have forgotten that you live here on pure will and if you do not agree or like it you can move to somewhere else. Now all decisions made by our leaders and government may not be right but it doesn't mean your lame ass opinions are any better. Show some respect once in a while to your country and to those willing to fight for your country. I know everyone i says world peace but what dont you understand about third world countries with nukes? You think they are making them to protect their people? get real if they cared that much they wouldnt be ignoring the fact that half their population is starving..


Well-Known Member
So everyone just loves to talk down about their own country and their government? seems to me that people have forgotten that you live here on pure will and if you do not agree or like it you can move to somewhere else. Now all decisions made by our leaders and government may not be right but it doesn't mean your lame ass opinions are any better. Show some respect once in a while to your country and to those willing to fight for your country. I know everyone i says world peace but what dont you understand about third world countries with nukes? You think they are making them to protect their people? get real if they cared that much they wouldnt be ignoring the fact that half their population is starving..
If you are speaking of N Korea they use food as a weapon. I do HATE the government they have WAY WAY WAY overstepped their bounds and are completely criminal now. I would say I love my country but I have come to realize that I don't live in the Republic. It was lost in 1871 if I'm not mistaken. We will either wake up and get our Repbulic back, or Loose it and live in 1984 Nazi Germany Hell.


New Member
The last election proves that millions of Americans CAN be wrong....

The reason why Iraq was chosen was.....drum roll.....the military said they could win. Afghanistan was the only other real option and our military learned the lesson about Afghanistan from the Russians humiliating defeat there. President Bush wanted to open up a theater in which Al Queda would group together en masse and FIGHT. He chose wisely. It was a great choice. Iran got rid of Saddam with our help. A free nation arose out of an OPPRESSIVE region. Al Queda DID show up and was roundly defeated. This defeat has cost Al Queda momentum in the Middle east and the last elections in that area back that up.

By the way, hats off to our military who went into a hornets nest and held a wildly violent country for 6 years with absolute minimum casualties. If you don't think that is true, just compare 6 years in iraq with 6 years in Vietnam. This was the biggest war with the least amount of casualties in the history of our country.

The administration and the miltary hit all the buttons this time. Now that Iraq is stabilizing and AlQueda has been decimated (compared to what it was), Afghanistan will be far easier than if it chosen as the first option instead of the second.


Well-Known Member
Any price of war must always be compared to the price of NOT going to war.
The Price of NOT going to war is there would be alot of people still with us that aren't today.

Who are we at war with radical Islam that Zbigniew Brzezinski started to fight the Russians in 1979?


Well-Known Member
The last election proves that millions of Americans CAN be wrong....

The reason why Iraq was chosen was.....drum roll.....the military said they could win. Afghanistan was the only other real option and our military learned the lesson about Afghanistan from the Russians humiliating defeat there. President Bush wanted to open up a theater in which Al Queda would group together en masse and FIGHT. He chose wisely. It was a great choice. Iran got rid of Saddam with our help. A free nation arose out of an OPPRESSIVE region. Al Queda DID show up and was roundly defeated. This defeat has cost Al Queda momentum in the Middle east and the last elections in that area back that up.

you say Iran got rid of saddam with our help surely the fact that the CIA put him in power in Iraq in the first place has to raise some questions ?


Active Member
Yeah its a growing trend, millions of americans can't be wrong. What the fuck have they done for you lately?
What havent they done for me lately? freedom, safety, a place to work and make a living. mmmmmmmm sounds pretty fair to me what else do you want? to run the government? By any means i don't think our country is perfect but it sure does seem a lot better than what is out there. Just because you have an opinion doesnt mean the other 306,766,554 people in the U.S agree with you. As much as people may hate to hear it war saves lives. Yes i said it and your dumb to think otherwise, and yes we do lose innocent lives but we also save thousands of them.


Well-Known Member
What havent they done for me lately? freedom, safety, a place to work and make a living. mmmmmmmm sounds pretty fair to me what else do you want? to run the government? By any means i don't think our country is perfect but it sure does seem a lot better than what is out there. Just because you have an opinion doesnt mean the other 306,766,554 people in the U.S agree with you. As much as people may hate to hear it war saves lives. Yes i said it and your dumb to think otherwise, and yes we do lose innocent lives but we also save thousands of them.
LMFAO, safety?????? Like leaving our borders open to collect more votes at the expense of our safety???? There are lots of private citizens patrolling the southern borders to keep your ass safe with no backup from our leaders. Freedom? Please elaborate, as all im seeing now is our freedom walking away daily with our money. Cap and trade bill sure looks like we being well looked after. You can work and make a living in Iran, sorry that doesnt qualify. Iran / N. Korea, maybe we looking at the wrong enemy, just a thought, maybe there is really an enemy within, who am I to say. Oh you get me complety wrong, I am not some bleeding heart liberal with an anti war sign. I am behind the people in our military, and war doesnt bother me, out of control leaders bother me. If you are fine with what your seeing than by all means keep your eyes closed up and say god bless to the leaders keeping you so safe, it's not a crime to be blind, but it is your duty to pay attention. And btw you think all 306 million would disagree? If so I guess im just a stranger in a strange land.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
What havent they done for me lately? freedom, safety, a place to work and make a living. mmmmmmmm sounds pretty fair to me what else do you want? to run the government? By any means i don't think our country is perfect but it sure does seem a lot better than what is out there. Just because you have an opinion doesnt mean the other 306,766,554 people in the U.S agree with you. As much as people may hate to hear it war saves lives. Yes i said it and your dumb to think otherwise, and yes we do lose innocent lives but we also save thousands of them.
War saves lives? :wall: Sure, in the same way this makes sense...
Wow I just stopped hitting my head on that wall and it feels so good now!

War is not good my friend. Talk to people who've been in them, those that came home alive anyway and ask them what they think of war.


Well-Known Member
I'm suddenly disturbed by the irony of this urge to wage war against Iran. I assume it's to do with Ahmedinejad's alleged rigging of the election (otherwise it's probably just racism - for shame). Iran, or any other country for that matter, didn't try to get involved when George W Bush rigged the US election in 2000.

On another note, why does nobody want to go to war against Israel? Could have at least TRIED to stop the illegal terror bombing of Palestine in january this year. Hundreds dead, most of them civilian, and still not even the tiniest hint of retribution for israel, 6 months later.
It's obvious why the governments aren't doing anything about it, but where are the cries of 'havoc' from the people? Who let slip the dogs of war?

All of this seems very hypocritical to me. How about everyone (in the world, i'm not being specific to RIU or this thread even) puts the amount of effort they put into bitching and moaning about the great injustices of the modern world and actually DOES something about it. The majority of the 2 generations which preceded mine have more or less fucked the world up, my generation is too stupid/apathetic/dumbed down to realise we need to MAKE change, not ask for it or wait for it. And the generations to follow? They'll grow up into the afore mentioned (threadwise) Orwellian nightmare of 1984, and they might not even know that it didn't have to be that way.


Well-Known Member
yeah war in either is bad israel already came out and said they were going to bomb iran in a year. if that happens you know russia, china and maybe even north korea would jump on a band wagon to take out the US and israel

The Warlord

Well-Known Member
yeah war in either is bad israel already came out and said they were going to bomb iran in a year. if that happens you know russia, china and maybe even north korea would jump on a band wagon to take out the US and israel
Isrelis are some mean warlike fuckers. Even streached thin as we are and broke we (Israel, USA, allies) can whip everyone on the block.