look @ MedicalGrowRoom on youtube, he runs 2 1kw HID's with 6 plants and get MASSIVE yields and donkey dick coal's... he runs perpetual grow so its hard to tell if he's getting 4lbs every 8-9 weeks or not.
I wonder if Mike has any 120's or 180's of the old version that people traded in, that he'll sell? I'd like to get one for my veg room (3x3), and take the 600hid out of there and add it to my flower room and just go crazy with the lights... I have only 3 monsters under the 1kw right now, but I have about 20 ready to transplant and go into bud, and 18 more seedlings and small clones (my veg closet is packed). I might run out of room/light lol. Probably run out of light before I run out of room. Bedroom is like 12x12 or close.
cool i check that out next time i am on their.
i would call and ask mike if he has any older ones? their solid lights ive used the crap out of the older ones with great results.
Thanks for all the help and info brother you have really cleared thing up for me, i really want to plan out my grow as i'm noob learning doing hours and hours of reading differnet methods of growing etc. I really like your grows you seem to train, LST FIMM and TOP alot as your plants seem very wide and spread out, also yuo mentioned something about feeding is different with L.E.D lights do they intake more or less nutes, air etc?
also i would like you and others who have subd to this journal to have a look at these L.E.D company's i have found the top of the list being Grow led hydro, who's lights your growing with.
As i'm from U.K and surely others here are to from U.K i would like to find the best lights available to us and which light is comparable to one another, look forward to hearing from you all.
http://www.growledhydro.com (U.S COMPANY)
http://www.prosourceworldwide.com (U.S COMPANY)
http://www.growlightuk.com (U.K COMPANY)
http://www.hydrogrowled.com (U.S COMPANY)
http://www.thehydrosource.com (U.S COMPANY)
thanks bro.
i only LST my plants and i just really bend the main stem over and let them do their thing.
ive used the GLH,HGL,and pro source lights. i get best results from the grow led hydro lights and feel their the best from what ive seen with my own eyes.
Wooot! Mike got the 290's in today, and he said they're already spoken for, but he set 2 aside for me. Already on the fedex truck, should be here friday!!! I Can't fn wait. Neither can my plants.
He said he's all out of 290's AGAIN, but already has another shipment on the way that'll be here next week... thats good because I think I'll get a 3rd next week. Then maybe a 4th a month later (if he doesn't upgrade them by then haha)
dude let everyone know ur thoughts when u get them in
That's a damn good feeling!!! I remember when mine shipped over a week early!!! it is like spring time xmas!!!
He told me he doesn't think they will put out enough new tech this year that it will change again before next year. But I do believe he is working on a 100w LED and a <100w**(**supposed to be small enough to fit in PC grow box) that may be available before the end of the year, I don't think the tech is any different except the 100w might be round
Thanks irish for the pics, its great reading about how well the plants are doing under LED in such heat! I bet it helps they don't throw any heat down to the plants huh?

Any speculation at all on how much you hope to yield, and how much you bet it would yield in the least? A 500w is a beast compared to my 395w with higher driven diodes, I imagine you getting 4lbs or some amount more. You can dooooooooo it!* *coming from a guy whos been told he looks like adam sandler 2 dozen times
he already had the 100w UFO out for a while, its just not on the web site but their already testers on other fourms he gave to do a grow with them.
the room has already hit 110F!!! the girls are still healthy and looking good but i am having the same issue i had last summer, girls are not flowering yet and its almost 3weeks. seems the heat makes the girls not want to flower? their healthy and look nice for what they have went threw. i am taking a hour away from the light time and adding it to the dark to see if that helps a little? i am also cutting out most of the Nitrogen and just using Dyna Gro Bloom. man i hope this isnt a repeat of last time when the girls took forever to flower.
Ohhh snap, checked the tracking on my "ground" shipment and it'll be here in 2 days, not 3 like I thought. SHIT YEAH! My LED's will be runnin thursday night! (I run 12/12 @ night so its perfect!)
~sings... Here comes the bud, dunnunnuh, here comes the bud, and I say - ITS ALLRIGHT!
ya buddy, going to be bad ass
The 100W Spectras (UFO-style) have been out for a while already. $280 a piece. Just not on his website, of course.
yup. i know of two grows right now with them
They look awesome Irish, prolly starting to get some buds now I bet
no read upper post. not cool bro has me worried
Irishboy's grows have convinced me to go with led. Right now I'm looking at the spectra 600 and the blackdog platinum xl. I like the 5w leds on the blackdog, but the warranty and 120 day return policy have me leaning towards the spectra. Another plus for blackdog is the fact that I've been able to communicate with corey, and he offered to knock 100 off the price. What's the price tag on the 600? I can't reach GLH at all... they don't answer the phone or respond to emails.
spectra only has a 500w now, the 600w was the 1st models made. one thing to think off with the 5w leds is the bud growth its all about the spectrum's used mainly and dosent matter if ur using 50w leds if that spectrum isnt used by the plants them its a waste. ive looked into things and the 5w leds are not in allot of spectrum's and that's why most company's dont use them. i do now Mike stands behind his products and will fix any issues. he a staight up dude from what i can tell.
just do what i also say when deciding and look for the proof in the grow journals and bud pics
Scratch that - Mike just called me back. Sounds like a good dude. I'll probably go with two 300's.
i think their 290's now. IMO if it were me thats the ones i would pick seems to be a perfect light with a good punch off light and u could get good corvage with 2x290's for the same price as the 500w model.
i was wondering what you r using if your not using soil,how long is ant entire grow(use white widow for reference) i want a fast growing medium , please explain what to use and how much or direct me to a link so i can get a plan as im a noob thanks bro i subscribed and been all through your threads ,good stuff and i want 180 jumbo ufo bad lol
dude i am telling u ur not going to be as happy with the Jumbo UFO. trust me ive used both. but theirs only one way to learn for yourself. just dont say i didnt try to give a heads up.
as for a fast growing medium Hydro is the best. DWC is a good one, everything kinda has its place and just depends on ur setup and ur style. its something u have to spend hours reading on and looking threw the web to find what best for u and ur setup.
every strain has its own finish time, most are 8-10 week with white widow sometimes being around 10 weeks. great strain though. ive seem amazing WW plants grow in DWC. i like flood and drain tables for my setup if going full hydro.
right now i use a peat moss mix.