Irish Boy's 2011 Spectra Led Grow (Revenge Of Casey Jcnes))


Well-Known Member
by the way bleaching can be from leds being too close. heres a pic of what it looks like, look at the tip of the buds. it all white with leaf material. some strains get effected more then others. this was from my light being 12" from the plant
View attachment 1541010
Yeah msut be strain dependent, I had that problem with a few top colas on my first bagseed harvest under my 400w HPS at 10-12 in, but under the 395w Spectra I had it within 8-10 in. the last 2-3 weeks of flower and didn't have any bleaching


Well-Known Member
So it wasn't you after all eh? I thought it was something else. You've had plenty of successful grows before, and I really don't think some soil would mess you up that much. So will you give roots another go lol.

About the bleached bud, can you still smoke it/use it? Or do you just throw it away?
yup it was the drain pipe i was using as a intake. i will still not use Roots soil again, its PH is still way too low and the bags are full of fungus gnats. bro you have no idea i was going crazy trying to figure it out, years of growing never had a problem then ever since i got the tent setup its been
Thanks Irish I bought 2 BD220 already and was hoping that you could support this brand also
Well I guess I have nothing to loose at this point and will post results
Thanks Again for the reply
i cant bro.. look for journals showing the results and proving the lights.. keep me posted on how it works. i tested lights in the past but wasn't too happy with the results and once i got my hands on the spectra's i was happy with the results i never changed it up. not that much into gambling anymore theirs still way too many snake oil companys out their and they pop up every day.
Let me pose this question. If in fact it is off gassing then wouldent constant ventilation remove the gasses? I could see this possibly happening in only a sealed set up or if the ventilation was periodic or went off at night. Scary shot though. I work in home improvement and everything on the house is pvc or vinyl from the windows siding decking fencing then you got pipes and carpeting. Wow.
my room isnt exhausted out its reculating in that setup. i keep the door open in the room to let fresh air in, but the thing that happen was all 3 of my intake ports also had the plastic pipe stuff. so all air coming in was going threw it. since i took it out the girls already look better from what i can tell, ill get pics up this weekend

the only PVC that should be bad for the most part is the flexible stuff, something they put in it to make it flexible is whats doing it from what ive read.. PVC pipe from lowes or homdepot should be fine. certain tape will do it also. Google it you will find huge threads all about this stuff showing pics and what causes it.
Yeah msut be strain dependent, I had that problem with a few top colas on my first bagseed harvest under my 400w HPS at 10-12 in, but under the 395w Spectra I had it within 8-10 in. the last 2-3 weeks of flower and didn't have any bleaching
ya it is. my Jacks had no problem, while my hindu skunks did, different strains like different light heights,

kush groove

Active Member
Irishboy ive been through quite a few of you grow in the past, im sure this one will be great as wondering what you do with bleached bud??


Well-Known Member
i throw them away. never smoked them or wanted to. not sure what it would do?
The small bleached tops of my first harvest were the most trichome dense, although since they are bleached and closest to the light they may have low or high levels of THC? Really though I thought they were some crazy flower tops at first


Well-Known Member
a little update, new growth is looking nice and green no more crazy yellowing on all new growth from what i can see? the old growth is still scared, put once i took the plastic out the stems seemed to thicken and their growing taller. i think it did mess with the roots and the fungus gnats i got from the Roots organic soil dosent help. one weird this is some of the older growth seems to be dying back a little, but new growth is looking nice and green.. i have also noticed all the 3 finger leafs i was getting at 1st is gone and all new growth is 5 fingers now.

i will have some new Casey Jones Clone this weekend, these will not touch the tent in veg and go into my room i have always used in the past. i might put them in the tent just while their under the dome because its easier to keep warm, they did great last time until the dome came off and i am thinking its because of the dome keeping the off gassing out from the pipe? but it will only be a few days if i do put them in the tent under the dome only.

heres some pics to show you them now.


Well-Known Member
a little update, new growth is looking nice and green no more crazy yellowing on all new growth from what i can see? the old growth is still scared, put once i took the plastic out the stems seemed to thicken and their growing taller. i think it did mess with the roots and the fungus gnats i got from the Roots organic soil dosent help. one weird this is some of the older growth seems to be dying back a little, but new growth is looking nice and green.. i have also noticed all the 3 finger leafs i was getting at 1st is gone and all new growth is 5 fingers now.

i will have some new Casey Jones Clone this weekend, these will not touch the tent in veg and go into my room i have always used in the past. i might put them in the tent just while their under the dome because its easier to keep warm, they did great last time until the dome came off and i am thinking its because of the dome keeping the off gassing out from the pipe? but it will only be a few days if i do put them in the tent under the dome only.

heres some pics to show you them now.
Great stuff, nice to finally see them finally growing up a bunch! Hey Irish what models were you now running on these plants again I'm confused with all the talk of switching units around.

PS: check out this random shot I got off my machete nylon (i think thats what it is) sheath as it lay outside my grow tent near a window! View attachment 1550366


Well-Known Member
Great stuff, nice to finally see them finally growing up a bunch! Hey Irish what models were you now running on these plants again I'm confused with all the talk of switching units around.

PS: check out this random shot I got off my machete nylon (i think thats what it is) sheath as it lay outside my grow tent near a window! View attachment 1550366
right now on this grow ive only used the 1st 2011 model 240w.. when they were to get bigger i was going to use two newish 2011 500w models.

ive seen stuff like that on my tent crazy, shows the colors nice.


Im having the same trouble with my plants whit the older leaves dying probably due to gnats. Ive done the whole sand thing, and neem and they just wont go away. weird cause during my first grow i used sand and they never came back. But oh well, the buds seems to be mostly unaffected. I recently got a 50w plasma lamp to add in with my 3 ufos and the plants seem to like the added spectrums they're getting. Idk how well it would fare alone but as far as suplimental lighting goes it seems pretty nice. I could see a high wattage plasma working wonders by its self though. Too bad they are expensive as shit : P


Active Member
Subbing. Just out of curiosity, what did you do with your old LEDs from the previous journals? I see one you're using for vegging but what of the others? Are they still working?


Well-Known Member
Im having the same trouble with my plants whit the older leaves dying probably due to gnats. Ive done the whole sand thing, and neem and they just wont go away. weird cause during my first grow i used sand and they never came back. But oh well, the buds seems to be mostly unaffected. I recently got a 50w plasma lamp to add in with my 3 ufos and the plants seem to like the added spectrums they're getting. Idk how well it would fare alone but as far as suplimental lighting goes it seems pretty nice. I could see a high wattage plasma working wonders by its self though. Too bad they are expensive as shit : P
i used some mosquito dunks and gnats are pretty much gone from what i can tell, Google them for cannabis
Subbing. Just out of curiosity, what did you do with your old LEDs from the previous journals? I see one you're using for vegging but what of the others? Are they still working?
i am going to send the old ones back and they will be sold at discount. they work great and have treated me really good.
This thread is in need of CPR!
ya i know ive been not feeling too good, ill get new pics up soon


Well-Known Member
They seem to be recovering well. I was getting paranoid man. "Irish is M.I.A." Good to hear from you.


Well-Known Member
just picked up 2 290's from Mike. Gonna be popping some res SDIBL :).

well i have you to blame for making me a bit more poor :D


Well-Known Member
just picked up 2 290's from Mike. Gonna be popping some res SDIBL :).

well i have you to blame for making me a bit more poor :D
did you get that discount i was talking about threw out my thread? remember i didnt make you buy them, the grows


Well-Known Member
Irish have you grown any seedlings under these LED? I'm kinda frustrated with myself now for not keeping mine under CFL first, the LED made the inter nodes so close together the little plants have barely grown in over all size after 3 weeks from growing every possible point at once (that was at 2ft, highest I can get is 3ft). I'd say to anyone to keep your seedlings and maybe even small clones under CFL or HID for at least 2 weeks before going under these powerful LED lights! *the 2 plants of mine that had 5 and 10 days under CFL are much much further ahead because their supporting leaves got a head start?

Have high have you been keeping your lights again?