is 84*F too hot in my tent?

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
Where are you taking temps? I got a wall thermometer 5' high that right now reads 69F, a thermometer on the soil surface of big bushy plants (shaded) that reads 67, a thermometer in exposure to the lights that reads 85, and a soil probe thermometer that reads 78. Anyway I have come to the conclusion I was chasing my tail on temps. So here is a temp swing right at 20 degrees, all at the same time depending on the measuring point.

Anyway I have decided if I get in the room and it feels comfortably warm, maybe a little bit hotter than I like my living room air it's gonna be OK. Then chill it at night.
I can not agree more....chasing the temp will drive you crazy....go for a comfortable range and be done with it.....IMHO


Well-Known Member
I can not agree more....chasing the temp will drive you crazy....go for a comfortable range and be done with it.....IMHO
Agreed. I have put my plants on the deck recently in 60F air temps where the thermometer exposed to sun ends pushing 90 if there is not a breeze. Grown outdoors for 30+ years and my plants have ranged from 30's in the morning to 80ish in the afternoon, thousands of times. Thinking you need to keep the temp swing within 15 degrees or You're Gonna Get the Hermies is ridiculous.

Just my opinion but also my experience.


Active Member
AIR FLOW! Vent. I try to stay under 80, but im in the desert, I pull them outside the tent if its to hot in the tent.


Active Member
yep. I go by the temp outside and the range is all over. Between 30-110f. Ive read over and over that revegging and stress and all that shit will hermie my plant. I have yet to come across a hermie in my garden. I have came across males, which of course were trashed right away, but my fuckin around and sometimes neglect have never ended me up with a hermie.
Right on AIM!.
And Good Luck on your grow wonder!


Active Member
Thanks for all the input guys, I believe I am over thinking the temps at the moment. When summer is in full swing I'm sure I'll have to really worry then. To clarify where the temps are taken and the differences here's a pic.
The temp in red is taken directly under the light at plant level, my thermometer is also black which might be making it read high.
The temp in blue is taken in the corner, not directly under the light but still at plant level.
The yellow is taken outside the tent near one of the passive intakes.

IMG_0642 editeddd.jpg

Should I consider the blue temp to be the most accurate vs. the red?


Well-Known Member
Whatever. It's not that big of a deal. If the grow room temp is comfortable to you it's fine for the plants. Temperatures stated in grow literature are for OPTIMAL growth, and they are good guidelines, but not a set in stone requirement for the plant to grow fine.


Active Member
What do you guys feel is more important during flowering. Drop in day and night temps or having a lower temp. I too run around 80/85 and get down to 70/75 at night. I see some will have dark period during day to keep it cooler but then are running a more constant 75 the whole time. Maybe I am over thinking it?


Well-Known Member
topic says it all: My tent is running an average of 84*F with the lights on, too hot? I have a 6" inline running a carbon filter sucking the hot air out and blowing out my window. Using passive intake with 1 bottom port open and a whole flap open on the other side. Not sure of a better way to get temps down?
if you get another fan and run an intake from the window your temps will drop a grip. frresh air.